Re: [RTG-DIR] [i2rs] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-i2rs-traceability-06.txt

Joe Clarke <> Tue, 19 January 2016 10:56 UTC

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Thanks for your comments, Mach.  Responses inline...

On 1/18/16 03:10, Mach Chen wrote:
> 2.
> Section 5.2
> Client Address:   This is the network address of the Client that
>        connected to the Agent.  For example, this may be an IPv4 or IPv6
>        address.  [Note: will I2RS support interactions that have no
>        network address?  If so this field will need to be updated.]
> IMHO, the Note should be deleted for a to-be-published document. The IPv4 and IPv6 are just examples, the description here does not exclude other possibilities.

Yep, good catch.

> 3. Section 5.2
> Requested Operation Data:   This field comprises the data passed to
>        the Agent to complete the desired operation.  For example, if the
>        operation is a route add operation, the Operation Data would
>        include the route prefix, prefix length, and next hop information
>        to be inserted as well as the specific routing table to which the
>        route will be added.  The operation data can also include
>        interface information.
> Although the last sentence above is right, why do we need to emphasize the "interface information" here? If there is no special intention, I'd suggest to remove it.

Yes, we'll remove it.  The operation data field should echo the 
"operation data."  No need to be overly prescriptive here.  The example 
ahead of this sentence should suffice to illustrate the intent.

> 3. Section 5.2
> Transaction ID:   The Transaction Identity is an opaque string that
>        represents this particular operation is part of a long-running
>        I2RS transaction that can consist of multiple...
> Here you specify that an Transaction ID is an opaque string, are there other possibilities (e.g., uint) ? Since this is just an information model, how the data type should be is specific to the data model, I'd suggest to remove the data type limitation from this document.

Here we were emphasizing the fact that this can be anything one could 
use to tie multiple operations together in a single transaction.


> Best regards,
> Mach
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