[RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ietf-rtgwg-yang-rib-extend-16
Zhaohui Zhang via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Mon, 01 May 2023 18:43 UTC
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From: Zhaohui Zhang via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org>
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Reply-To: Zhaohui Zhang <zzhang@juniper.net>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2023 11:43:44 -0700
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Subject: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ietf-rtgwg-yang-rib-extend-16
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Reviewer: Zhaohui Zhang Review result: Has Issues I have the following one nit comment and one question: augment "/rt:routing/rt:ribs/rt:rib/" + "rt:routes/rt:route/rt:next-hop/rt:next-hop-options/" + "rt:next-hop-list/rt:next-hop-list/rt:next-hop" { description "Augment the multiple next hops with repair path."; uses repair-path; } The description is slightly misleading. It is to agument a single next-hop in the next-hop-list, not "multiple next hops". Shouldn't the repair path be applicable to static routes as well?
- [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ietf-r… Zhaohui Zhang via Datatracker
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Yingzhen Qu
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Yingzhen Qu
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Yingzhen Qu
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Acee Lindem
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Jeffrey (Zhaohui) Zhang
- Re: [RTG-DIR] Rtgdir last call review of draft-ie… Acee Lindem