Re: [rtcweb] Video Codec discussion in Thursday agenda slot

Ted Hardie <> Tue, 12 March 2013 18:33 UTC

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Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 14:33:14 -0400
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From: Ted Hardie <>
To: David Singer <>
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Cc: Stuart Cheshire <>,
Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Video Codec discussion in Thursday agenda slot
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Hi David,

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:12 PM, David Singer <> wrote:
> I am sorry, I don't understand.
> At the last meeting, the codec discussion was deferred at the request of one company and with no reason offered.  It was delayed so late that people, such as my colleague, who had flown in for this discussion had already arrived when it was deferred.
> This time, we have late-breaking news which is missing important details, warrants significant preparatory discussion before the meeting, and you have justified requests for time from multiple companies, and you go ahead?
Magnus and I discussed this with the RAI area directors last night at
some length, and our joint conclusion was that the presentations could
go ahead in the existing agenda slot because there was technical
content to discuss.  Those discussions need to happen
in advance of the overall consensus call, and we concluded that we
could likely do that at this meeting without having to re-do it again
in the light of new IPR data.  (In the interest of full disclosure, I
should note that Cullen disagreed with this, but was not able to
attend the discussion with the ADs, as he has been unavoidably

Magnus's comment "Prior to any consensus question regarding the actual
codec the chairs will verify consensus to ask such questions." means
that a consensus call on whether or not there is currently enough
information to make a decision will happen before a call on
the actual codec.   If there is no such consensus, the call on the
actual codec is likely to happen on the list, as a two week last call
after the new data is available.  That's not entirely fixed as a plan
in part because we have not been able to discuss it with Cullen, but
that's the basic idea at the moment.

As before, all of the chairs and our AD have potential conflicts of
interest, so Robert Sparks will be asking the actual consensus calls
and assessing the results.

Hope that helps explain things,


Ted Hardie