Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation
Harald Alvestrand <> Thu, 24 October 2013 11:33 UTC
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On 10/24/2013 10:49 AM, Bo Burman wrote: > It is really difficult to at all comment on this since there is far too little data available. There is no way to review the settings and parameters used, and of course no way to repeat the tests, and hopefully our previous inputs related to objective quality evaluation has made it clear to everyone that parameter settings make a huge difference. Bo, your organization is an MPEG member, so you can get the streams, and the scripts used to produce them, any day you want. I've sent you the login details to the server in separate mail. The VP8 parameters were the ones used for the VP8 vs IVC comparision presented in MPEG input documents to the Geneva MPEG meeting; I think you will find the actual command lines either in the input documents or in the attachments. The AVC streams used were the ones produced for the initial MPEG "royalty-free video codec" call for proposals 2 years back, using the JM encoder; I don't know who produced them, it might even have been Ericsson. I'd expect that you'd find the encoding parameters used in those documents. If you want to repeat the tests, feel very free to hire your own independent laboratory to do so - Vittorio's evaluation methods are very well known in the MPEG community. We have absolutely no interest in keeping anything secret here - the only reason it's not all in the open is because of MPEG rules about access to documents and test sequences! > > It can also be noted that even if the results are assumed to be correct (which there is currently no way to verify) the conclusions drawn seem incorrect. E.g., it is stated that "In 7/10 sequences tested VP8 LD was clearly better than AVC constrained baseline", but when examining the plots the confidence intervals seem to be overlapping. I'm not sure what you are looking at - could you identify the slides where you see overlapping confidence intervals between the red line (VP8 LD) and the green line (AVC constrained baseline)? > > Without any more information it can only be concluded that this test has very little value. As I've noted in another thread, discussions about quality seem to have very little value anyway, since there's nobody who's said that they will change their mind if they get some new quality information. But we had this evaluation already, so sharing information with the community seemed to be the community-minded thing to do. -- Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.
- [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Harald Alvestrand
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Krasimir Kolarov
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Basil Mohamed Gohar
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Harald Alvestrand
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Harald Alvestrand
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Basil Mohamed Gohar
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Bo Burman
- Re: [rtcweb] VP8 vs H.264 - subjective evaluation Harald Alvestrand