Re: [rtcweb] confirming sense of the room: mti codec

Ross Finlayson <> Fri, 12 December 2014 10:45 UTC

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I also support the rough consensus reached by those of us in the room in Honolulu.

It has been said that “a good compromise is one in which all parties are unhappy”.  By that measure, this is most definitely a good compromise :-)

I think that just about everybody is unhappy about at least some aspect of this compromise.  (For example, as I noted at the microphone in Honolulu, I dislike the fact that making two codecs MTI in browsers for perpetuity - and with the likelihood that at least one of these codecs will be somewhat encumbered for at least the near future - may dampen the possibility of a flourishing ecosystem emerging in the browser space.  But I understand why many others feel that this requirement on browsers is necessary.)

So yes, we’re all a bit unhappy, but I haven’t seen any sign - in any of the recent postings on this mailing list - of an alternative compromise that is likely to gain close to the same degree of consensus.  So, continuing to debate this ad nauseam does nothing but cause further delay (which I'm sure nobody would want :-)

It’s time for us to collectively hold our noses, declare consensus on this issue, and move forward.

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.