[rtcweb] URIs for rtcweb "calls"

Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 12 August 2011 17:46 UTC

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Subject: [rtcweb] URIs for rtcweb "calls"
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In one of the use cases we've discussed, there is an advertisement
placed on a page with something like "click here to chat with someone
now".  In some of the discussion in Quebec city, we circled around the
question of who did the job of connecting the user when there was a
click.  In a side discussion on that topic, Cullen, ekr, and I talked
about possibly making that explicit by using a uri structured along
these lines:

scheme: (e.g. rtw)
authority: the entity which will act as the signaling service for
setting up the session.
path-component-1: the entity to which you will be connected
path-component-2: a token used in the media path to assure you that
media is coming from someone with access to the uri


I don't want to delve into the UI aspects of this too much, but the
presumption I was working under was that if someone clicked on such a
link, it would open a new context (e.g. new browser window), and start
a session. path-component one could be something meaningful only
within a specific context:


Alternatively, it could be also meaningful in an external security
context, possibly because custchat.carmaker.example will appear in a
certificate in a known place during the media exchange.  It could also
be a reference to something like a presentity, where the presence
infrastructure provides an out-of-band mechanism for confirming

Do others think defining something like this would be useful?

If so, would the authority section be a host pointer or an xmpp-style service?
Does the format of path-compenent-1 need to be fixed, or can it be
Would a token be a pawn-ticket style URI, or would the whole URI be
something that could be bookmarked and re-used?

