Re: BFD for vxlan Destination MAC field (was Re: draft-ietf-bfd-vxlan IESG status)

Jeffrey Haas <> Mon, 10 August 2020 19:14 UTC

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Subject: Re: BFD for vxlan Destination MAC field (was Re: draft-ietf-bfd-vxlan IESG status)
From: Jeffrey Haas <>
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Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 15:14:48 -0400
Cc: Greg Mirsky <>, The IESG <>,,, rtg-bfd WG <>
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Thank you, Donald.

Greg, would you bump the draft with this assignment?

-- Jeff

> On Aug 10, 2020, at 1:08 PM, Donald Eastlake <> wrote:
> Hi,
> My apologies for not responding earlier in this thread.
> IANA originally contacted me as a Designated Expert for MAC addresses
> under the IANA OUI last year in connection with version -07. At that
> time, I approved an assignment for this draft. I'm fine with any
> reasonable usage description the WG comes up with for this MAC address
> whether more or less generic. (Usage of a MAC address reserved for
> documentation would not be appropriate)
> Thanks,
> Donald
> ===============================
> Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   +1-508-333-2270 (cell)
> 2386 Panoramic Circle, Apopka, FL 32703 USA
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 7:55 PM Greg Mirsky <> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> do you think that the record in the Usage filed for the requested MAC address instead of "BFD over VXLAN" be more generic, e.g., "Active OAM over NVO3"?
>> What do you think?
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 2:26 PM Jeffrey Haas <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 03:52:14PM -0400, Jeffrey Haas wrote:
>>>>>> Proposed solution: A MAC value should be chosen that is well known and the
>>>>>> text would become:
>>>>>> "Destination MAC: A Management VNI, which does not have any tenants, will
>>>>>> have no dedicated MAC address for decapsulated traffic.  The value
>>>>>> X:X:X:X:X
>>>>>> SHOULD be used in this field."
>>>>>> SHOULD might need to be MUST.  Since a partial motivation for permitting
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> flexibility in the specification to NOT use the management VNI is desired=
>>>>> ,
>>>>>> MUST might be inappropriate.
>>>>> GIM>> Accepted the suggested text. I agree that the flexibility to not use
>>>>> the Management VNI is permitted in the specification and thus SHOULD in the
>>>>> text is consistent with that scenario. How would we pick the MAC address?
>>>> I am out of my area of expertise and I was hoping someone in the IESG can offer a fix. :-)  I am copying Donald Eastlake since he's the designated expert for the IANA MAC address block.
>>>> Donald, review of the thread may be useful, but tersely the need is to have a well known MAC address that can be placed in this vxlan PDU that is literally a placeholder of "not to be used for forwarding".  The packet arrives at the endpoint and, if not immediately accepted, would be dropped.
>>>> If there is no well known MAC that could be used for such a behavior, perhaps an address from the IANA block may be used?
>>>> While I suspect the IANA mac documentation range could be used, IANA may not appreciate that.
>>> Donald is not responding to emails.  Considering I've been similarly bad
>>> about responding, that's forgivable.  However, in the interest of advancing
>>> the document, I'd like to make a proposal.
>>> Proposed text:
>>> : Destination MAC: A Management VNI, which does not have any tenants, will
>>> : have no dedicated MAC address for decapsulated traffic.  The value
>>> : [TBD1] SHOULD be used in this field.
>>> :
>>> : IANA Considerations:
>>> :
>>> : IANA is requested to assign a single MAC address to the value TBD1 from the
>>> : "IANA Unicast 48-bit MAC Address" registry from the "Unassigned (small
>>> : allocations)" block.  The Usage field will be "BFD for vxlan" with a
>>> : Reference field of this document.
>>> -- Jeff