Re: [RTG-DIR] [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-stop-00
"Alvaro Retana (aretana)" <> Wed, 07 October 2015 20:41 UTC
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From: "Alvaro Retana (aretana)" <>
To: Antoni Przygienda <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-stop-00
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Subject: Re: [RTG-DIR] [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-stop-00
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On 5/26/15, 9:36 PM, "Antoni Przygienda" <<>> wrote: [Author hat on.] Tony: Hi! It took me a while to get to this.. I just posted an update with clarifications that I think address your points. Responses to your comments inline. I'm just leaving in pieces where we have additional comments. Thanks! Alvaro. Network Working Group D. Walton Internet-Draft Cumulus Networks Intended status: Standards Track A. Retana PRZ> I would like to question whether this is a standards Track document ? PRZ> It looks to me more BCP than Standards track. It relies on peers PRZ> supporting on optional capability and then it only SHOULDs the PRZ> intended behavior. In fact there is not a single normative MUST in PRZ> the whole document. I don't think you don’t need MUSTs, or even any rfc2119 language for a document to be a standard. Personally I don’t think this is a BCP; it basically specifies how the MED oscillations can be I think it should remain on the Standards Track. Having said that, if the chairs/AD have any guidance they want us to follow, then we will. . . . These paths can be advertised using the mechanism described in ADD- PATH [I-D.ietf-idr-add-paths] for advertising multiple paths. PRZ> I suggest to indicate in the document that all routers in AD MUST be PRZ> configured to behave consistently when comparing MEDs PRZ> (i.e. always-compare-med, missing-as-worst and so on need to be PRZ> consistent). PRZ> There seems to me a hidden assumption PRZ> in the document PRZ> albeit likely obvious for the skilled in the art that PRZ> always-compare-med is used here (and in fact the overall behavior PRZ> simulates deterministic-MED?) but IMO it must be mentioned what the PRZ> assumptions are. Especially for routers that want to the RRC but PRZ> do NOT support add-path e.g. PRZ> that they are sometimes employed to fix some of PRZ> those issues and need to be considered. >From the discussion in rfc3345 (where the oscillations are described), always-compare-med is actually ruled out because it defeats the purpose of setting the MED. Missing-as-worst is the default from we’re not making any assumptions of what knobs are configured beyond the default. OTOH, yes, deterministic-MED is pretty much what is described in section 4 (Advertise the Group Best Paths) as part of the solution. I added some clarification on assumptions. . . . 4. Advertise the Group Best Paths The term neighbor-AS for a route refers to the neighboring AS from which the route was received. The calculation of the neighbor-AS is specified in Sect. of [RFC4271], and Section 7.2 of [RFC5065]. By definition the MED is comparable only among routes with the same neighbor-AS. PRZ> We all know this can be violated by vendor specific configs and PRZ> merits mentioning as reference to 4456 again since this is a very PRZ> 'practical deployment' It must be late..I’m missing the reference to 4456 when talking about changes in the default behavior. PRZ> targeted draft. In fact this draft should reference how two best PRZ> routes to same prefix via two different ASes (two group best paths PRZ> to same prefix) should be resolved or ECMP’ed. I know that many implementations support that type of ECMP. However, that is not an issue specific to this draft or even ADD-PATH. If we (the WG) ever wanted to document that internal behavior (similar to just regular ECMP) it should be in a separate draft. There is no change to the resolution (finding the bestpath) of two group best paths. . . . PRZ> This needs specification WHAT is advertised to the peers not supporting PRZ> add-path? if we follow today's behavior, it would be any PRZ> of the best-group paths broken on IGP metric. PRZ> I think it is worth mentioning that if ANY of the involved RRs does PRZ> not support add-path, the solution COULD loop again using IGP as tie-breaker PRZ> for routes from different ASes. PRZ> PRZ> Or is one of the restrictions this draft suggests PRZ> that all RRs MUST be PRZ> add-path capable ? Yes, we’re assuming that the solution can be deployed because all routers that need to support ADD-PATH. I think that assumption is clear in the text as it mentions several times that the solution is based on it. We didn’t look at partial deployments. . . .
- [RTG-DIR] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr-route-osc… Antoni Przygienda
- Re: [RTG-DIR] [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr… Alvaro Retana (aretana)
- Re: [RTG-DIR] [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr… Antoni Przygienda
- Re: [RTG-DIR] [Idr] RtgDir review: draft-ietf-idr… Alvaro Retana (aretana)