[rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: Draft agenda for IETF 87)
Martin Thomson <martin.thomson@gmail.com> Fri, 12 July 2013 17:41 UTC
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From: Martin Thomson <martin.thomson@gmail.com>
To: Peter Thatcher <pthatcher@google.com>
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Cc: "Cullen Jennings (fluffy)" <fluffy@cisco.com>, "<rtcweb@ietf.org>" <rtcweb@ietf.org>
Subject: [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: Draft agenda for IETF 87)
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On 12 July 2013 10:19, Peter Thatcher <pthatcher@google.com> wrote: > I think advanced JS apps are going to use every control knob they can get > to, whether it's anticipated and well-supported or not. I think there's a > good chance that a a popular WebRTC web app will use some SDP mangling that > wasn't anticipated, but happened to work, but then the browser can't remove > it because it will break certain websites. It could get even worse if > someone writes a popular WebRTC wrapper library that uses tricky SDP > mangling that is then used by lots of websites. Certain SDP mangling > techniques might end up becoming a defacto standard API that can't be > removed, even if it was originally a bug. Or worse, one browser will have > to implement the SDP mangling or even the bugs of another, because WebRTC > apps have come to rely on them. > > In fact, it's already the case that Chrome and Firefox support far different > SDP manglings. I don't think any web apps rely on that yet, but it's only a > matter of time before someone figures out "hey, if I mangle the SDP on this > browser this way and on that browser that way, I can do things I couldn't do > otherwise". Or worse, an advanced web app developer says "hey, I can make > this work well on browser X via SDP mangling, but not on browser Y, so I'll > put a 'best used with Browser X' icon on my website". Then that someone > writes an abstraction on top of that, and then maybe shares that with > others, and it goes from there. > > I think we're in a race with web developers to see if they'll figure out SDP > mangling before we provide a way to avoid SDP mangling. Who do you think > moves faster? This is one of the arguments we've made against the use of SDP. There is a remedy for this (aside from comment 22 ;), but it's a fair amount of work: - provide very explicit and detailed instructions on what SDP to produce under all starting conditions, and - provide very explicit and detailed instructions on what to do with every single bit of SDP that is provided. That is what I believe to be necessary if this API is to have any hope of real success. Unfortunately, when I sat down to do this, I barely made it to t= sections. I simply cannot justify spending the time required for that sort of chore.
- [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: Draf… Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: … Peter Thatcher
- Re: [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: … Martin Thomson
- Re: [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: … Roman Shpount
- Re: [rtcweb] Another reason not to use SDP (was: … Matt Fredrickson