[rtcweb] Proposal for Theora baseline codec

Monty Montgomery <xiphmont@gmail.com> Thu, 29 March 2012 14:09 UTC

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From: Monty Montgomery <xiphmont@gmail.com>
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Subject: [rtcweb] Proposal for Theora baseline codec
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If we're suggesting ten+ year-old codecs with low patent risk, let's
choose an obviously higher performance example.  Dare I say it...

I think we've gotten off track.

Twelve years ago, oblique threats were made against the nascent Vorbis
by Thomson and the whole world decided it was a patent risk.  It never
was.  Fool me once, shame on you.

In the mid 2000s, people started picking on Theora the same way, and a
few years ago Steve Jobs [and Larry Horn, et al] informed the world he
was coming after us. Nothing came of it.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

Now we have the same substance-less muttering about VP8, suggesting
that it's better to use leftover crumbs from 20 years ago.

Fool me three times, I should begin to wonder if I have the requisite
capacity to be engaging in technical endeavors.
