[rtcweb] H.264 IPR status (RE: VP8 litigation in Germany?)
<Markus.Isomaki@nokia.com> Tue, 12 March 2013 14:20 UTC
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From: Markus.Isomaki@nokia.com
To: ted.ietf@gmail.com
Thread-Topic: H.264 IPR status (RE: VP8 litigation in Germany?)
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Hi Ted, Ted Hardie wrote: > >> What comes to H.264, the Nokia IPR related to that has been disclosed >> to those SDOs where that codec has been developed, except for the RTP >> payload format that is in the IETF. I assume all that is publicly >> available to interested parties. If I recall correctly, some pointers were >floating around prior to IETF 85. > I'm sure others on this list know that side >better than me. >> >Hi Markus, > >Thanks for the clarification. I could not find the pointers that you mention; if >you could provide a URL to the patent list and license terms, that would be >very useful. I understand you have already said that this would be some >flavor of RAND, but the working group comments seem to indicate folks want >to see the actual license text if that is available. > Please see the URLs posted earlier today by Harald and Stephan, and the summary of H.264 IPR situation by Stephan. Are you asking for this about Nokia specifically, or for all of the H.264 proponents (several affiliations) or for H.264 in general? Nokia is certainly no special case in that context. I have gotten the impression that H.264's IPR status is relatively clear enough for the WG participants to form their opinion about it. But if something more would *really* be useful, I think the proponets could try do dig it out. Markus
- [rtcweb] H.264 IPR status (RE: VP8 litigation in … Markus.Isomaki
- Re: [rtcweb] H.264 IPR status (RE: VP8 litigation… Ted Hardie
- Re: [rtcweb] H.264 IPR status (RE: VP8 litigation… David Singer