Re: [rtcweb] Request for status update

Adam Roach <> Fri, 12 July 2019 23:00 UTC

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On 7/4/19 5:54 AM, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
> Can you assure me that -4566bis, -clue-protocol, -rmcat-eval-criteria
> and -ice-sip-sdp are not blockers for pushing out the rest of the 238
> cluster?

As that's a bit outside a single WG's area, I'll answer this as AD.

First, I'll discuss the CLUE subcluster:

  * The CLUE documents (both protocol and signaling) have dependencies
    into the cluster, but nothing outside of CLUE refers to them. They
    will remain in the cluster, but not block publication of anything
    except for other CLUE documents.
  * draft-ietf-mmusic-rfc4566bis only blocks
    draft-ietf-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg, which is a part of the
    cluster by virtue of it being a CLUE dependency.

The documents draft-rmcat-eval-criteria and draft-rmcat-wireless-tests 
are  dependencies for draft-ietf-rmcat-eval-test. That document, in 
turn, is part of the cluster because it has dependencies pointing into 
the cluster. No dependencies point outward towards 
draft-ietf-rmcat-eval-test, so these two documents do not block 
publication of the WebRTC portion of the cluster.

Draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-sip SDP is a blocker for most documents in Cluster 
238, as it is a strictly necessary normative dependency for BUNDLE [1]. 
It is on the August 8th IESG formal telechat.


[1] This structure may seem odd at first, and it is almost certainly not 
how one would have structured documents if one were to have designed the 
whole cluster up front. However, the current structure has been debated 
at length, with a conclusion that unwrapping this specific part of the 
Gordian knot would take substantial effort for little real long-term 
gain. Based on those conversations, my estimate is that an attempt to 
refactor documents to avoid this dependency would add 24 to 36 months to 
the effort, if begun today.