[rtcweb] Fwd: [CFP] FOSDEM 2021, RTC devroom, speakers, volunteers neeeded
FOSDEM RTC Team <fosdem-rtc-admin@freertc.org> Wed, 23 December 2020 19:54 UTC
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Subject: [rtcweb] Fwd: [CFP] FOSDEM 2021, RTC devroom, speakers, volunteers neeeded
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FOSDEM - Real Time Communications devroom CfP ============================================= NOTE: we have extended the deadline but we will give preference to people who submitted earlier when we set the time for each talk. Please submit your proposal ASAP so that you can get your preferred time slot. Overview -------- [FOSDEM](https://fosdem.org) is one of the world's premier meetings of free software developers, with over five thousand people attending each year. FOSDEM 2021 takes place 6-7 February 2021 and for the very first time, it will be online. This document contains information about: - Real-Time Communications developer room (devroom) - speaking opportunities - volunteering New rules for the online edition -------------------------------- This year FOSDEM will be fully online instead of being held in Brussels, here are the most important things to know about this (quite significant) change: - The reference time will be Brussels local time (CET) - Talks will be pre-recorded in advance, and streamed during the event - The Q/A session will be live - A facility will be provided for people watching to chat between themselves - A facility will be provided for people watching to submit questions Call for participation - Real Time Communications (RTC) ------------------------------------------------------- The Real-Time devroom is about all things involving real-time communication, including: XMPP, SIP, WebRTC, telephony, mobile VoIP, codecs, peer-to-peer, privacy and encryption. **We are looking for speakers for the devroom and volunteers who can help manage the scheduling and live Q&A sessions.** The devroom is only on Saturday, 6th of February 2021. To discuss the devroom, volunteer or ask questions, please join the [Free-RTC mailing list](http://lists.freertc.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss). ### Key dates - 20th Dec: Submission deadline (extended to 8 January) - 24th Dec: Announcement of selected talks - 15th Jan: Presentations upload deadline - 6th & 7th Feb: Conference dates (online) - 6th Feb: RTC devroom date (online) ### Speaking opportunities Note: if you used FOSDEM Pentabarf before, please use the same account/username Real-Time Communications devroom: deadline 23:59 UTC on 20th of December. Please use the [Pentabarf](https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM21/) system to submit a talk proposal for the devroom. On the "General" tab, please look for the "Track" option and choose "Real Time Communications devroom". ### First-time speaking? FOSDEM devrooms are a welcoming environment for people who have never given a talk before. Please feel free to contact the devroom administrators personally if you would like to ask any questions about it. This year this is more true than ever, being able to record your presentation offline without an audience in front can greatly help build up one's confidence! ### Submission guidelines The Pentabarf system will ask for many of the essential details. Please remember to re-use your account from previous years if you have one. In the "Submission notes", please tell us about: - The purpose of your talk - Any other talk applications (devrooms, lightning talks, main track) - Availability constraints and special needs You can use HTML and links in your bio, abstract and description. If you maintain a blog, please consider providing us with the URL of a feed with posts tagged for your RTC-related work. We will be looking for relevance to the conference and devroom themes, presentations aimed at developers of free and open source software about RTC-related topics. Please feel free to suggest a duration between 20 minutes and 55 minutes but note that the final decision on talk durations will be made by the devroom administrators based on the number of received proposals. As the two previous devrooms have been combined into one, we may decide to give shorter slots than in previous years so that more speakers can participate. Please note FOSDEM aims to record and live-stream all talks. The CC-BY license is used. ### Recording help The devroom organization is able to provide help with recording your session. The recording would be performed at a scheduled time with one of us, so you won't be alone giving your presentation. Minimal edits will be possible, but the ideal plan is to record it in one shot. Thanks Dan Jenkins for providing us with the means to do this! Volunteers needed ----------------- To make the devroom run successfully, we are looking for volunteers. This year many things be done for the first time, so all the help we can get is more than welcome. Spread the word and discuss --------------------------- If you know of any mailing lists where this CfP would be relevant, please forward this document. If this devroom excites you, please blog or microblog about it, especially if you are submitting a talk. If you regularly blog about RTC topics, please send details about your blog to the planet site administrators: - All projects https://planet.freertc.org planet@freertc.org - XMPP https://planet.jabber.org ralphm@ik.nu - SIP https://planet.sip5060.net planet@sip5060.net Please also link to the Planet sites from your own blog or web site as this helps everybody in the free real-time communications community. Contact ------- For any private queries, contact us directly using the address **fosdem-rtc-admin@freertc.org** and for any other queries please ask on the [Free-RTC mailing list](http://lists.freertc.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss). The devroom administration team: - Saúl Ibarra Corretgé <s@saghul.net> - Ralph Meijer <ralphm@ik.nu> - Daniel-Constantin Mierla <miconda@gmail.com> - Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> - Guus der Kinderen <guus.der.kinderen@gmail.com>
- [rtcweb] Fwd: [CFP] FOSDEM 2021, RTC devroom, spe… FOSDEM RTC Team