[RTG-DIR]Re: Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-pce-pcep-yang-25

Dhruv Dhody <dd@dhruvdhody.com> Sat, 19 October 2024 11:31 UTC

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Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 17:00:19 +0530
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To: Matthew Bocci <matthew.bocci@nokia.com>
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Subject: [RTG-DIR]Re: Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-pce-pcep-yang-25
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Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the feedback.

On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 6:33 PM Matthew Bocci via Datatracker <
noreply@ietf.org> wrote:

> Reviewer: Matthew Bocci
> Review result: Has Nits
> Thanks for a clear an well written draft. I have reviewed this from the
> perspective of my knowledge of PCEP and the way PCCs and PCEs generally
> work,
> rather than going through the YANG with a fine-toothed comb, as I am not
> really
> a YANG expert and I would hope that a YANG doctor's review would cover the
> syntax and other correctness of the YANG. I have just a few nits/questions,
> below, but otherwise I think the draft is ready for publication.
> The line numbers are from the IDNits output.
> [snip]
> 16      Abstract
> 18         This document defines a YANG data model for the management of
> Path
> s / Path / the Path
Dhruv: Ack

> 19         Computation Element communications Protocol (PCEP) for
> communications
> [snip]
> 91      1.  Introduction
> 93         The Path Computation Element (PCE) defined in [RFC4655] is an
> entity
> 94         that is capable of computing a network path or route based on a
> 95         network graph, and applying computational constraints.  A Path
> 96         Computation Client (PCC) may make requests to a PCE for paths
> to be
> 97         computed.
> 99         PCEP is the communication protocol between a PCC and PCE and is
> 100        defined in [RFC5440].  PCEP interactions include path
> computation
> 101        requests and path computation replies as well as notifications
> of
> 102        specific states related to the use of a PCE in the context of
> 103        Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS
> 104        Traffic Engineering (TE).  [RFC8231] specifies extensions to
> PCEP to
> 105        enable stateful control of MPLS TE LSPs.
> 107        This document defines a YANG [RFC7950] data model for the
> management
> 108        of PCEP speakers.  It is important to establish a common data
> model
> 109        for how PCEP speakers are identified, configured, and
> monitored.  The
> 110        data model includes configuration data and state data.
> 112        This document contains a specification of the PCEP YANG module,
> 113        "ietf-pcep" which provides the PCEP [RFC5440] data model.
> Further,
> 114        this document also includes the PCEP statistics YANG module
> "ietf-
> 115        pcep-stats" which provides statistics, counters and telemetry
> data.
> 117        The PCEP operational state is included in the same tree as the
> 118        configuration consistent with Network Management Datastore
> 119        Architecture (NMDA) [RFC8342].  The origin of the data is
> indicated
> 120        as per the origin metadata annotation.
> MB> I take the above text to mean that this draft is a YANG model for PCEP
> when
> the data plane is assumed to be MPLS. However, it doesn't quite say that.
> It
> seems to imply that MPLS is the only valid data plane, when in fact SRv6
> could
> be used and there are drafts related to that. I would suggest rephrasing or
> adding text to say the PCEP in general could be used with other data
> planes,
> but we are only modelling MPLS here, or something along those lines. Just
> to
> make it very clear what the scope of the model is.
Dhruv: I think the original text with the references makes sense to talk
about MPLS as none of those RFC is thinking beyond MPLS. I have added a
sentence to talk about SR - "[RFC8664] and [RFC9603] extend PCEP to support
Segment Routing in MPLS and IPv6 respectively." and later in section 6
mentioned that SRv6 is covered in another document.

> [snip]
> 553              |  +--rw inter-layer?            boolean {inter-layer}?
> 554              |  +--rw h-pce {h-pce}?
> 555              |     +--rw enabled?    boolean
> 556              |     +--rw stateful?   boolean {stateful}?
> 557              |     +--rw role?       hpce-role
> 558              +--rw msd?                          uint8 {sr}?
> MB> The model implies that a PCC could have a MSD configured that is
> different
> from the MSD that is advertised in the IGP, for example. I thought MSD was
> really a router/LER-wide property, determined by the underlying datapath
> implementation, rather than something to configure, so should this not be
> state for the PCC (i.e. ro rather than rw )? This question is also
> applicable
> to line 771 in the draft.
Dhruv: RFC8664 allows MSD to be carried in PCEP independently and exchanged
during the PCEP session establishment in the open message as per -
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8664.html#section-4.1.1; this is used
when the IGP MSD is somehow unknown at the PCE. But you are correct that
this should be marked read-only.

I have uploaded a -26 revision. See
