Re: [scap_interest] Scope of standards potentially moving to IETF Wed, 15 February 2012 16:43 UTC

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Hello all:
I also believe that SCAP can be used worlwide and should be marketted accordingly.
Maybe allowing IETF to endorse them is a good idea.
I just have a few questions.
1.  Would IETF also take a role in validating products?
2.  What mechanisms does IETF provide that encourage the cooperation needed for incorporation future specifications?
3.  How would IETF take into account the input of U.S. Federal agencies in future specifications?
David Oliva
On 02/15/12, Chernin, Michael A.<> wrote:

Kent, understood. Like the vendors, I do agree that certain standards need to go to IETF. But, today the only people that would be voting during IETF calls would be the federal government and security tool vendors. I am going to be hesitant in supporting a move of all standards until there are standards consumers (private sector customers) who will also be participating in IETF voting. I am trying to balance rapid development of standards using the IETF and complete vendor control of all standards. Once I see more consumer activity during voting, I will be more supportive of a large number of standards moving IETF.


I know I am early and jumping the gun on this, but I just wanted to get my story out there. At this time no standards have been specifically identified and no specific action is required at this time.




DTCC Non-Confidential (White)
Michael "Aharon" Chernin
Security Automation Program Manager
Corporate Information Security -Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
O: 813-470-2173


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 6:09 PM
To: Chernin, Michael A.;
Subject: Re: [scap_interest] Scope of standards potentially moving to IETF


From my perspective TBD.


There are some that are unencumbered from and IPR perspective and those are potential candidates. Others will have to move as the appropriate consensus  is achieved and IPR issues are addressed.


The idea here from my perspective is to figure that out.  


Kent Landfield
Director Content Strategy, Architecture and Standards

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From: Michael Aharon Chernin <>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:04:43 -0600
To: "" <>
Subject: [scap_interest] Scope of standards potentially moving to IETF


I am just going to jump right on out there and ask. Which standards are we looking to go to IETF? Specific SCAP standards or the entire SCAP umbrella?




DTCC Non-Confidential (White)


Michael "Aharon" Chernin

Security Automation Program Manager

Corporate Information Security -Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

O: 813-470-2173



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