Re: [RTG-DIR] Last Call Routing Directorate Review for "Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS" - draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06

"Acee Lindem (acee)" <> Thu, 07 March 2019 17:13 UTC

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From: "Acee Lindem (acee)" <>
To: Ravi Singh <>, "" <>, Routing ADs <>
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Thread-Topic: Last Call Routing Directorate Review for "Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS" - draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06
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Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] Last Call Routing Directorate Review for "Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS" - draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06
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Hi Ravi,
Changes look good. One additional point that I think would improve the document would be to provide some text explaining why PW sessions can come up when there is a mismatch with respect to control word usage but cannot if there is a mismatch with respect to sequence number usage. However, this may be obvious to someone who has implemented VPLS (which I have not).

From: Ravi Singh <>
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 8:50 PM
To: Acee Lindem <>, "" <>, Routing ADs <>
Cc: Routing Directorate <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: Last Call Routing Directorate Review for "Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS" - draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06

Hello Acee
Thanks very much for your review & providing the diff with your inputs.
The updates have been made. The updated version is now posted at:


From: Acee Lindem (acee) []
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2019 9:09 AM
To:; Routing ADs <>
Cc: Routing Directorate <>;
Subject: Last Call Routing Directorate Review for "Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS" - draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06


I have been selected as the Routing Directorate reviewer for this draft. The Routing Directorate seeks to review all routing or routing-related drafts as they pass through IETF last call and IESG review, and sometimes on special request. The purpose of the review is to provide assistance to the Routing ADs. For more information about the Routing Directorate, please see ​<>

Although these comments are primarily for the use of the Routing ADs, it would be helpful if you could consider them along with any other IETF Last Call comments that you receive, and strive to resolve them through discussion or by updating the draft.

Document: draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.tx
Reviewer: Acee Lindem
Review Date: February 18th, 2019
IETF LC End Date: Not started yet.
Intended Status: Standards Track

 The document defines the behavior for VPLS PWs when the Control Flags, C-Bit and S-Bit don’t match between the end-points. It specifically documents P2MP and multi-homing scenarios. It does an adequate job of this but I have some minor concerns with this document that I think should be resolved before publication.  However, it is as the authors’ lucky day as I have recommended edits for my concerns.

The readability of the document could be vastly improved with the suggested edits below.

Major Issues: N/A

Minor Issues:

  1 . The documents needs the updated Key Word template referencing RFC8174 as well as RFC2219.
  2.  Most, but not all, acronyms in lower case. Do the RFC Editor a favor and fix this now.
  3.  The PW Control Word is referred to in many different ways. Be consistent.

1.      Acronyms are sometimes expanded in the wrong manner with the acronym in parentheses.
2.      Some sentences are hard to parse.


Suggested Edits Follow:

*** draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt.orig        2019-02-18 10:36:41.000000000 -0500
--- draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt    2019-02-18 11:42:39.000000000 -0500
*** 10,24 ****
  Expires: February 18, 2019                               August 17, 2018

!            Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS


!    This document updates the meaning of the "control flags" fields
!    inside the "layer2 info extended community" used for BGP-VPLS NLRI as
!    defined in RFC4761. If approved, this document updates RFC4761.

  Status of this Memo
--- 10,24 ----
  Expires: February 18, 2019                               August 17, 2018

!            Updated processing of Control Flags for BGP VPLS


!    This document updates the meaning of the Control Flags field
!    in the Layer2 Info Extended Community used for BGP-VPLS NLRI as
!    defined in RFC4761. This document updates RFC4761.

  Status of this Memo
*** 118,161 ****

     "Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and
     Signaling" ([RFC4761]) describes the concepts and signaling for using
!    BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to setup a VPLS (virtual private LAN
!    service). It specifies the BGP VPLS NLRI (network layer reachability
!    information) by which a PE may require other PEs in the same VPLS to
!    include (or not) control-word and sequencing information in VPLS
     frames sent to this PE.

!    The use of control word (CW) helps prevent mis-ordering of IPv4 or
!    IPv6 PW traffic over ECMP (equal cost multi-path) paths or LAG (link
!    aggregation group) bundles. [RFC4385] describes the format for
!    control-word that may be used over point-2-point PWs (pseudowires)
!    and over a VPLS. It along with [RFC3985] also describes sequencing of
!    frames.

     However, [RFC4761] does not specify the behavior of PEs in a mixed
!    environment where some PEs support control-word/sequencing and others
!    do not.

  1.1  Terminology

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
!    document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

  2  Problem

     [RFC4761] specifies the VPLS BGP NLRI by which a given PE advertises
!    the behavior expected from the multiple PEs participating in the same
     VPLS. The NLRI indicates the VPLS label that the various PE routers,
     which are referred to in the NLRI, should use when forwarding VPLS
!    traffic to this PE. Additionally, by using the "control flags" this
     PE specifies whether the other PEs (in the same VPLS) should use
!    control-word or sequenced-delivery for frames forwarded to this PE.
     These are respectively indicated by the C and the S bits in the
!    "control flags" as specified in section 3.2.4 in [RFC4761].

     [RFC4761] requires that if the advertising PE sets the C and S bits,
!    when forwarding VPLS traffic to the PE, the receiving PE MUST insert
!    control word (CW) and by including sequence numbers respectively.

     However, in a BGP VPLS deployment there would often be cases where a
     PE receiving the VPLS BGP NLRI may not have the ability to insert a
--- 118,163 ----

     "Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and
     Signaling" ([RFC4761]) describes the concepts and signaling for using
!    BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to setup a VPLS.
!    It specifies the BGP VPLS Network Layer Reachability Information
!    (NLRI) by which a PE may require other PEs in the same VPLS to
!    include (or not) the control-word and sequencing information in VPLS
     frames sent to this PE.

!    The use of the Control Word (CW) helps prevent mis-ordering of IPv4 or
!    IPv6 Psuedo-Wire (PW) traffic over Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) paths or
!    Link Aggregation Group (LAG) bundles. [RFC4385] describes the format for
!    CW that may be used over Point-to-Point PWs
!    and over a VPLS. Along with [RFC3985, the document also describes
!    sequence number usage for VPLS frames.

     However, [RFC4761] does not specify the behavior of PEs in a mixed
!    environment where some PEs support Control Word/sequencing and
!    others do not.

  1.1  Terminology

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
!    "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
!    14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
!    capitals, as shown here.

  2  Problem

     [RFC4761] specifies the VPLS BGP NLRI by which a given PE advertises
!    the behavior expected by the multiple PEs participating in the same
     VPLS. The NLRI indicates the VPLS label that the various PE routers,
     which are referred to in the NLRI, should use when forwarding VPLS
!    traffic to this PE. Additionally, by using the Control Flags, this
     PE specifies whether the other PEs (in the same VPLS) should use
!    Control Word or sequenced-delivery for frames forwarded to this PE.
     These are respectively indicated by the C and the S bits in the
!    Control Flags as specified in section 3.2.4 in [RFC4761].

     [RFC4761] requires that if the advertising PE sets the C and S bits,
!    the receiving PE MUST, respectively, insert control word (CW) and include
!    sequence numbers when forwarding VPLS traffic to the advertising PE.

     However, in a BGP VPLS deployment there would often be cases where a
     PE receiving the VPLS BGP NLRI may not have the ability to insert a
*** 170,185 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    This document updates the meaning of the control flags in layer2
     extended community in the BGP VPLS NLRI. It also specifies the
     forwarding behavior for a mixed-mode environment where not every PE
     in a VPLS has the ability or the configuration to honor the control
     flags received from the PE advertising the BGP NLRI.

! 3  Updated meaning of control flags in the layer2 info extended
!    community

!    Current specification does not allow for the CW setting to be
     negotiated. Rather, if a PE sets the C-bit, it expects to receive
     VPLS frames with a control word, and will send frames the same way.
     If the PEs at both ends of a pseudowire do not agree on the setting
--- 172,187 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    This document updates the meaning of the control flags in the layer2
     extended community in the BGP VPLS NLRI. It also specifies the
     forwarding behavior for a mixed-mode environment where not every PE
     in a VPLS has the ability or the configuration to honor the control
     flags received from the PE advertising the BGP NLRI.

! 3  Updated meaning of control flags in the Layer2 Info Extended
!    Community

!    The current specification does not allow for the CW setting to be
     negotiated. Rather, if a PE sets the C-bit, it expects to receive
     VPLS frames with a control word, and will send frames the same way.
     If the PEs at both ends of a pseudowire do not agree on the setting
*** 194,218 ****
     If a PE sets the C-bit in its NLRI, it means that the PE has ability
     to send and receive frames with a control word.  If the PEs at both
     ends of a PW set the C-bit, control words MUST be used in both
!    directions of the PW.  If both PEs send a C-bit of 0, control words
     MUST NOT be used on the PW.  These two cases behave as before.

!    However, if the PEs don't agree on the setting of the C-bit, control
!    words MUST NOT be used on that PW but the PW MUST NOT be prevented
     from coming up due to this mismatch. So, the PW MUST still come up.
!    This behavior is new; the old behavior was that the PW doesn't come
!    up.

  3.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!    Current BGP VPLS specification do not allow for S-bit setting to be
!    negotiated either.  If the PE sets the S-bit, it expects to receive
!    VPLS frames with sequence numbers, and will send the frames with
     sequence numbers as well.  This memo further specifies the existing
     behavior. If the PEs on the both ends of the PW set the S-bit, then
     both PEs MUST include the PW sequence numbers.  If the PEs at both
     ends of the PW do not agree on the setting of the S-bit, the PW
!    SHOULD NOT come up at all.

--- 196,220 ----
     If a PE sets the C-bit in its NLRI, it means that the PE has ability
     to send and receive frames with a control word.  If the PEs at both
     ends of a PW set the C-bit, control words MUST be used in both
!    directions on the PW.  If both PEs send a C-bit of 0, Control Words
     MUST NOT be used on the PW.  These two cases behave as before.

!    However, if the PEs don't agree on the setting of the C-bit, Control
!    Words MUST NOT be used on that PW but the PW MUST NOT be prevented
     from coming up due to this mismatch. So, the PW MUST still come up.
!    This behavior is changed from the behavior in [RFC4761] where the
!    PW doesn't come up.

  3.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!    The current BGP VPLS specification also do not allow for S-bit setting to be
!    to be negotiated.  If the PE sets the S-bit, it expects to receive
!    VPLS frames with sequence numbers, and will send outgoing frames with
     sequence numbers as well.  This memo further specifies the existing
     behavior. If the PEs on the both ends of the PW set the S-bit, then
     both PEs MUST include the PW sequence numbers.  If the PEs at both
     ends of the PW do not agree on the setting of the S-bit, the PW
!    SHOULD NOT come up.

*** 226,279 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

! 4  Using p2mp LSP as transport for BGP VPLS

     BGP VPLS can be used over point-2-point LSPs acting as transport
     between the VPLS PEs. Alternately, BGP VPLS may also be used over
!    p2mp (point to multipoint) LSPs (label switched path) with the source
!    of the p2mp LSP rooted at the PE advertising the VPLS BGP NLRI.

!    In a network that uses p2mp LSPs as transport for BGP VPLS, in a
!    given VPLS there may be some PEs that support control-word while
!    others do not. Similarly, for sequencing of frames.
!    In such a setup, a source PE that supports control-word should setup
!    2 different p2mp LSPs such that:
!      - one p2mp LSP will carry CW-marked frames to those PEs that
!        advertised C-bit as 1, and
!      - the other p2mp LSP will carry frames without CW to those PEs
         that advertised C-bit as 0.

!      Using 2 different p2mp LSPs to deliver frames with and without CW
!      to different PEs ensures that this PE honors the C-bit advertised
!      by the other PEs.
!      However, the set of leaves on the 2 p2mp LSPs (rooted at the given
!      PE) MUST NOT contain any PEs that advertised a value for S-bit
!      different from what this PE itself is advertising. PEs that
!      advertised their S-bit value differently (from what this PE
!      advertised) will not be on either of the p2mp LSPs. It is ensured
!      that this PE is sending VPLS frames only to those PEs that agree
!      with this PE on the setting of S-bit.

  5  Treatment of C and S bits in multi-homing scenarios

! 5.1 Control word (C-bit)

!      In multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end point.  It could be assumed that
       the end-to-end PW establishment process should follow the same
       rules when it comes to control word requirement, meaning setting
!      the C-bit would be enforced equally toward both primary and backup
!      designated forwarder together.

!      However, in the multi-homing case each PW SHOULD be evaluated
       independently. Assuming the below specified network topology, there
!      could be the case where PW between PE2 and PE1 could have control
!      word signaled via extended community and would be used in the VPLS
!      frame, while PE2 to PE4 PW would not insert the control word in the
       VPLS frame due to C-bit mismatch.  The rest of PEs multi-homing
!      behavior should simply follow the rules specified in draft-ietf-

--- 228,281 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

! 4  Using Point-to-MultiPoint (P2MP) LSPs as transport for BGP VPLS

     BGP VPLS can be used over point-2-point LSPs acting as transport
     between the VPLS PEs. Alternately, BGP VPLS may also be used over
!    P2MP Label Switched Path (LSPs) with the source
!    of the P2MP LSP rooted at the PE advertising the VPLS BGP NLRI.

!    In a network that uses P2MP LSPs as transport for a VPLS,
!    there may be some PEs that support CW while
!    others may not. Similarly, for the sequencing of VPLS frames.
!    In such a setup, a source PE that supports CW should setup
!    two different P2MP LSPs such that:
!      - One P2MP LSP will transport CW-marked frames to those PEs that
!        advertised the C-bit as 1.
!      - The other P2MP LSP will transport frames without CW to those PEs
         that advertised C-bit as 0.

!      Using two different P2MP LSPs to deliver frames with and without the CW
!      to different PEs ensures that a P2MP root PE honors the C-bit advertised
!      by the other P2MP PEs.
!      However, the set of leaves on the two P2MP LSPs (rooted at the given
!      PE) MUST NOT contain any PEs that advertised a value for the S-bit
!      different from what the root PE itself is advertising. PEs that
!      advertised their S-bit value differently (from what the P2MP root PE
!      advertised) will not be on either of the P2MP LSPs. This ensures
!      that the P2MP root PE is sending VPLS frames only to those PEs that
!      agree on the setting of S-bit.

  5  Treatment of C and S bits in multi-homing scenarios

! 5.1 Control Word (C-bit)

!      In a multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end-point.  It could be assumed that
       the end-to-end PW establishment process should follow the same
       rules when it comes to control word requirement, meaning setting
!      the C-bit would be enforced equally toward both the primary and backup
!      designated forwarders.

!      However, in the multi-homing case, each PW SHOULD be evaluated
       independently. Assuming the below specified network topology, there
!      could be the case where the PW between PE2 and PE1 could have CW
!      signaled via extended community and would be used in the VPLS
!      frame, while the PE2 to PE4 PW would not insert the CW in the
       VPLS frame due to C-bit mismatch.  The rest of PEs multi-homing
!      behavior should follow the rules specified in draft-ietf-

*** 285,304 ****

! 5.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!      In multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end point. In this case, the rules for
       end-to-end PW establishment SHOULD follow the same rules when it
       comes to sequence bit requirements.  Consider the case below with
       CE5 being multi-homed to PE4 and PE1.  The PW behavior is similar
!      to the C-word scenario so that the insertion of S-bit evaluation
!      SHOULD be independent per PW.  However, because S-bit mismatch
!      between two end-point PEs yields in no PW establishment, in the
       case where PE4 doesn't support S-bit, only one PW would be
       established, between PE1 and PE2.  Thus, even though CE5 is
       physically multi-homed, due to PE4's lack of support for S-bit, and
!      no PW between PE1 and PE4, CE5 would not be multi-homed any more.

  6  Illustrative diagram

--- 287,306 ----

! 5.2 Sequence Flag (S-bit)

!      In a multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end-point. In this case, the rules for
       end-to-end PW establishment SHOULD follow the same rules when it
       comes to sequence bit requirements.  Consider the case below with
       CE5 being multi-homed to PE4 and PE1.  The PW behavior is similar
!      to the CW scenario so that the insertion of S-bit evaluation
!      SHOULD be independent per PW.  However, because an S-bit mismatch
!      between two PW end-point PEs results in no PW establishment, in the
       case where PE4 doesn't support S-bit, only one PW would be
       established, between PE1 and PE2.  Thus, even though CE5 is
       physically multi-homed, due to PE4's lack of support for S-bit, and
!      no PW between PE1 and PE4, CE5 would not be multi-homed.

  6  Illustrative diagram

*** 329,335 ****
     displayed. Let PE1 be the PE under consideration that is CW enabled.
     Let PE2 and PE3 also be CW enabled. Let PE4 not be CW enabled. PE1
     will advertise a VPLS BGP NLRI, containing the C/S bits marked as 1.
!    PE2 and PE3 on learning of NLRI from PE1, shall include the control

--- 331,337 ----
     displayed. Let PE1 be the PE under consideration that is CW enabled.
     Let PE2 and PE3 also be CW enabled. Let PE4 not be CW enabled. PE1
     will advertise a VPLS BGP NLRI, containing the C/S bits marked as 1.
!    PE2 and PE3 on receiving the NLRI from PE1, willx include the CW

*** 338,366 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    word in VPLS frames being forwarded to PE1. However, PE4 which does
!    not have the ability to include control-word.

     As per [RFC4761], PE1 would have an expectation that all other PEs
!    forward traffic to it by including CW. That expectation cannot be met
!    by PE4 in this example. Thus, as per [RFC4761] the PW between PE1 and
     PE4 does not come up.

     However, this document addresses how to support the mixed-CW
     environment as above. PE1 will bring up the PW with PE4 despite the
     CW mismatch. Additionally, it will setup its data-plane such that it
!    will strip the control-word only for those VPLS frames that are
!    received from PEs that are themselves indicating their desire to
!    receive CW marked frames. So, PE1 will setup its data plane to strip-
!    off the CW only for VPLs frames received from PEs PE2 and PE3. PE1
!    will setup its data plane to not strip CW from frames received from

  7  Security Considerations

     This document updates the behavior specified in [RFC4761]. The
     security considerations listed in [RFC4761] apply. However, there are
!    no new security considerations due to the text of this document.

  8  IANA Considerations

--- 340,369 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    in VPLS frames being forwarded to PE1. However, PE4 which does
!    not have the ability to include the CW, will not

     As per [RFC4761], PE1 would have an expectation that all other PEs
!    forward traffic to it including the CW. That expectation cannot be met
!    by PE4 in this example. Thus, as per [RFC4761], the PW between PE1 and
     PE4 does not come up.

     However, this document addresses how to support the mixed-CW
     environment as above. PE1 will bring up the PW with PE4 despite the
     CW mismatch. Additionally, it will setup its data-plane such that it
!    will strip the CW only for those VPLS frames that are
!    received from PEs that have indicated their desire to
!    receive CW marked frames. So, PE1 will setup its data plane to strip
!    the CW only for VPLs frames received from PE2 and PE3. PE1
!    will setup its data-plane to not strip the CW from frames received from

  7  Security Considerations

     This document updates the behavior specified in [RFC4761]. The
     security considerations listed in [RFC4761] apply. However, there are
!    no new security considerations due to the behavior changes in this
!    document.

  8  IANA Considerations

*** 382,387 ****
--- 385,394 ----
                 Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Control Word,
                 RFC 4385, February 2006.

+    [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
+               2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
+               May 2017, <>.
  9.2 Informative References

     [RFC3985]   Bryant, S., P. Pate, Pseudo Wire Emulation
ACEE-M-G2HR:Desktop acee$
ACEE-M-G2HR:Desktop acee$
ACEE-M-G2HR:Desktop acee$
ACEE-M-G2HR:Desktop acee$
ACEE-M-G2HR:Desktop acee$ diff -c draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt.orig draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt
*** draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt.orig        2019-02-18 10:36:41.000000000 -0500
--- draft-ietf-bess-bgp-vpls-control-flags-06.txt    2019-02-18 11:42:39.000000000 -0500
*** 10,24 ****
  Expires: February 18, 2019                               August 17, 2018

!            Updated processing of control flags for BGP VPLS


!    This document updates the meaning of the "control flags" fields
!    inside the "layer2 info extended community" used for BGP-VPLS NLRI as
!    defined in RFC4761. If approved, this document updates RFC4761.

  Status of this Memo
--- 10,24 ----
  Expires: February 18, 2019                               August 17, 2018

!            Updated processing of Control Flags for BGP VPLS


!    This document updates the meaning of the Control Flags field
!    in the Layer2 Info Extended Community used for BGP-VPLS NLRI as
!    defined in RFC4761. This document updates RFC4761.

  Status of this Memo
*** 118,161 ****

     "Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and
     Signaling" ([RFC4761]) describes the concepts and signaling for using
!    BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to setup a VPLS (virtual private LAN
!    service). It specifies the BGP VPLS NLRI (network layer reachability
!    information) by which a PE may require other PEs in the same VPLS to
!    include (or not) control-word and sequencing information in VPLS
     frames sent to this PE.

!    The use of control word (CW) helps prevent mis-ordering of IPv4 or
!    IPv6 PW traffic over ECMP (equal cost multi-path) paths or LAG (link
!    aggregation group) bundles. [RFC4385] describes the format for
!    control-word that may be used over point-2-point PWs (pseudowires)
!    and over a VPLS. It along with [RFC3985] also describes sequencing of
!    frames.

     However, [RFC4761] does not specify the behavior of PEs in a mixed
!    environment where some PEs support control-word/sequencing and others
!    do not.

  1.1  Terminology

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
!    document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

  2  Problem

     [RFC4761] specifies the VPLS BGP NLRI by which a given PE advertises
!    the behavior expected from the multiple PEs participating in the same
     VPLS. The NLRI indicates the VPLS label that the various PE routers,
     which are referred to in the NLRI, should use when forwarding VPLS
!    traffic to this PE. Additionally, by using the "control flags" this
     PE specifies whether the other PEs (in the same VPLS) should use
!    control-word or sequenced-delivery for frames forwarded to this PE.
     These are respectively indicated by the C and the S bits in the
!    "control flags" as specified in section 3.2.4 in [RFC4761].

     [RFC4761] requires that if the advertising PE sets the C and S bits,
!    when forwarding VPLS traffic to the PE, the receiving PE MUST insert
!    control word (CW) and by including sequence numbers respectively.

     However, in a BGP VPLS deployment there would often be cases where a
     PE receiving the VPLS BGP NLRI may not have the ability to insert a
--- 118,163 ----

     "Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and
     Signaling" ([RFC4761]) describes the concepts and signaling for using
!    BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) to setup a VPLS.
!    It specifies the BGP VPLS Network Layer Reachability Information
!    (NLRI) by which a PE may require other PEs in the same VPLS to
!    include (or not) the control-word and sequencing information in VPLS
     frames sent to this PE.

!    The use of the Control Word (CW) helps prevent mis-ordering of IPv4 or
!    IPv6 Psuedo-Wire (PW) traffic over Equal Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) paths or
!    Link Aggregation Group (LAG) bundles. [RFC4385] describes the format for
!    CW that may be used over Point-to-Point PWs
!    and over a VPLS. Along with [RFC3985, the document also describes
!    sequence number usage for VPLS frames.

     However, [RFC4761] does not specify the behavior of PEs in a mixed
!    environment where some PEs support Control Word/sequencing and
!    others do not.

  1.1  Terminology

     The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
!    "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
!    14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
!    capitals, as shown here.

  2  Problem

     [RFC4761] specifies the VPLS BGP NLRI by which a given PE advertises
!    the behavior expected by the multiple PEs participating in the same
     VPLS. The NLRI indicates the VPLS label that the various PE routers,
     which are referred to in the NLRI, should use when forwarding VPLS
!    traffic to this PE. Additionally, by using the Control Flags, this
     PE specifies whether the other PEs (in the same VPLS) should use
!    Control Word or sequenced-delivery for frames forwarded to this PE.
     These are respectively indicated by the C and the S bits in the
!    Control Flags as specified in section 3.2.4 in [RFC4761].

     [RFC4761] requires that if the advertising PE sets the C and S bits,
!    the receiving PE MUST, respectively, insert control word (CW) and include
!    sequence numbers when forwarding VPLS traffic to the advertising PE.

     However, in a BGP VPLS deployment there would often be cases where a
     PE receiving the VPLS BGP NLRI may not have the ability to insert a
*** 170,185 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    This document updates the meaning of the control flags in layer2
     extended community in the BGP VPLS NLRI. It also specifies the
     forwarding behavior for a mixed-mode environment where not every PE
     in a VPLS has the ability or the configuration to honor the control
     flags received from the PE advertising the BGP NLRI.

! 3  Updated meaning of control flags in the layer2 info extended
!    community

!    Current specification does not allow for the CW setting to be
     negotiated. Rather, if a PE sets the C-bit, it expects to receive
     VPLS frames with a control word, and will send frames the same way.
     If the PEs at both ends of a pseudowire do not agree on the setting
--- 172,187 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    This document updates the meaning of the control flags in the layer2
     extended community in the BGP VPLS NLRI. It also specifies the
     forwarding behavior for a mixed-mode environment where not every PE
     in a VPLS has the ability or the configuration to honor the control
     flags received from the PE advertising the BGP NLRI.

! 3  Updated meaning of control flags in the Layer2 Info Extended
!    Community

!    The current specification does not allow for the CW setting to be
     negotiated. Rather, if a PE sets the C-bit, it expects to receive
     VPLS frames with a control word, and will send frames the same way.
     If the PEs at both ends of a pseudowire do not agree on the setting
*** 194,218 ****
     If a PE sets the C-bit in its NLRI, it means that the PE has ability
     to send and receive frames with a control word.  If the PEs at both
     ends of a PW set the C-bit, control words MUST be used in both
!    directions of the PW.  If both PEs send a C-bit of 0, control words
     MUST NOT be used on the PW.  These two cases behave as before.

!    However, if the PEs don't agree on the setting of the C-bit, control
!    words MUST NOT be used on that PW but the PW MUST NOT be prevented
     from coming up due to this mismatch. So, the PW MUST still come up.
!    This behavior is new; the old behavior was that the PW doesn't come
!    up.

  3.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!    Current BGP VPLS specification do not allow for S-bit setting to be
!    negotiated either.  If the PE sets the S-bit, it expects to receive
!    VPLS frames with sequence numbers, and will send the frames with
     sequence numbers as well.  This memo further specifies the existing
     behavior. If the PEs on the both ends of the PW set the S-bit, then
     both PEs MUST include the PW sequence numbers.  If the PEs at both
     ends of the PW do not agree on the setting of the S-bit, the PW
!    SHOULD NOT come up at all.

--- 196,220 ----
     If a PE sets the C-bit in its NLRI, it means that the PE has ability
     to send and receive frames with a control word.  If the PEs at both
     ends of a PW set the C-bit, control words MUST be used in both
!    directions on the PW.  If both PEs send a C-bit of 0, Control Words
     MUST NOT be used on the PW.  These two cases behave as before.

!    However, if the PEs don't agree on the setting of the C-bit, Control
!    Words MUST NOT be used on that PW but the PW MUST NOT be prevented
     from coming up due to this mismatch. So, the PW MUST still come up.
!    This behavior is changed from the behavior in [RFC4761] where the
!    PW doesn't come up.

  3.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!    The current BGP VPLS specification also do not allow for S-bit setting to be
!    to be negotiated.  If the PE sets the S-bit, it expects to receive
!    VPLS frames with sequence numbers, and will send outgoing frames with
     sequence numbers as well.  This memo further specifies the existing
     behavior. If the PEs on the both ends of the PW set the S-bit, then
     both PEs MUST include the PW sequence numbers.  If the PEs at both
     ends of the PW do not agree on the setting of the S-bit, the PW
!    SHOULD NOT come up.

*** 226,279 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

! 4  Using p2mp LSP as transport for BGP VPLS

     BGP VPLS can be used over point-2-point LSPs acting as transport
     between the VPLS PEs. Alternately, BGP VPLS may also be used over
!    p2mp (point to multipoint) LSPs (label switched path) with the source
!    of the p2mp LSP rooted at the PE advertising the VPLS BGP NLRI.

!    In a network that uses p2mp LSPs as transport for BGP VPLS, in a
!    given VPLS there may be some PEs that support control-word while
!    others do not. Similarly, for sequencing of frames.
!    In such a setup, a source PE that supports control-word should setup
!    2 different p2mp LSPs such that:
!      - one p2mp LSP will carry CW-marked frames to those PEs that
!        advertised C-bit as 1, and
!      - the other p2mp LSP will carry frames without CW to those PEs
         that advertised C-bit as 0.

!      Using 2 different p2mp LSPs to deliver frames with and without CW
!      to different PEs ensures that this PE honors the C-bit advertised
!      by the other PEs.
!      However, the set of leaves on the 2 p2mp LSPs (rooted at the given
!      PE) MUST NOT contain any PEs that advertised a value for S-bit
!      different from what this PE itself is advertising. PEs that
!      advertised their S-bit value differently (from what this PE
!      advertised) will not be on either of the p2mp LSPs. It is ensured
!      that this PE is sending VPLS frames only to those PEs that agree
!      with this PE on the setting of S-bit.

  5  Treatment of C and S bits in multi-homing scenarios

! 5.1 Control word (C-bit)

!      In multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end point.  It could be assumed that
       the end-to-end PW establishment process should follow the same
       rules when it comes to control word requirement, meaning setting
!      the C-bit would be enforced equally toward both primary and backup
!      designated forwarder together.

!      However, in the multi-homing case each PW SHOULD be evaluated
       independently. Assuming the below specified network topology, there
!      could be the case where PW between PE2 and PE1 could have control
!      word signaled via extended community and would be used in the VPLS
!      frame, while PE2 to PE4 PW would not insert the control word in the
       VPLS frame due to C-bit mismatch.  The rest of PEs multi-homing
!      behavior should simply follow the rules specified in draft-ietf-

--- 228,281 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

! 4  Using Point-to-MultiPoint (P2MP) LSPs as transport for BGP VPLS

     BGP VPLS can be used over point-2-point LSPs acting as transport
     between the VPLS PEs. Alternately, BGP VPLS may also be used over
!    P2MP Label Switched Path (LSPs) with the source
!    of the P2MP LSP rooted at the PE advertising the VPLS BGP NLRI.

!    In a network that uses P2MP LSPs as transport for a VPLS,
!    there may be some PEs that support CW while
!    others may not. Similarly, for the sequencing of VPLS frames.
!    In such a setup, a source PE that supports CW should setup
!    two different P2MP LSPs such that:
!      - One P2MP LSP will transport CW-marked frames to those PEs that
!        advertised the C-bit as 1.
!      - The other P2MP LSP will transport frames without CW to those PEs
         that advertised C-bit as 0.

!      Using two different P2MP LSPs to deliver frames with and without the CW
!      to different PEs ensures that a P2MP root PE honors the C-bit advertised
!      by the other P2MP PEs.
!      However, the set of leaves on the two P2MP LSPs (rooted at the given
!      PE) MUST NOT contain any PEs that advertised a value for the S-bit
!      different from what the root PE itself is advertising. PEs that
!      advertised their S-bit value differently (from what the P2MP root PE
!      advertised) will not be on either of the P2MP LSPs. This ensures
!      that the P2MP root PE is sending VPLS frames only to those PEs that
!      agree on the setting of S-bit.

  5  Treatment of C and S bits in multi-homing scenarios

! 5.1 Control Word (C-bit)

!      In a multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end-point.  It could be assumed that
       the end-to-end PW establishment process should follow the same
       rules when it comes to control word requirement, meaning setting
!      the C-bit would be enforced equally toward both the primary and backup
!      designated forwarders.

!      However, in the multi-homing case, each PW SHOULD be evaluated
       independently. Assuming the below specified network topology, there
!      could be the case where the PW between PE2 and PE1 could have CW
!      signaled via extended community and would be used in the VPLS
!      frame, while the PE2 to PE4 PW would not insert the CW in the
       VPLS frame due to C-bit mismatch.  The rest of PEs multi-homing
!      behavior should follow the rules specified in draft-ietf-

*** 285,304 ****

! 5.2 Sequence flag (S-bit)

!      In multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end point. In this case, the rules for
       end-to-end PW establishment SHOULD follow the same rules when it
       comes to sequence bit requirements.  Consider the case below with
       CE5 being multi-homed to PE4 and PE1.  The PW behavior is similar
!      to the C-word scenario so that the insertion of S-bit evaluation
!      SHOULD be independent per PW.  However, because S-bit mismatch
!      between two end-point PEs yields in no PW establishment, in the
       case where PE4 doesn't support S-bit, only one PW would be
       established, between PE1 and PE2.  Thus, even though CE5 is
       physically multi-homed, due to PE4's lack of support for S-bit, and
!      no PW between PE1 and PE4, CE5 would not be multi-homed any more.

  6  Illustrative diagram

--- 287,306 ----

! 5.2 Sequence Flag (S-bit)

!      In a multi-homed environment, different PEs may effectively represent
!      the same service destination end-point. In this case, the rules for
       end-to-end PW establishment SHOULD follow the same rules when it
       comes to sequence bit requirements.  Consider the case below with
       CE5 being multi-homed to PE4 and PE1.  The PW behavior is similar
!      to the CW scenario so that the insertion of S-bit evaluation
!      SHOULD be independent per PW.  However, because an S-bit mismatch
!      between two PW end-point PEs results in no PW establishment, in the
       case where PE4 doesn't support S-bit, only one PW would be
       established, between PE1 and PE2.  Thus, even though CE5 is
       physically multi-homed, due to PE4's lack of support for S-bit, and
!      no PW between PE1 and PE4, CE5 would not be multi-homed.

  6  Illustrative diagram

*** 329,335 ****
     displayed. Let PE1 be the PE under consideration that is CW enabled.
     Let PE2 and PE3 also be CW enabled. Let PE4 not be CW enabled. PE1
     will advertise a VPLS BGP NLRI, containing the C/S bits marked as 1.
!    PE2 and PE3 on learning of NLRI from PE1, shall include the control

--- 331,337 ----
     displayed. Let PE1 be the PE under consideration that is CW enabled.
     Let PE2 and PE3 also be CW enabled. Let PE4 not be CW enabled. PE1
     will advertise a VPLS BGP NLRI, containing the C/S bits marked as 1.
!    PE2 and PE3 on receiving the NLRI from PE1, willx include the CW

*** 338,366 ****
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    word in VPLS frames being forwarded to PE1. However, PE4 which does
!    not have the ability to include control-word.

     As per [RFC4761], PE1 would have an expectation that all other PEs
!    forward traffic to it by including CW. That expectation cannot be met
!    by PE4 in this example. Thus, as per [RFC4761] the PW between PE1 and
     PE4 does not come up.

     However, this document addresses how to support the mixed-CW
     environment as above. PE1 will bring up the PW with PE4 despite the
     CW mismatch. Additionally, it will setup its data-plane such that it
!    will strip the control-word only for those VPLS frames that are
!    received from PEs that are themselves indicating their desire to
!    receive CW marked frames. So, PE1 will setup its data plane to strip-
!    off the CW only for VPLs frames received from PEs PE2 and PE3. PE1
!    will setup its data plane to not strip CW from frames received from

  7  Security Considerations

     This document updates the behavior specified in [RFC4761]. The
     security considerations listed in [RFC4761] apply. However, there are
!    no new security considerations due to the text of this document.

  8  IANA Considerations

--- 340,369 ----
  INTERNET DRAFT         Control Flags for BGP VPLS        August 17, 2018

!    in VPLS frames being forwarded to PE1. However, PE4 which does
!    not have the ability to include the CW, will not

     As per [RFC4761], PE1 would have an expectation that all other PEs
!    forward traffic to it including the CW. That expectation cannot be met
!    by PE4 in this example. Thus, as per [RFC4761], the PW between PE1 and
     PE4 does not come up.

     However, this document addresses how to support the mixed-CW
     environment as above. PE1 will bring up the PW with PE4 despite the
     CW mismatch. Additionally, it will setup its data-plane such that it
!    will strip the CW only for those VPLS frames that are
!    received from PEs that have indicated their desire to
!    receive CW marked frames. So, PE1 will setup its data plane to strip
!    the CW only for VPLs frames received from PE2 and PE3. PE1
!    will setup its data-plane to not strip the CW from frames received from

  7  Security Considerations

     This document updates the behavior specified in [RFC4761]. The
     security considerations listed in [RFC4761] apply. However, there are
!    no new security considerations due to the behavior changes in this
!    document.

  8  IANA Considerations

*** 382,387 ****
--- 385,394 ----
                 Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Control Word,
                 RFC 4385, February 2006.

+    [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
+               2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
+               May 2017, <>.
  9.2 Informative References

     [RFC3985]   Bryant, S., P. Pate, Pseudo Wire Emulation