Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as both IDs & Locs
Robin Whittle <> Fri, 19 February 2010 06:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as both IDs & Locs
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Short version: The Locator functions of a LEID (LISP EID) are performed differently by an ITR than the usual approach. But the destination LEID is still the Locator, just as much as a non-LEID IP address. There is no other Locator in the packet. Hi Noel, You wrote: >> From: Robin Whittle <> > >> if the LEID destination address is for a host in a network different >> from that of the sending host, then for part of the journey to the >> destination host, the LEID address has its Locator semantics >> interpreted by a new "Algorithm 2", which ITRs execute. > > An LEID _has no general location semantics_. > > The fact that you _always_ _have_ to do a mapping from an LEID, to get > something that _does_ have full location semantics (the RLOC) is the surest > sign of that. > > Saying that a particular name 'has location semantics' because there's a > mapping system that translates that name into _another_ name, one which > _does_ unquestionably have location semantics, is totally ludicrous. By that > reasoning, DNS names have location semantics. OK - but from the point of view of the host which sends the packet, the LEID IP address is like any other global unicast IP address: the routing system uses it to get the packet to the destination. The destination address is both a Locator and an Identifier of the destination host. What's different about an LEID is that it will be forwarded to an ITR which has a different method of sending the packet closer to its destination than the method used by ordinary routers. That's the Algorithm 1 method by which the ordinary routing system implements the Location function of the destination IP address. This information in the FIB of each router is generated automatically as part of the routing system, such as the DFZ BGP system. LEIDs are part of a special subset of the global unicast address space which is handled by an enhancement to the routing system - ITRs, ETRs and a mapping system. The ITR has a different algorithm for implementing the destination IP address's Locator function. It doesn't use its ordinary FIB approach or directly use the best-path information generated by the BGP or iGP control plane. The ITR uses LISP mapping and the ITR-style FIB to tunnel the packet to an ETR, rather than forwarding it to a neighbour. There's nothing explicit about the IP address: which says the host it identifies is in MIT. If a router in Sydney looks at this address, its Algorithm 1 response will be to forward it to a neighbouring router - maybe in Sydney, maybe in Los Angeles, maybe in Singapore. At present, considering the contents of all the FIBs of routers around the world, "" in the destination field will cause the packet to be sent towards MIT and eventually to the particular host known as "". The BGP control plane is self-organising system exchanging information to set up the FIBs of all participating routers. Where the packet addressed to "" will be sent depends entirely on that information. Right now, it will be sent to MIT. The LISP mapping system is a separate system where end-user networks provide explicit information about one or more ETRs to which packets should be sent. If the destination address was a LEID and the ITR was in Sydney, or anywhere else, then each ITR would use Algorithm 2 to tunnel the packet to an ETR which would then use Algorithm 1 to forward the packet to the destination, potentially through other routers which also use Algorithm 1. The packet wouldn't be sent to an ITR again, because by the time it gets to the ETR, there is a more-specific route which matches its destination address than the default route (which would send it either towards an ITR, or out to the DFZ and then to a PTR). Packets addressed to "core" addresses are only handled by Algorithm 1. Packets addressed to "edge" addresses, (LEIDs) are handled usually by Algorithm 1 till they get to an ITR, then by Algorithm 2 at the ITR where they are tunneled to ETR (the packet being forwarded according to Algorithm 1 operating on the outer header's destination address) - and then by Algorithm 1 again to the destination host. LISP, or any other CES architecture, provides an enhancement to the routing system, which handles an "edge" subset of the global unicast address space as Locators, with different semantics then Algorithm 1. I agree it depends on a mapping system - and this mapping system doesn't care at all about physically or topologically where the ETR is. The CES architecture involves a different algorithm for part of the packet's travel - with a different semantic system by which the destination LEID address acts as a Locator. The LEID IP address still performs as a Locator just as much as any other non-LEID ("core" = RLOC != "edge) IP address. This is an important change, but still the LEID is the only destination Locator the packet has. CEE architectures implement Locator/Identifier Separation, which is much more radical. Then the packet has separate source and destination Locator and Identifier fields. - Robin
- [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as both … Robin Whittle
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Noel Chiappa
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Robin Whittle
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Noel Chiappa
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Robin Whittle
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Templin, Fred L
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Templin, Fred L
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Noel Chiappa
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Templin, Fred L
- Re: [rrg] LEIDs, SPI & ordinary IP addresses as b… Robin Whittle