[rrg] Summary of Tuneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR)

Juan Jose Adan <juanjose.adan@gmail.com> Tue, 22 December 2009 21:48 UTC

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Subject: [rrg] Summary of Tuneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR)
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Hi Lixia:

Here is the summary of Tunneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR).

Merry Christmas.



Tunneled Inter-domain Routing (TIDR)

Provides a method for locator-identifier separation using tunnels between
of the edge of the Internet transit infrastructure. It enrichs BGP protocol
distributing the identifier-to-locator mapping. Using new BGP atributes
prefixes" are assigned interdomain routing locators so that they will not be
installed in the RIB and will be moved to a new table called Tunnel
Information Base
(TIB). Afterwards, when routing a packet to the "identifier prefix", the TIB
will be
searched first to perform tunnel imposition, and secondly the RIB for actual
After the edge router performs tunnel imposition, all routers in the middle
route this packet until the router being the tail-end of the tunnel.

- Smooth deployment
- Size Reduction of the Global RIB Table
- Deterministic Customer Traffic Engineering for Incoming Traffic
- Numerous Forwarding Decisions for a Particular Address Prefix
- TIDR Stops AS Number Space Depletion
- Improved BGP Convergence
- Protection of the Inter-domain Routing Infrastructure
- Easy Separation of Control Traffic and Transit Traffic
- Different Layer-2 Protocol-IDs for Transit and Non-Transit Traffic
- Multihoming Resilience
- New Address Families and Tunneling Techniques
- TIDR for IPv4 or IPv6, and Migration to IPv6
- Scalability, Stability and Reliability
- Faster Inter-domain Routing

- Routers of the edge of the interdomain infrastructure will need to be
to hold the mapping database (i.e. the TIB)

- "Mapping updates" will need to be treated differently from usual BGP
"routing updates"

The draft I submitted to the IETF is located on:

Here there are some other links that add more information:

--> on scalability of the global BGP table and reducing BGP churn
[RAM] TIDR using the IDENTIFIERS attribute (19-April-2007)

--> on the different role of transit and non-transit ASes
[RRG] LISP etc architecture  (20-Sept-2007)

--> on AS-based routing with very fine granularity
[RRG] yetAnotherProposal: AS-number forwarding  (11-March-2008)