Re: [rtcweb] Signalling, SDP, and the way we think about interconnecting RTCWEB applications

Dzonatas Sol <> Sun, 16 October 2011 15:19 UTC

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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Signalling, SDP, and the way we think about interconnecting RTCWEB applications
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On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:36 AM, Wolfgang

> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Dzonatas Sol <> wrote:
> > There are always "border crossing" issues, which often exploits
> encryption
> > as useless even if it works.
> > Main thing is that assets should not be cached server-to-server unless
> those
> > servers tether those assets, yet imagine the
> > transient optimizations possible.
> I'm not sure what you are trying to explain..
> I'm aware that 3d party authentication has its own set of problems,
> but it might be a way to get forward with RTCWEB's signaling problem
> without re-inventing SIP or XMPP.

In SL, the main tether is simulated gravity. It's harder for the client to
just make-up gravity that would agree with the server. With that known logic
and ray-casts there are many other security options besides encryption.

It's seems hard for devs to justify that level of security without such case
being used for games or only seen as games when it is real-time ubiquity in

In your case to "avoid RTCWEB server from having to speak to each other at
all" that would mean absolute no tether and no simulated gravity. If that
was the case then, how do we deal with needs at the Olympics? I would not
expect everyone's mobile to work in unison perfectly as one web to meet all
needs. Safety net? Yes.

On a recent news: I like CSS regions suggestion which limits javascript just
to those regions. I think that helps model this WGs overall case with the
trapezoid layout as CSS.