[rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport parameter issue (February 15).
Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com> Fri, 08 February 2019 18:43 UTC
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From: Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2019 10:42:58 -0800
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To: RTCWeb IETF <rtcweb@ietf.org>, Sean Turner <sean@sn3rd.com>, Adam Roach <adam@nostrum.com>
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Subject: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport parameter issue (February 15).
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Over the the past few weeks, the working group has discussed whether to adopt a change to JSEP which would adjust how the ICE proto line transport parameters are populated in certain mid-session offers where the final candidate is a TCP candidate. Outside of the extensive working group discussion on the mailing list, participants may also wish to review the follow issue: https://github.com/rtcweb-wg/jsep/issues/854 and the conversations related to these two pull requests: https://github.com/rtcweb-wg/jsep/pull/862 and https://github.com/rtcweb-wg/jsep/pull/863 The chairs believe that there is technical consensus that this proposed change would not materially affect JSEP-only exchanges, since this parameter is ignored in those. The remaining technical issues are: * whether making one of these changes would improve interoperability between WebRTC and non-WebRTC clients which use SIP/SDP. * whether the additional complexity in tracking the use of UDP vs. TCP and populating the parameter accordingly is onerous or unwarranted for WebRTC implementations. After reviewing the discussion to date, the chairs believe that there is rough consensus for the first point, though there is also broad agreement that the benefit of this change is currently theoretical, since no existing WebRTC browser implementation has relevant code. On the second point, the chairs believe that there is no consensus yet demonstrated. Because we believe that this is in part because the actual proposal has not been entirely clear, and the complexity is therefore somewhat hard to gauge, the chairs wish to make a specific call for consensus. Does the working group approve the change in the following PR: https://github.com/rtcweb-wg/jsep/pull/863 ? Working group participants who have objections to the change are asked to specify whether they believe it has a technical fault, whether they object on the basis of its complexity, or whether they have other issues related to the change they need to raise. The chairs are already aware of the objection of Eric Rescorla on the basis of complexity, and will factor it into the review. Please send comments by February 15th, 2019. regards, Ted Hardie and Sean Turner
- [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport para… Ted Hardie
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Roman Shpount
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Justin Uberti
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Christer Holmberg
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Eric Rescorla
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Ted Hardie
- Re: [rtcweb] Call for consensus on ICE transport … Justin Uberti