Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg: external rejection of channel
"Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)" <> Fri, 28 February 2014 16:46 UTC
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From: "Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)" <>
To: Paul Kyzivat <>, Christer Holmberg <>, "" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg: external rejection of channel
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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-channel-sdpneg: external rejection of channel
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Hi Paul, > >> Isn't it enough to, in the data channel protocol spec, say that the > odd/even > >> rule applies unless the stream id is explicitly negotiated using some > other > >> mechanism? > >> > > [Raju] Yes, that is sufficient from DCP draft. draft-ejzak-mmusic-data- > channel-sdpneg should still need to say that "when both external and DCP are > used, even for DCP created streams the stream ids have to be specified and > managed by the application (else DCP stack will default to odd/even rule per > DTLS role which may conflict with SDP offer/answer rule)". > > Can we assume there must be a mechanism for using DCEP and still > controlling which channels are used? [Raju] Yes, we can assume that and it is already supported by : and I believe it is safe to assume non-browser implementations of data channel stack gives an option for application to select stream ids independent of DCEP or external negotiation. > > It might help if the O/A negotiation also followed the even/odd rule. [Raju] May be I am missing something here. Richard's draft already has a specific even/odd rule for O/A. But the issue is TLS based rule may conflict with the O/A rule as TLS roles may change depending on a=setup. > But there are difficulties in knowing who is even and who is odd for the > first O/A. [Raju] Not related to first or subsequent O/A, but rather a conflict between TLS roles vs. O/A. > > If the offerer always creates the channel before sending the offer, then > that will prevent the two mechanisms from stepping on one another's > stream ids. [Raju] In some cases, initial offer may not have a data channel stream created. I don't know how this can prevent stepping on each other?! May be I am missing something here?! In most cases TLS role is determined after O/A is completed, but offerer creates a data channel before answer, then how does it know even/odd rule? So, trying to use TLS role for external negotiation is problematic. Thanks Raju
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Christer Holmberg
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Paul Kyzivat
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Makaraju, Maridi Raju (Raju)
- Re: [rtcweb] [MMUSIC] draft-ejzak-mmusic-data-cha… Paul Kyzivat