Re: [RTG-DIR] [i2rs] Routing directorate QA review of draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo
"Susan Hares" <> Mon, 09 May 2016 16:20 UTC
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Cc: 'Jonathan Hardwick' <>,, "'Zhangxian (Xian)'" <>, 'Jon Hudson' <>
Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] [i2rs] Routing directorate QA review of draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo
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Ines: Thank you for the excellent review. We appreciate your hard work. Sue From: i2rs [] On Behalf Of Ines Robles Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2016 10:17 PM To:; Cc: Jonathan Hardwick;; Zhangxian (Xian); Susan Hares; Jon Hudson Subject: Re: [i2rs] Routing directorate QA review of draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo Hi, QA review related to Data Model for Network Topologies I-D: Document: draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-network-topo-02.txt Reviewer: Ines Robles Review Date: May 9, 2016 Intended Status: Standards Track Summary: I have some minor concerns about this document that should be resolved before publication. Comments: I believe the draft is technically good. Thinking how it could be extended for constrained topology networks, e.g. RPL build a DODAG (Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph) and I like that the links are point-to-point and unidirectional, and like "One common requirement concerns the ability to represent that the same device can be part of multiple networks and topologies." a RPL node can participate in several DODAGs and in each one can have different role. Major Issues: I have no “Major” issues with this I-D. Minor Issues and Nits: 1- Section 1, following Figure 2: 1.1- " X1 and X2 - mapping onto... ", I think it would be "X1 and X3 mapping onto..." 1.2- " a single L3 network element", I would add in this case [Y2] "a single L3 [Y2] network element", the same for "The figure shows a single "L3" network element mapped onto multiple "Optical" network elements.", I would add "The figure shows a single "L3" [Y2] network element mapped onto multiple "Optical" network elements [Z] and [Z1]." 2- Section 2: 2.1- I would add a reference to RFC 6020, since the document uses terminology e.g container, augment, etc. which are defined in 6020. Even if this RFC is mentioned in the normative reference, still I would add it here as well. 2.2- In terminology you mention ReST, for this I would add the reference for further information. "Fielding, Roy Thomas. "Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures." PhD diss., University of California, Irvine, 2000.". ReST is mentioned here but not in the rest of the draft, is it correct? 3- Section 5: What about add the security considerations mentioned in 6020? 4- In general: I would mention as related work and the relation with this draft: draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-l2-network-topology-02, draft-ietf-i2rs-yang-l3-topology-01 and draft-contreras-supa-yang-network-topo-03 (this one is expired) Thank you, Ines.
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Routing directorate QA review of dr… Ines Robles
- Re: [RTG-DIR] [i2rs] Routing directorate QA revie… Susan Hares