[rtcweb] Not an API proposal
Martin Thomson <martin.thomson@gmail.com> Tue, 12 March 2013 14:08 UTC
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Keep in mind that this isn't the W3C. This would be illustrative only. partial interface RTCPeerConnection { RTCDataChannel createDataChannel(optional DataChannelProperties properties); EventHandler ondatachannel; }; dictionary DataChannelProperties { unsigned short streamId = (next available value); boolean ordered = true; long rtxCount = (really really big); long rtxTime = (really really big); [Clamp] unsigned short binaryPpid = (registered webrtc binary PPID); DOMString label = ""; DOMString protocol = null; }; interface RTCDataChannel { unsigned short streamId; boolean ordered; long rtxCount; long rtxTime; short binaryPpid; DOMString label; DOMString protocol; }; RTCDataChannel implements WebSocket; DataChannelMessageEvent : Event { short binaryPpid; }; Usage for reliable, ordered text (basically the same as websockets): var dc = pc.createDataChannel(); dc.send(text); dc.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(e.message); }; Advanced usage for something else...on request. I need to pay more attention to the session.
- [rtcweb] Not an API proposal Martin Thomson