[rtcweb] Open data channel issues

Michael Tuexen <Michael.Tuexen@lurchi.franken.de> Tue, 25 February 2014 23:44 UTC

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Dear all,

Magnus asked me to send a list of open issues regarding data channels
to the list. Here is my current list:

* Priority
  The W3C hasn't defined it yet. Neither for the (S)RTP media nor for the
  data channels. We agreed on using a non strict policy for the data channels
  (some sort of wighted fair queueing). That is all.

* Protocol
  It seems not to be clear what needs to be provided when registering a
  (sub)-protocol at IANA. And the name of the registry is unclear...

* SCTP parameters.
  There was discussed the issue how to set SCTP parameters, especially path.max.retrans
  and association.max.retrans. Also HB.Interval might be of interest.
  RFC 4060 recommends path.max.retrans=5, association.max.retrans=10, but has multihoming
  in mind. To avoid the dormant state, path.max.retrans = association.max.retrans should be used.
  I would suggest 10 for this value. Should HEARTBEATs be disabled?

* U-C 7: Proxy browsing

* Alternate CC for SCTP
  Currently there is only the standard CC. However, in some places negotiation of CC is

I'm currently going through the backlog of comments regarding the data channels
ID and I'll try to address the issues. If I find other issues, I send an update
to the above list.

Best regards