Re: [rtcweb] Consensus call regarding media security

"Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)" <> Thu, 29 March 2012 17:56 UTC

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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Consensus call regarding media security
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On 3/29/12 2:35 PM, Magnus Westerlund wrote:
> On 2012-03-29 08:02, Bernard Aboba wrote:
>> I agree with proposition #1 (SRTP) unconditionally.
>> With respect to proposition #2 (DTLS-SRTP), perhaps the words "with
>> details to be worked out" should have been added. 
>> I believe that the consensus achieved was only on a general direction,
>> not an endorsement of particular proposals.
>> Personally, I would like to have more specifics about the required
>> features of DTLS-SRTP in the RTCWEB context.
> I hope someone that knows the details can elaborate on this. I thought
> DTLS-SRTP has a core that you will need to implement. Then there is
> clearly a question of crypto algorithms to be supported. But that also
> applies to SRTP where we also need to select which crypto suites that
> are to be implemented if any in addtion to the MITM. The WG will need to
> select these details as part of the next steps.

Hi Magnus,

imho the selection of a crypto algorithms is not the first priority (it
will probably goes with some well known AES-stuff), as the first
priority is to define which will be the Key Management system to be used

Given the SRTP standard,the security and trust model radically change
depending on the key exchange system details.

With DTLS-SRTP the key exchange and security/trust model seems quite
opaque and there's not a specific guideline to implement it and/or to
satisfy a specific security requirement.

While the SDES-SRTP method satisfy  all the 4.1.1.* Calling method
requirement of ,
because it would just rely on existing TLS/HTTPS method.

So it would not even enter into the context/discussion of trust with the
server, that has been already managed by the existing TLS/HTTPS.

I did not really understand how DTLS-SRTP would like to manage the
so-many-complicated trust scenario that TLS/HTTPS already manage.

Imho everything should be simplified with two context:
- Do you need end-to-site (TLS equivalent) security?

- Do you need end-to-end (ZRTP/PGP equivalent) security?
  DTLS-SRTP with user-driven verification schema (such as Short
Authentication String / Fingerprint / Key pinning)

Fabio Pietrosanti
Founder, CTO

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