Re: [Tsv-art] Tsvart last call review of draft-ietf-bfd-multipoint-16

Greg Mirsky <> Mon, 18 June 2018 17:39 UTC

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From: Greg Mirsky <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 10:39:36 -0700
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Subject: Re: [Tsv-art] Tsvart last call review of draft-ietf-bfd-multipoint-16
To: Bob Briscoe <>
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Hi Bob,
many thanks for the comments and the discussion. The new update
<> has been
published to address your latest suggestions.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 2:47 PM, Bob Briscoe <> wrote:

> Greg,
> I may be wrong, in which case fine.
> But I'll take each case in turn (there may not be security problems with
> all, but a problem with just one would still be of concern):
> Multicast:
> If there is an SSM tree from host A to multicast address G, I am not
> familiar enough with SSM to know what happens when host B sends a packet to
> G with source address A (i.e. spoofing A). I assume the IGMP messages build
> the tree back from each member to A, so usually there will be no route from
> B, even if it is spoofing A as the source. However, I would have thought
> that a host connected to the same router as A could spoof A and get onto
> the SSM tree. Or does SSM always check for this type of spoofing?
> Directly connected.
> As with multicast, even tho not every machine on the Internet could spoof
> the source address, surely if the link were a shared link (which is implied
> in this use-case) any machine on the shared link could spoof the genuine
> source.
> I think the MPLS case is safe, cos at each hop the label switched path is
> specific to each prior hop.
> As I said, I may be wrong.
> But, if either of the first two cases have a vulnerability in certain
> cases, it ought to be described in the draft, even if the vulnerability is
> confined to a specific set of circumstances.
> Bob
> On 11/06/18 19:14, Greg Mirsky wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> thank you for the most thoughtful and helpful comments. It was not my
> intention to pull you into re-designing of the specification. I've accepted
> all the editorial updates, applied them to the new working version.
> I have to admit that I'm bit confused that you see lack of 3WHS in
> mpBFD as the significantly increased risk of the spoofing attack on leaves.
> The BFD Control packet is expected to be received by a leave from one of
> the following:
>    - multicast path;
>    - directly connected;
>    - p2mp/mp2mp MPLS LSP.
> For the first scenario, as I understand, a host must first use multicast
> control protocol to join the multicast path.
> For the second - it is reasonable to assume, as in VRRP and PIM-SM drafts
> I've referenced earlier, that BFD control packet be required to have IP TTL
> == 1 and mcast IP address of link scope.
> And the third, I think, is similar to #1 above.
> If these considerations are technically accurate, I'll work on the text
> for Assumptions section.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 5:02 PM, Bob Briscoe <> wrote:
>> Greg,
>> Your responses are AOK now.
>> *Remaining Security Vulnerability*
>> I think you may have misunderstood my point about vulnerability to source
>> address spoofing without a 3WHS. When you said in response:
>> Would you suggest additional text to a use case where the new
>> demultiplexing is not sufficent to protect from source address spoofing?
>> I said:
>> [BB]: I seem to have become co-opted into redesigning this protocol. I'd
>> prefer to limit my involvement to reviewing :)
>> If this wasn't clear, I meant, "I believe this protocol has a security
>> problem that needs to be fixed. But it's your job to fix it, not mine."
>> If you can't fix it, I suggested that you need to at least add a section
>> listing all the limitations when a multipoint scheme has no back channel
>> (the others being no feedback on timing control and no way to set up
>> asymmetric authentication).
>> Apologies, if the following is already obvious to you, but it is safer to
>> be over-cautious:
>> The text you originally quoted in response to my point about 3WHS uses
>> the source address as part of the identification of a session. That is the
>> problem (not a solution). If a malicious host M masquerading as the source
>> S spoofs the source address of S in its packets, the tails will not be able
>> to tell that these packets are not from S.
>> A 3WHS (e.g. as in TCP) is a simple way to address this vulnerability, by
>> the tails using the routing system to send a packet to the location where
>> the source claims to be sending from. I.e. the tail returns a packet to
>> address S with some random information in it (in TCP's case, the initial
>> sequence number). If S genuinely initiated the handshake, it will reflect
>> the random info to the tail in the 3rd way of the handshake. If M is
>> masquerading as S, it will not receive the 2nd way of the handshake. And it
>> won't be able to spoof the 3rd way without the random info.
>> Without a 3WHS, multipoint BFD does not check that the source address is
>> genuine.
>> *Some (mostly editorial) comments from scanning the diff:*
>> In the intro, the para starting "As an option, the tail may notify the
>> head..." is prerequisite info that needs to come before the para ending
>> "even without the existence of some kind of a return path to the head."
>> s/in the received by MultipointTail BFD Control packet/
>>  /in the received MultipointTail BFD Control packet/
>> s/entire/the entire/ (twice)
>> Section 6 (Assumptions) has no flow of logic between the new text and the
>> pre-existing text. It would be better to switch the order of the paras.
>> Otherwise, I think my comments are becoming increasingly less useful, so
>> I'll stop. I don't know enough about the whole ecosystem around this draft
>> to be any more helpful, I think.
>> Bob
>> On 05/06/18 03:23, Greg Mirsky wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> thank you for further clarifications and the new ideas. Please find my
>> follow-up in-line and tagger GIM2>>.
>> I'll check for nits and grammar and will publish the new version shortly.
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 3:22 AM, Bob Briscoe <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Greg,
>>> On 26/05/18 20:49, Greg Mirsky wrote:
>>> Hi Bob,
>>> thank you for the thorough review, detailed questions and helpful
>>> comments. Please find my answers in-line and tagged GIM>>.
>>> I've updated the working version of the draft based on your comments and
>>> suggestions. Appreciate your feedback whether all questions have been
>>> addressed.
>>> Attached please find the diff of -16 and the working version and the
>>> copy of the working version of the draft.
>>> Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 5:20 PM, Bob Briscoe <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Reviewer: Bob Briscoe
>>>> Review result: Not Ready
>>>> Altho this is a TSV-ART review, I did not find many transport-related
>>>> issues to
>>>> focus on, except a need to justify why lack of information for adapting
>>>> the
>>>> transmit interval is not an issue.
>>>> Nonetheless, I did find a few other non-trivial technical issues,
>>>> including 2
>>>> security issues, enumerated below (I mis-spent some of my early
>>>> research career
>>>> working on a multicast session control and security, for which we used
>>>> beaconing control channels). However, I only have passing prior
>>>> knowledge of
>>>> BFD, so my critique might be off-beam.
>>>> ==Main Technical Concerns===
>>>> 1/ Mandatory return path?
>>>> RFC5880 is the base RFC that this draft updates. RFC5880 says that
>>>> "unidirectional links" are in scope, but only as long as there is a
>>>> return path.
>>>> The introduction of this bfd-multipoint draft seems to contradict that,
>>>> making
>>>> a return path optional: "
>>>>    As an option, the tail may notify the head of the lack of multipoint
>>>>    connectivity.  Details of tail notification to the head are outside
>>>>    the scope of this document.
>>>> "
>>>> It's allowable for irrelevant details to be outside the scope, but
>>>> surely it
>>>> needs to be clear whether at least the existence of a return path is
>>>> mandatory.
>>> GIM>> Thank you for highlighting this issue. I think that the second
>>> paragraph of Introduction is the appropriate place to note that this
>>> mechanism does not require existence of a return path from tails to the
>>> head. Would the following be acceptable:
>>>    Use of BFD in
>>>    Demand mode enables a tail monitor availability of a multipoint path
>>>    even without the existence of some kind of a return path to the head.
>>>> 2/ Mechanism for verifying connectivity, or not?
>>>> The introduction seems to contradict itself:
>>>> "
>>>>    As multipoint transmissions are inherently unidirectional, this
>>>>    mechanism purports only to verify this unidirectional connectivity.
>>>> "
>>>> "
>>>>    Term "connectivity" in this document is not being used in the context
>>>>    of connectivity verification in transport network but as an
>>>>    alternative to "continuity", i.e. existence of a forwarding path
>>>>    between the sender and the receiver.
>>>> "
>>>> How can this mechanism verify connectivity, but not be used in the
>>>> context of
>>>> connectivity verification in the transport network?
>>> GIM>> This draft defines the base specification for multipoint BFD. In
>>> order for multipoint BFD to support the transport-like connectivity
>>> verification we need to do work similar to described in RFC 6428.
>>> [BB]: Caveat: I am having to talk in generalizations, cos I don't
>>> actually know how you are going to get this protocol to work in a wide
>>> range of circumstances, given inherent problems like multipoint feedback
>>> implosion {Note 1}.
>>> My point was that, having broken up the drafts in this way, this draft
>>> on its own no longer defined a workable protocol. Therefore, it needed some
>>> references to other drafts (even if they are placeholders), so that the
>>> extent of the pre-requisite collection of work is clear. The refs you give
>>> later go a long way to fixing this issue.
>>> If each pre-requisite protocol is intended to only represent one
>>> example, the citation can say that and the ref can be informative. But with
>>> zero examples for all the prerequisite parts, all the reader sees is a
>>> dismembered octopus, not a protocol.
>>>> 3/ Use case
>>>> The introduction seems to be written rather academically. Surely, in
>>>> cases
>>>> where there is never a return path, only the tails will ever be able to
>>>> verify
>>>> connectivity. The head could continue transmitting BFD packets (and data
>>>> packets) for years without ever knowing whether it is connected to
>>>> anything.
>>>> Knowledge of connectivity is surely of little use if it excludes the
>>>> link
>>>> sender, which is the node that always controls routing.
>>>> If there are scenarios where it is useful for tails but not the head to
>>>> be able
>>>> to verify connectivity, can you please give a concrete example?
>>> GIM>> One example could be a multicast system with 1+1 protection.
>>> Without multipoint BFD tails would not be able to detect the failure of the
>>> muticast path from the head. Other examples discussed in several drafts:
>>>    - BESS WG draft MVPN fast upstream failover
>>>    <>
>>>    - Individual draft BFD for Multipoint Networks and VRRP Use Case
>>>    <>
>>>    - Individual draft BFD for Multipoint Networks and PIM-SM Use Case
>>>    <>
>>> I am not sure how references to non-WG drafts affect the progress of
>>> this document. Appreciate your suggestion.
>>> [BB]: In my experience, informative refs to non-WG drafts as use-cases
>>> would be OK during doc development. However, if a non-WG draft fails to
>>> proceed, its citation has to be removed later. So choose those that are
>>> most likely to proceed.
>>> Nonetheless, if you cite some specs that turn this into a workable
>>> protocol (see previous issue) use-cases might not be necessary.
>> GIM2>> I've added reference to use of this mechanism in BGP/MPLS MVPN.
>>>> 4/ Interval adaptation
>>>> Text is needed to describe why it is not an issue for the head to be
>>>> unaware
>>>> whether it needs to adapt its transmit interval. Otherwise, this seems
>>>> potentially problematic.
>>> GIM>> Very interesting, thank you. I wouldn't say that the case when a
>>> tail cannot process incoming mpBFD control packets at the offered rate is
>>> entirely non-issue. Such scenario must be handled by the implementation and
>>> may be controlled by local policy, e.g., close the MultipointTail session.
>>> [BB]: Fair enough.
>>> In some scenarios, this issue will not necessarily be so unlikely tho:
>>> * If asymmetric crypto is used to solve the group message authentication
>>> problem (see later), the processing burden on any lightweight endpoints
>>> might lead to message verification leaving less available processor
>>> resource than needed for the host's other tasks.
>>> * Each tail might be joined to a very large number of multipoint
>>> sessions.
>>> Where would you suggest to add the text?
>>> I would suggest a new section listing potential issues when there is no
>>> back channel.
>> GIM2>> I've tried to start the new section but decided to insert the note
>> in the first paragraph of Timer Manipulation section. Hope that is
>> acceptable.
>>>> 5/ Inability to authenticate the sender with symmetric keys
>>>> In unicast scenarios, symmetric keys can be used for message
>>>> authentication,
>>>> because each end knows there is only one other node with the shared
>>>> key. But,
>>>> in multipoint scenarios, all the tails would share the key, so a shared
>>>> key
>>>> does not authenticate who sent the message - any tail can spoof the
>>>> head from
>>>> the viewpoint of the other tails.
>>>> Therefore text is needed to say that:
>>>> * multipoint message authentication is limited to cases where all tails
>>>> are
>>>> trusted not to spoof the head, if shared keys are used. * otherwise
>>>> asymmetric
>>>> message authentication would be needed, e.g. TESLA [RFC4082]
>>> GIM>> Thank you for the suggested text. Would the Security
>>> Considerations section be appropriate place:
>>> [BB]: Well, the point limits the applicability of the assumption about
>>> security in 5. 'Assumptions', so this would fit well there.
>>> Then "Security Considerations" should point to everywhere in the doc
>>> that discusses security, such as this (to save time for security reviewers).
>>>    Use of shared keys to authenticate BFD Control packet in multipoint
>>>    scenarios is limited because tail can spoof the head from the
>>>    viewpoint of the other tails.  Thus, if shared keys are used, all
>>>    tails MUST be trusted not to spoof the head.
>>> [BB]: Normally a MUST is applied to implementations. It would be rather
>>> odd to require users/operators to satisfy a spec requirement, particularly
>>> requiring them to trust each other. I think this should be written as an
>>> applicability statement not a normative requirement.
>> GIM2>> I've adopted text suggested by Spencer and moved the paragraph to
>> section Assumption.
>>> Otherwise, asymmetric
>>>    message authentication would be needed, e.g., Timed Efficient Stream
>>>    Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA) as described in [RFC4082].
>>> [BB]: If you are going to allow for cases where all tails are trusted
>>> not to spoof the head, then the assumption written in section 5 is no
>>> longer correct.
>>> [FYI, RFC4082 is only a generic description. Many RFCs have been written
>>> to authenticate specific protocols along TESLA lines.]
>>>> A related nit: Section 5 says all tails are assumed to have a common
>>>> authentication key. In cases with symmetric message authentication,
>>>> surely the
>>>> head also needs the same key.
>>> GIM>> Thank you. Please check the updated text:
>>>    If authentication is in use, the head and all tails must be
>>>    configured to have a common authentication key in order for the tails
>>>    to validate received the multipoint BFD Control packets.
>>> [BB]: Yup. Except delete "received the".
>>> Also see above about whether this is now a correct assumption.
>> GIM2>> I think that s/must/may/ will keep the Assumption valid.
>>>> 6/ Source address spoofing
>>>> A 3-way handshake makes a protocol robust against simple source address
>>>> spoofing. Without a 3WHS, surely the spec. needs to highlight this
>>>> vulnerability or discuss ways to address it or why it is not an issue.
>>> GIM>> Because mpBFD control packets cannot be demultiplexed by  tail
>>> based on the value of Your Discriminator field as per RFC 5880,
>>> the new procedure outlined in Section 4.7:
>>>    IP and MPLS multipoint tails MUST demultiplex BFD packets based on a
>>>    combination of the source address, My Discriminator and the identity
>>>    of the multipoint tree which the Multipoint BFD Control packet was
>>>    received from.  Together they uniquely identify the head of the
>>>    multipoint path.
>>> and described in details in Section 4.13.2:
>>>       If the Multipoint (M) bit is set
>>>          If the Your Discriminator field is nonzero, the packet MUST be
>>>          discarded.
>>>          Select a session as based on source address, My Discriminator
>>>          and the identity of the multipoint tree which the Multipoint
>>>          BFD Control packet was received.  If a session is found, and
>>>          bfd.SessionType is not MultipointTail, the packet MUST be
>>>          discarded.  If a session is not found, a new session of type
>>>          MultipointTail MAY be created, or the packet MAY be discarded.
>>>          This choice is outside the scope of this specification.
>>> Would you suggest additional text to a use case where the new
>>> demultiplexing is not sufficent to protect from source address spoofing?
>>> [BB]: I seem to have become co-opted into redesigning this protocol. I'd
>>> prefer to limit my involvement to reviewing :)
>>>> 7/ Scope
>>>> On eight occasions an issue is raised, but resolution is stated as
>>>> outside the
>>>> scope of this document. It is OK to limit the scope of a spec, for
>>>> example to
>>>> allow for multiple solutions to each issue. But at least one solution
>>>> must
>>>> already exist for each of these eight issues. So, at least one example
>>>> solution
>>>> ought to be cited in each case. If any issues are open, then this
>>>> should not be
>>>> on the standards track.
>>>> It would be more useful to state why each issue is out of scope. This
>>>> would be
>>>> helped by stating from the start what the scope of the document is.
>>> GIM>> I've listed all eight occasions with the explanation for each one:
>>>    1. Details of tail notification to the head are outside the scope of
>>>    this document. - Notifications by tails addressed in
>>>    draft-ietf-bfd-multipoint-active-tail
>>>    <>.
>>>    Will add as informational reference.
>>> [BB]: Good.
>>> Nonetheless, given you have confirmed that a reverse path is optional,
>>> the doc still needs to address the case where there is no reverse path.
>> GIM2>> Introduction notes:
>>  Use of BFD in Demand mode enables a tail monitor availability
>>  of a multipoint path even without the existence of some kind of a
>>  return path to the head.
>>> {Note 1} For the active tail draft, you might find the following ideas
>>> for scaling multipoint feedback useful:
>>> *Statistical feedback:*
>>> Nonnenmacher, Jö. & Biersack, E.W., "Scalable Feedback for Large Groups
>>> <>," IEEE/ACM Transactions on
>>> Networking 7(3):375--386 (June 1999)
>>> FUHRMANN, T., AND WIDMER, J. "On the scaling of feedback algorithms for
>>> very large multicast groups <>,"
>>> Computer Communications 24, 5-6 (March 2001), 539 547;
>>> WIDMER, J., AND FUHRMANN, T. Extremum feedback for very large multicast
>>> groups. Tech. Rep. TR 12-2001, Prakfische Informatik IV, University of
>>> Mannheim, Germany, May 2001.
>>> Also, anycast can be used to select different representative feedback
>>> tails, e.g. for a certain time, which might overlap with the periods for
>>> which a few other tails are selected using subsequent anycasts.
>>> *Logical 'AND' feedback:*
>>> Burbridge, T., Soppera, A., Briscoe, R. and Jacquet, A. "Method and
>>> device for co-ordinating networked group members
>>> <>"
>>> Patent WO2004059479, (Jul 2004; Priority 24 Dec 2002)
>>> [AFAICT this patent is still being maintained, so use of it in a
>>> protocol would require an IPR declaration.]
>>>    1. Details of how the head keeps track of tails and how tails alert
>>>    their connectivity to the head are outside scope of this document. - Same
>>>    as #1.
>>> [BB]: And my response is same as #1.
>>>    1. Bootstrapping BFD session to multipoint MPLS LSP in case of
>>>    penultimate hop popping is outside the scope of this document. - It may use
>>>    control plane as in MVPN draft. Will add as informational reference.
>>> [BB]: Good.
>>>    1. Use of other types of encapsulation of the BFD control message
>>>    over multipoint LSP is outside the scope of this document. - This in
>>>    reference to ACH encapsulation that is discussed in
>>>    draft-mirsky-mpls-p2mp-bfd
>>>    <>. Should
>>>    it be added as informational reference? What would be the imacpt of
>>>    progressing this specification?
>>> [BB]: See earlier comment about citing individual drafts (I don't have
>>> enough BFD knowledge to give a BFD-specific answer).
>>> Also, in my review I should also have said: when creating new
>>> encapsulations, pls see the common transport issues related to
>>> encapsulation:
>>> nelingprotocolsandTransportRelatedIssues
>>>    1. Change in the value of bfd.RequiredMinRxInterval is outside the
>>>    scope of this document. - Same as #1.
>>> [BB]: And my response is same as #1.
>>>    1. If a session is not found, a new session of type MultipointTail
>>>    MAY be created, or the packet MAY be discarded. This choice is outside the
>>>    scope of this specification. - I propose to add "based on local policy" to
>>>    the last sentence.
>>> [BB]: On what basis will local policy decide? It's my job as a reviewer
>>> to ensure that this spec does not contain any loose ends (open issues).
>> GIM2>> It could be based on the maximum number of MultipointTail sessions
>> and number of active MultipointTail sessions on the node. I'd clarify it as:
>>   This choice MAY be controlled by the local policy, e.g. maximum number
>> of
>>   MultipointTail sessions and number of active MultipointTail sessions,
>>   and is outside the scope of this specification.
>>>    1. The exact method of selection is application-specific and is thus
>>>    outside the scope of this specification. - This is copied from RFC 5880:
>>>    "The exact method of selection is application specific and is thus outside
>>>    the scope of this specification." as the section is to replace Section
>>>    6.8.6.
>>> [BB]: OK.
>>>    1. If a matching session is not found, a new session of type
>>>    PointToPoint MAY be created, or the packet MAY be discarded. This choice is
>>>    outside the scope of this specification. - Same as #6.
>>> [BB]: And my response is same as #6.
>>> [Sry, my embedded comments have broken your numbered list.]
>>>> There is also one issue that is "for further discussion". Does this
>>>> mean the
>>>> document is not ready yet?
>>> GIM>> I think that the question left for further discussion is
>>> non-technical:
>>>    The semantic difference between Down and AdminDown state is for
>>>    further discussion.
>>> I propose to remove the sentence altogether.
>>> [BB]: OK.
>>>> 8/ Incremental deployment
>>>> Section 4.4.1.  "New State Variable Values" defines bfd.SessionType =
>>>> PointToPoint as well as a couple of Multipoint alternatives. Presumably
>>>> this
>>>> spec does not require all existing PointToPoint systems to support this
>>>> state
>>>> value. Is the implication that only Multipoint systems that happen to
>>>> be in
>>>> PointToPoint mode should use this state?
>>> GIM>> You're aboultely right, existing implementations of BFD don't need
>>> to support bfd.SessionType variable. Only implementations that support the
>>> base BFD, single-hop or multi-hop, and this specification, mpBFD, should
>>> support bfd.SessionType and set it to PointToPoint value when BFD is in
>>> single-hop or multi-hop mode. When in mpBFD mode, bfd.SessionType will be
>>> set to either MultipointHead or MultipointClient.
>>> [BB]: Doesn't something need to be written (or referenced) to clarify
>>> all this? AFAIR, this spec. never made clear that multipoint is a fork in
>>> implementations.
>> GIM2>> And so is S-BFD. (Note, bfd.SessionType introduced in RFC 7880
>> S-BFD but missed to define PointToPoint value).
>>>> ==Nits==
>>>> * Sometimes 'tree' is used to mean a multipoint path in general. I
>>>> suspect
>>>> 'path' was intended.
>>> GIM>> I've found six occasions of "tree" and s/tree/path/
>>>> 4.8.  Packet consumption on tails
>>>> s/Node/Nodes/
>>>> s/packet/packets/
>>>> s/demultiplex/demultiplexed/
>>> GIM>> Accepted all three.
>>>> 4.9.  Bringing Up and Shutting Down Multipoint BFD Service
>>>> "
>>>>    a newly
>>>>    started head (that does not have any previous state information
>>>>    available) SHOULD start with...
>>>> "
>>>> ...
>>>> "
>>>>    ... (so long as the restarted head
>>>>    is using the same or a larger value of bfd.DesiredMinTxInterval than
>>>>    it did previously).
>>>> "
>>>> If it has no state available, how can it know whether a value is larger
>>>> than
>>>> previously?
>>> GIM>> You are right, the BFD system at the head would not know the
>>> previous value of bfd.DesiredMinTxInterval. This text is to caution
>>> operator from decreasing  bfd.DesiredMinTxInterval upon restart of the
>>> BFD system.
>>>> 4.9.  Bringing Up and Shutting Down Multipoint BFD Service
>>>> There are a number of "SHOULD"s and "SHOULD NOT"s that do not state or
>>>> give
>>>> examples of circumstances in which the "SHOULD" would not be
>>>> appropriate. If
>>>> there are none, "MUST" would be more appropriate.
>>> GIM>> In the first paragraph SHOULD may not be followed if the
>>> implementation can differentiate between the very first start and restarts
>>> of BFD system. If it is the first start of BFD system, the head MAY
>>> directly progress to Up state skipping Down state.
>>> The last paragraph describes graceful shuttdown. The head MAY shut the
>>> BFD mp session abruptly by just stopping transmission of BFD Control
>>> packets.
>>> [BB]: I assume you will say all this in the next rev, not just in this
>>> email.
>> GIM2>> Appended the following:
>> Alternatively, the head MAY stop transmitting BFD Control packets
>> and not send any more BFD Control packets with the new state (Down or
>> AdminDown). Tails
>> will declare the multipoint session down only after the detection time
>> interval runs out.
>>>> 4.10.  Timer Manipulation
>>>> "
>>>>    Because of the one-to-many mapping, a session of type MultipointHead
>>>>    SHOULD NOT initiate a Poll Sequence in conjunction with timer value
>>>>    changes.  However, to indicate a change in the packets,
>>>>    MultipointHead session MUST send packets with the P bit set.
>>>>    MultipointTail session MUST NOT reply if the packet has M and P bits
>>>>    set and bfd.RequiredMinRxInterval set to 0.
>>>> "
>>>> The initial "SHOULD NOT" needs to be written another way. Perhaps
>>>> "
>>>>    ...a session of type MultipointHead
>>>>    does not initiate a Poll Sequence
>>>> "
>>>> The head's normative action is defined by the following "MUST", then
>>>> the tail's
>>>> "MUST NOT reply" is what prevents the poll sequence happening.
>>> GIM>> A Poll Sequence starts with the initiator setting Poll bit. Unless
>>> the peer sends BFD Control packet with Finl bit set the poll sequence would
>>> continue indefinetely. The initial SHOULD NOT, in my opinion, correctly
>>> points that the mechanism of Poll Sequence not to be used by MultipointHead
>>> when changing transmission interval. I think that MUST in the first
>>> paragraph can be downgraded to MAY because the MultipointHead doesn't need
>>> to use transition period when changing the transmission interval to lower
>>> level, i.e., decreasing frequency. May I propose the following:
>>>    Because of the one-to-many mapping, a session of type MultipointHead
>>>    SHOULD NOT initiate a Poll Sequence in conjunction with timer value
>>>    changes.  However, to indicate a change in the packets,
>>>    MultipointHead session MUST send packets with the P bit set.
>>>    Because of the one-to-many mapping, a session of type MultipointHead
>>>    SHOULD NOT initiate a Poll Sequence in conjunction with timer value
>>>    changes.  However, to indicate a change in the packets,
>>>    MultipointHead session MAY send packets with the P bit set during
>>> transition period.
>>> [BB]: If I were an implementer, I would not know what this is saying I
>>> ought to implement. The spec needs to answer this question: If the head
>>> changes the packets what happens differently if it sets the P bit vs. if it
>>> doesn't?
>> GIM2>> I think we can expect that the implementer is familiar with RFC
>> 5880 and, very likely, has implemented it one or more times already.
>>>> 4.11.  Detection Times
>>>> Delete "in the calculation" (repetition).
>>> GIM>> Done.
>>>> 4.13.1.  Reception of BFD Control Packets
>>>> Some actions seem to be only relevant to PointToPoint sessions, but
>>>> they are
>>>> stated for all session types. Specifically: "the transmission of Echo
>>>> packets,
>>>> if any, MUST cease." "the Poll Sequence MUST be terminated." "MUST
>>>> cease the
>>>> periodic transmission of BFD Control packets" "MUST send periodic BFD
>>>> Control
>>>> packets"
>>>> "
>>>> If bfd.SessionType is PointToPoint, update the Detection Time as
>>>>       described in section 6.8..4 of [RFC5880].  If bfd.SessionType is
>>>>       MultipointTail,
>>>> "
>>>> The second sentence above ought to start on a new line as an Else if.
>>> GIM>> Hope I got it right:
>>>       If bfd.SessionType is PointToPoint, update the Detection Time as
>>>       described in section 6.8.4 of [RFC5880].
>>>       Else
>>>          If bfd.SessionType is MultipointTail, then update the Detection
>>>          Time as the product of the last received values of Desired Min
>>>          TX Interval and Detect Mult, as described in Section 5.11 of
>>>          this specification.
>>>> 4.13.2.  Demultiplexing BFD Control Packets
>>>> "
>>>>    This section is part of the replacement for [RFC5880] section 6.8.6,
>>>>    separated for clarity.
>>>> "
>>>> Do you mean "This section replaces the sentence: "If the Multipoint (M)
>>>> bit is
>>>> nonzero, the packet MUST be discarded." in [RFC5880] section 6.8.6?
>>>> The statements under "If the Multipoint (M) bit is set" are not
>>>> formatted like
>>>> the rest of the if-else logic, and I think an Else is missing at the
>>>> start of
>>>> the statement after the nested "If"..
>>> GIM>> Agree, the paragraph is not structured properly. How about this
>>> formating:
>>>       If the Multipoint (M) bit is set
>>>          If the Your Discriminator field is nonzero, the packet MUST be
>>>          discarded.
>>>          Select a session as based on source address, My Discriminator
>>>          and the identity of the multipoint path which the Multipoint
>>>          BFD Control packet was received.
>>>          If a session is found, and bfd.SessionType is not
>>>          MultipointTail, the packet MUST be discarded.
>>>          Else
>>>             If a session is not found, a new session of type
>>>             MultipointTail MAY be created, or the packet MAY be
>>>             discarded.  This choice is outside the scope of this
>>>             specification.
>>> [BB]: As long as this represents the logic you want, fine. The point is
>>> that the indentation is the only clue to whether one 'if' is conditional on
>>> a previous 'if', or not.
>>> HTH
>>> Bob
>>> --
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>>> Bob Briscoe                      <>
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>> Bob Briscoe                     
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