[rtcweb] Clarification on offer/answer in jsep-01

Kaiduan Xie <kaiduanx@gmail.com> Tue, 28 August 2012 01:40 UTC

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Subject: [rtcweb] Clarification on offer/answer in jsep-01
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Hi all,

I do not understand the statement below from 4.2. Session Descriptions
and State Machine

"As in [RFC3264], an offerer can send an offer, and update it as long
as it has not been answered."

However, per rfc3264 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3264 section 4
Protocol Operation,

"At any time, either agent MAY generate a new offer that updates the
 session. However, it MUST NOT generate a new offer if it has
 received an offer which it has not yet answered or rejected.
 Furthermore, it MUST NOT generate a new offer if it has generated a
 prior offer for which it has not yet received an answer or a

Please look the last sentence. Can anyone explain why JSEP introduces
something different than RFC3264 please?

Best regards,
