Re: [rtcweb] Requesting "SDP or not SDP" debate to be re-opened

Peter Thatcher <> Tue, 18 June 2013 22:16 UTC

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From: Peter Thatcher <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 15:16:09 -0700
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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Requesting "SDP or not SDP" debate to be re-opened
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Adam, I think you're confused.  As Ted pointed out, there are two different
uses of SDP: 1.  as a control surface, 2. as a message format for
signalling.  SDPNG was trying to replace SDP for #2.  While I believe this
thread was started entirely focused on #1.  So you're talking about
different things.

So far the only time spent on trying to replace or avoid SDP for #1 has
been "comment 22", and to a lesser extent the proposal I just made for
adding 2 methods to PeerConnection (createLocalStream and
createRemoteStream).   I think it's incorrect to conclude that we should
never try to improve #1 just because other in the past failed to replace
#2.  They're very different.

I also don't think we should burn down WebRTC and start over, but despite
what some seem to think, we don't have to choose between "burn it down" and
"never improve it".  There are many options other than the two extremes.

By the way, a gentle reminder: SDP is not the only way to do #2.  I work on
a rather large system almost entirely build around Jingle, without a hint
of SDP, and it works just fine.  Much better than SDP would have, I think.
 Just because SDPNG didn't work out doesn't mean there will never be any
way other to do signalling than SDP.

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Adam Roach <> wrote:

> On 6/18/13 15:15, Ted Hardie wrote:
>> Creating something new that accomplishes that and is substantially better
>> than SDP seems like a long task to me.
> Many men have died on that hill. I'm still sad about the colossal time and
> talent sink represented by these 61 pages:
> I have no reason to think that burning WebRTC down the the ground and
> starting over would produce a different result. If anything, the issues are
> more contentious now than they were in 2005.
> /a
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