Re: [rtcweb] Video Codec Selection Alternatives 10 and 11: Merge?

John Leslie <> Mon, 25 November 2013 19:22 UTC

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Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:22:03 -0500
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Subject: Re: [rtcweb] Video Codec Selection Alternatives 10 and 11: Merge?
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Magnus Westerlund <> wrote:
> On 2013-11-25 15:30, Leon Geyser wrote:
>> I agree that 10 can be changed to:
>> 10. MUST implement at least two of {VP8, H.264 CBP, H.261}
> I did a mistake in this call. I missed that 10 and 11 talked about H.261
> and H.263 respectively.
> I think the above question of writing 10 in the above proposed format is
> then the relevant question to the WG.

   To me, that wording is void for vagueness... Per
] CPB may refer to:
] Companies[edit]
] Campbell Soup Company, stock symbol CPB
] Campbell Brothers, an Australian laboratory and manufacturing company
] Crispin Porter + Bogusky, an advertising agency
] Corporate Express (airline), a defunct Canadian airline
] Organizations[edit]
] The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a publicly funded non-profit corporation in the United States
] The CPB (Netherlands), a government agency in the Netherlands
] The Crown Property Bureau, a quasi-government agency in Thailand
] The École nationale supérieure de chimie et de physique de Bordeaux, one of the French grandes écoles
] Political parties[edit]
] Communist Party of Bangladesh
] Communist Party of Britain
] Communist Party of Burma
] Technology[edit]
] Cardiopulmonary bypass, also known as a "heart-lung machine"
] Charged particle beam of electrically charged particles
] CREB-binding protein, a transcription coregulator
] Cycles per byte, a unit of measurement related to microprocessors
] Coded Picture Buffer, a buffer for encoded video frames used in video decoding
] Other[edit]
] The Citizens Protection Bureau, a fictional police organization in the Total Recall 2070 television series
] Camilla Parker Bowles
] Central Planning Board, term used in market socialism theory
] Crippled Black Phoenix, a British post-rock supergroup

   (10) as it stands is quite clear: I don't think it deserves to be changed
at all.

   (And if we are to start changing entries, what is the process? Does
someone call consensus for the change?)

John Leslie <>