Re: [RTG-DIR] [Bier] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-bier-ping-08
Dhruv Dhody <> Sat, 20 May 2023 01:41 UTC
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From: Dhruv Dhody <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 2023 20:40:34 -0500
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To: Greg Mirsky <>
Cc: Dhruv Dhody <>, Routing Directorate <>, BIER WG <>,
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Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] [Bier] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-bier-ping-08
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Thanks Greg! I did a quick browse, and it seems to be okay! I have not checked each comment resolution but I trust you to do the right thing! On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 2:37 PM Greg Mirsky <> wrote: > Hi Dhruv, > a new version of the draft (10) includes updates that I proposed in our > discussion. Also, it includes updates addressing IntDir comments. I > appreciate it if you could review the updates (diff between the -08 version > and the latest version 10 is attached for your convenience). Please let me > know if you find your comments reasonably addressed. > > Best regards, > Greg > > On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 9:19 AM Greg Mirsky <> wrote: > >> Hi Dhruv, >> many thanks for your review and comments. Please find my answers below >> under the GIM>> tag. The new version of the draft >> <>also includes >> updates addressing comments from Sec and Int areas. >> Please let me know if you have any questions or additional suggestions. >> >> Kind regards, >> Greg >> >> On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 3:37 AM Dhruv Dhody via Datatracker < >>> wrote: >> >>> Reviewer: Dhruv Dhody >>> Review result: Has Issues >>> >>> # RTGDIR early review of draft-ietf-bier-ping-08 >>> >>> Hello, >>> >>> I have been selected to do a routing directorate “early” review of this >>> draft. >>> >>> >>> The routing directorate will, on request from the working group chair, >>> perform >>> an “early” review of a draft before it is submitted for publication to >>> the >>> IESG. The early review can be performed at any time during the draft’s >>> lifetime >>> as a working group document. The purpose of the early review depends on >>> the >>> stage that the document has reached. As this document is >>> post-working-group-last-call, my focus for the review was to determine >>> whether >>> the document is ready to be published. >>> >>> For more information about the Routing Directorate, please see >>> >>> >>> Document: draft-ietf-bier-ping-08 >>> Reviewer: Dhruv Dhody >>> Review Date: 28 April 2023 >>> Intended Status: Standards Track >>> >>> ## Summary: >>> >>> I have significant concerns about this document. It needs more work >>> before >>> being submitted to the IESG. >>> >>> ## Comments: >>> >>> The need for OAM for BIER is well established, the mechanism is sound >>> but there >>> is a need to tighten up the text (as needed for a standards track >>> document) and >>> increase the quality of the WG output that is to be considered ready to >>> be sent >>> to the IESG for publication. >>> >>> The good news is that most of my comments are easy to handle. I wonder >>> why >>> these were not caught during the normal WG review itself. Interesting to >>> see >>> that the WGLC was initiated way back in 2018. >>> >>> ### General >>> >>> * Request the shepherd to make sure that there is a valid justification >>> for 6 >>> authors. >>> >>> * The document could benefit from an overview of the OAM operation that >>> this >>> document defines before taking a direct jump into the packet formats and >>> TLVs. >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for this suggestion. The following text is proposed to >> prepend the last paragraph of the Introduction: >> NEW TEXT: >> Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) mechanisms are >> expected to support the detection of network failures. After the >> detection, operators localize and characterize the network defect. A >> query-based tool, e.g., ICMP [RFC0792] and LSP Ping [RFC8029], >> [RFC6425], is broadly used to detect and localize a network defect. >> Additionally, this mechanism can be used to check the consistency >> between the data and control planes. >> >>> >>> ### Section 2.1 >>> >>> * Consider adding QTF, RTF, MTU, DA, DIA >>> >> GIM>> Done >> >>> >>> ### Section 3 & 3.1 >>> >>> * The text in Section 3 states - >>> >>> ```` >>> [RFC8296] defines a 4-bit field as "Proto" to identify the payload >>> following the BIER header. >>> ```` >>> >>> whereas RFC 8296 says - >>> >>> ```` >>> Proto: >>> >>> This 6-bit "Next Protocol" field identifies the type of the >>> payload. >>> ```` >>> >>> I also see that the BIER OAM message format defined in this I-D is using >>> 4-bits. Should this not be consistent across BIER documents? - Both >>> number of >>> bits and the name! >>> >> GIM>> Indeed, excellent suggestion. Done. >> >>> >>> * The relationship between the first figure and the second needs to be >>> more >>> explicit. Moreover, there are the following inconsistencies: >>> >>> * Missing OAM Message Length in the 2nd figure >>> >> GIM>> Great catch, thank you. Fixed. >> >>> * Initially non-zero 'Proto' values are allowed and then it says it >>> needs >>> to be zero. >>> >> GIM>> Figure 1 shows the OAM BIER Header. The document states: >> >> This field MUST be set to 0 if there is no data packet following the OAM >> payload. >> >> Figure 2 shows BIER Echo Request/Reply with the OAM BIER Header. Because >> Echo Request/Reply is an example of active OAM protocol, the document >> requires that: >> >> Proto field MUST be set to 0 for Echo Request/Reply header. >> >> What would you suggest to make it clearer? >> >>> >>> * You need to describe the handling of the first Reserved field i.e. it >>> MUST be >>> set to zero and ignored on receipt. >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for pointing it out to me. Added the following: >> >> Reserved - a fourteen-bit field. The value MUST be zeroed on >> transmission and ignored on receipt. >> >> >>> * I also suggest stating clearly the size of each of the fields in the >>> text. >>> >> GIM>> I went through the draft making field lengths explicitly >> identified. >> >>> >>> * Think about adding some text about version number change as future >>> guidance. >>> (refer to RFC 4379 for inspiration) >>> >> GIM>> I updated the description of the Version field to the following: >> Ver - a four-bit field indicates the current version of the BIER >> OAM header. The current value is 1. The version number is to be >> incremented whenever a change is made that affects the ability of >> an implementation to parse or process the BIER OAM header >> correctly. For example, if syntactic or semantic changes are made >> to any of the fixed fields. >> I hope that is acceptable. >> >>> >>> * Please add a normative reference for IEEE 1588-2008 (1588v2). >>> >> GIM>> Agreed and done. >> >>> >>> * I am unsure about - "Any other value MAY be considered as sanity check >>> failure"; IMHO document should clearly state which timestamp format it >>> supports, it should have guidance on what the prefered one; it should >>> allow for >>> another format to be added in future, thus differentiating between a >>> junk value >>> v/s unsupported. Should this not have an IANA registry? >>> >> GIM>> At this time, it is unlikely that there will be a new format. Would >> you agree that explicitly identifying two valid values in the specification >> is a reasonable alternative to creating an IANA sub-registry? >> >>> >>> * The timestamp fields in the figure and text are unclear. Is it to be >>> considered as two 32 bits fields for seconds and microseconds or a single >>> 64-bit field? >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for pointing out this ambiguity in Figure 2. The >> timestamp is a 64-bit field that is interpreted according to the format >> identified in QTF/RTF. I've updated the figure and clarified it in the >> text. I hope it is clearer now. >> >>> >>> * Can QTF and RTF be of different formats? >>> >> GIM>> Yes, timestamp formats used by the Sender and Responder could be >> different. >> >>> >>> ### Section 3.2 >>> >>> * What is the reason for missing value 7? If it is intentional, you can >>> mark it >>> as unassigned if that is the case. >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for the question. Couldn't find the reason. AFAIK, the >> existing implementation uses code points as listed in the draft. I hope >> that it would be acceptable to leave the allocation as-is. Section 5.4.3. >> BIER Echo Return Codes lists it as Reserved. I agree that Unassigned is the >> right thing. Done. >> >>> >>> * There is no description for DDMAP mismatch. >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for pointing that out to me. I've added the following: >> NEW TEXT: >> If the BitString in Header-H does not match the BitString in Egress >> BitString Sub-TLV of DDMAP TLV, a responding BFR will use "DDMAP >> Mismatch" to report the problem. >> WDYT? >> >>> >>> ### Section 3.3 >>> >>> * Consider adding some text on the handling of padding (if it can exist) >>> and >>> its handling in the length field in the TLV. >>> >> GIM>> That is an interesting idea. The main objective of BIER Ping (we >> can use this common term as a shorter version of Echo Request/Reply) is to >> monitor the continuity of the path between the BFIR and selected BFER(s). >> Also, BIER Ping helps to validate the consistency of information between >> the data plane and control plane in several aspects. These goals can be >> achieved without using packets of variable length. You are right, BIER Ping >> can be used to detect packet loss and measure packet delays between >> BFIR and BFER. But it is not expected that the measured delay will be >> highly accurate. It seems like another OAM protocol, specifically designed >> for performance monitoring, could be a better option. That could be an >> active measurement protocol like STAMP or a hybrid protocol like IOAM or >> the Alternate Marking. >> >>> >>> * Consider having a table for OAM TLV types defined in this document >>> upfront. >>> >> GIM>> Each TLV is described in a separate sub-section and, as a result, >> is explicitly listed in the Table of Contents. Would you suggest listing >> these TLVs in an additional format, e.g., a table, elsewhere in the draft? >> >>> >>> * Are multiple instances of TLV allowed? I see text for some but not all. >>> >> GIM>> I've added text throughout the document. I hope the new text makes >> the handling of such cases clearer. >> >>> >>> * How to handle unknown TLV? >>> >> GIM>> The Responder is expected to transmit Echo Reply with the Return >> Code set to One or more of the TLVs is not supported (2). >> >>> >>> * Without context it is difficult to appreciate the need for various TLVs >>> (Original, Target, Incoming, downstream....); Consider adding some >>> background >>> text. >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for the suggestion. Extended descriptions of the TLVs. >> >>> >>> ### Section 3.3.4 >>> >>> * Add description for MTU. Just MTU is not specific enough. What is MTU >>> in BIER >>> context? >>> >> GIM>> Added text explaining that this is the MTU of the ingress >> interface. >> >>> >>> * Add text for Rsvd - MUST be set to zero when sending and ignored on >>> receipt. >>> (please check this at all places) >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for pointing this out. Should be done. Please let me know >> if I missed any occasion. >> >>> >>> * Why is the Sub-TLV type not being encoded? If we call it a TLV we >>> should >>> encode the T part of the TLV! I suggest both TLV and sub-TLV follow the >>> same >>> format as defined in Section 3.3. Or am I not understanding the meaning >>> of >>> Sub-tlv Length (which anyway is not described in the text)? >>> >> GIM>> Good catch, thank you! I've updated the figures that display the >> formats of two sub-TLVs defined in the draft. Hope that it is clearer now. >> >>> >>> * Can both sub-TLVs be carried at the same time? >>> >> GIM>> Yes, that is a valid scenario. >> >>> >>> ### Section 3.3.5 >>> >>> * Please mention the length field value. >>> >> GIM>> In some cases, the Length field value is variable. Updated where >> its value is known a priori. >> >>> >>> ### Section 3.4 >>> >>> * The text "This encoding is similar..." is unclear, is it the same or >>> is there >>> any difference because of entropy? If there are differences that need to >>> be >>> stated. >>> >> GIM>> Good question. The encoding is identical to Type 9 defined in RFC >> 8029. Propose the following update: >> OLD TEXT: >> This encoding is similar to the >> Multipath Type 9 encoding is defined in Section of >> [RFC8029]. >> NEW TEXT: >> This encoding is the same as the >> Multipath Type 9 encoding, defined in Section of [RFC8029]. >> >>> >>> ### Section 4.1 >>> >>> * Consider adding references here for Router Alert, and TTL for >>> BIER-MPLS. >>> >> GIM>> The MPLS WG adopted the proposal to deprecate the Router Alert. >> Added the reference accordingly. >> >>> >>> ### Section 4.2 >>> >>> * In this text - >>> >>> ```` >>> BIER >>> OAM MUST support ECMP path discovery between a BFIR and a given BFER >>> and MUST support path validation and failure detection of any >>> particular ECMP path between BFIR and BFER. >>> ```` >>> >>> Is this stating a requirement for BIER OAM solution to fulfill or are you >>> stating that an implementation MUST support it? If it is a requirement >>> it does >>> not make much sense here! >>> >> GIM>> A good point, thank you. No, that is not a requirement, and I >> propose the following update: >> OLD TEXT: >> BIER >> OAM MUST support ECMP path discovery between a BFIR and a given BFER >> and MUST support path validation and failure detection of any >> particular ECMP path between BFIR and BFER. >> NEW TEXT: >> BIER >> OAM is expected to support ECMP path discovery between a BFIR and a >> given BFER and MUST support path validation and failure detection of >> any particular ECMP path between BFIR and BFER. >> I hope the update helps make the message clear and consistent. >> >>> >>> ### Section 4.3 >>> >>> * Can the Sequence Number wrap? Why SHOULD for increment? >>> >>> ### Section 4.5 >>> >>> * Note that the 'MUST not' is not accepted usage as per RFC 2119. Please >>> change >>> that to MUST NOT in this paragraph: >> >> >>> ```` >>> If Reply-Flag=0, BFR MUST release the variables and MUST not send >>> any response to the Initiator. If Reply-Flag=1, proceed as below: >> >> ```` >>> >> GIM>> Thank you for catching this. Fixed. >> >>> >>> ### Section 5 >>> >>> * My suggestion would be to identify the registry. For the UDP Port, it >>> might >>> be useful and explicit to provide the other fields like service-name and >>> description as per the registry - >>> >>> >>> >>> * The allocation policy for the registry is missing. It is left for IANA >>> to >>> figure out what are the fields to be maintained in each of the >>> registries. >>> >>> * For section 5.3, please state that this is a new sub-registry and >>> clearly >>> state its name. You state that usage is not limited to OAM, then does it >>> belong >>> in "BIER OAM Parameters"? I am also wondering about this mixed registry >>> for >>> type and sub-type with a common value field - not sure if this is better >>> as >>> compared to separate sub-registries for TLV and sub-TLV space. >>> >>> ### Section 6 >>> >>> * I would guess that the surface area for attack is higher because of >>> BIER >>> which should be highlighted. Is that not the case? >>> >>> ## Nits: >>> >>> * Expand BIER in the document title, that is the usual practice in >>> published >>> BIER RFCs >>> >>> * Expand OAM in the Abstract as well. You expand it in the Introduction. >>> >>> * Your Abstract and Introduction are almost the same. IMHO they serve a >>> different purpose and thus consider having another look. If the >>> intention is to >>> keep them the same then consider making them exactly the same (currently >>> you >>> have this extra text in the Introduction - "without any dependency on >>> other >>> layers like the IP layer."). >>> >>> * Consider adding figure numbers and titles >>> >>> * Section 3.1; Better to be explicit here and say UDP header. >>> >>> ``` >>> When the >>> Reply mode is set to 2, the Responder BFR encapsulates the Echo reply >>> payload with the IP header. >>> ``` >>> >>> * Section 3.3.1; for BS Len, RFC 8296 uses the term BSL. Consider being >>> consistent. I also see BitStringLen. >>> >>> * Add a "~" at the start of the field "BitString (last 32 bits)" -- >>> this >>> issue exists at multiple places. >>> >>> * Multipath encoding is used only in, why not just move >>> section 3.4 >>> there? >>> >>> * Some of the TLV has "TLV Type=" in the figure, please just use Type= >>> for >>> consistency. >>> >>> * Section 4.4; In "... and the BIER header to BIER-Header."; I think you >>> mean >>> Header-H to BIER Header? >>> >>> * I don't think you intend to thank "DIA Length - Downstream Interface >>> Address >>> field Length" in the Acknowledgement :) >>> >>> * Please check the HTML version and you will see various formatting >>> issues with >>> figures, consider fixing them now itself. >>> >>> Thanks! >>> Dhruv >>> >>> --- >>> >>> *In case of bad formatting, refer to this message at - >>>* >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ > BIER mailing list > > >
- [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-bier-… Dhruv Dhody via Datatracker
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-b… Tony Przygienda
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-b… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-b… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-b… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [RTG-DIR] [Bier] Rtgdir early review of draft… Dhruv Dhody
- [RTG-DIR]Re: [Bier] Rtgdir early review of draft-… Greg Mirsky