[rtcweb] WebRTC Paris 2013: The first real-world deployments
"Michel Gosse" <michelg@upperside.fr> Tue, 17 September 2013 11:31 UTC
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The second edition of the WebRTC conference will be held in Paris Roissy CDG, from 10 to 12 December, 2013: Sessions include telco and enterprise testimonies, standardization updates, performance, QoS & codecs issues. A large part of the second day is dedicated to implementations. A panel will focus on Browser/HTML5 vs. Native applications and support for WebRTC on mobile devices and chipsets. A startup speed dating session will include descriptions from start-ups and from new initiatives at larger companies. Each will have a few minutes to present the company and key benefits. Application for this session is still open. Organizers will select finalists to present on stage. More info: <http://www.uppersideconferences.com/webrtc2013/webrtc2013intro.html> http://www.uppersideconferences.com/webrtc2013/webrtc2013intro.html
- [rtcweb] WebRTC Paris 2013: The first real-world … Michel Gosse