[rtcweb] Final list of Video Codec Alternatives

Magnus Westerlund <magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com> Thu, 28 November 2013 10:28 UTC

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Subject: [rtcweb] Final list of Video Codec Alternatives
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The below is the final list of the alternatives proposed:

---- Start of list ---

 1. All entities MUST support H.264
 2. All entities MUST support VP8
 3. All entities MUST support both H.264 and VP8
 4. Browsers MUST support both H.264 and VP8, other entities MUST
    support at least one of H.264 and VP8
 5. All entities MUST support at least one of H.264 and VP8
 6. All entities MUST support H.261
 7. There is no MTI video codec
 8. All entities MUST support H.261 and all entities MUST
    support at least one of H.264 and VP8
 9. All entities MUST support Theora
10. All entities MUST implement at least two of {VP8, H.264, H.261}
11. All entities MUST implement at least two of {VP8, H.264, H.263}
12. All entities MUST support decoding using both H.264 and VP8, and
    MUST support encoding using at least one of H.264 or VP8
13. All entities MUST support H.263
14. All entities MUST implement at least two of {VP8, H.264, Theora}
15. All entities MUST support decoding using Theora.

H.264 is a reference to the proposal in

VP8 is a reference to the proposal in

Unless explicitly noted in an alternative, implementation or support of
a codec requires both encoder and decoder.

--- End of list ---

If anyone see any issues with this list, please report them ASAP.

I have applied some last minute edits for clarification and
harmonization. I removed CBP from 14, the same that was done earlier to
10 and 11. I have also added the clarification that unless noted,
implement or support means both encoder and decoder. I also removed the
5+6 from 8.


Magnus Westerlund
(As WG chair)

Multimedia Technologies, Ericsson Research EAB/TVM
Ericsson AB                | Phone  +46 10 7148287
Färögatan 6                | Mobile +46 73 0949079
SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden| mailto: magnus.westerlund@ericsson.com