Re: [rtcweb] Meaning of SHOULD support/use interleaving

Harald Alvestrand <> Mon, 27 October 2014 18:27 UTC

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On 10/27/2014 07:19 AM, Christer Holmberg wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Within the CLUE WG, we had a discussion regarding the following statement in section 6.1 of draft-ietf-rtcweb-data-channel-12.txt:
>>> "The support for message interleaving as defined in
>>>                 [I-D.ietf-tsvwg-sctp-ndata] SHOULD be used."
>>> First, it is a little unclear what "the support SHOULD be used" means.
>> My understanding is that SCTP implementations supporting the extension will use it.
>> This is negotiated during the setup of the SCTP association.
> If it's done on SCTP level, why do we need to talk about it in the data channel draft? 
> Is there a reason why it is important to use it for data channels? If so, does it apply to data channels in general? 

NDATA was added in order to avoid head-of-line blocking on the transport
(if I understand this correctly, until this was added, sending a huge
message would block the delivery of small messages on all channels until
the huge message was fully delivered).

Unlike Michael, I see no reason to make this a SHOULD; I think it should
be a MUST, and the older implementations in browsers should just be
called out as non-conformant.

That said, I think that data channels ought to interoperate successfully
with implementations that don't support the extension - but data channel
implementations in WebRTC endpoints should be under a "MUST implement,
MUST offer" ruleset.

> Regards,
> Christer
> Whether messages are interleaved or not depends on the stream scheduler. This is a sender side only decision. The receiver has to deal with it.
> It is not a MUST, since there are implementations now in use which don't support the extension.
> Best regards
> Michael
>> Second, does it mean that any data channel protocol (e.g CLUE) SHOULD use interleaving, even if the characteristics of the protocol wouldn't require it?
>> Regards,
>> Christer
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