[rtcweb] API standardization on phones? (Re: Platforms that support H264)

Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no> Sun, 03 November 2013 18:10 UTC

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On 11/03/2013 06:52 PM, DRAGE, Keith (Keith) wrote:
> And this is where it would be useful to see some work done, although
> probably not by IETF.
> There a a few bits of API work out there, but nowhere do we see much
> push for adoption. As fae as I see there is no political reason why
> they should not be adopted, or even a fresh effort adopted to create
> some new ones. The only thing seems to be lack of impetus.

What's the industry state on standardization of APIs for phones?

Most of what I see seems to be platform specific, with some exceptions
(OpenGL / WebGL for graphics, OpenES for audio).

But it's not where I spend the most time looking; it would be good to
have someone who knows this space summarize.