[savi] WG Action: Conclusion of Source Address Validation Improvements (savi)
IESG Secretary <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Thu, 18 October 2018 16:33 UTC
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Subject: [savi] WG Action: Conclusion of Source Address Validation Improvements (savi)
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The Source Address Validation Improvements (savi) WG in the Internet Area WG has successfully delivered all the listed deliverables in its charter. There were a few proposed new work items (WiFi related), and I have decided to evaluate them on a case by case basis and progress them as AD sponsored if needed. Now would be a great time to declare victory and close down the working group. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Jean-Michel for his great job chairing the working group to completion. I would also like to thank all the active authors, past chairs, editors, contributors and reviewers who made all this work possible. I would like to shut down the WG mailing list once the WG closes as I did not see any open discussion items there. - Suresh Krishnan, Internet Area Director
- [savi] WG Action: Conclusion of Source Address Va… IESG Secretary