[scap_interest] Just throwing this out there: Compliance Frameworks

Adam Montville <amontville@tripwire.com> Tue, 14 February 2012 21:09 UTC

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From: Adam Montville <amontville@tripwire.com>
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I had a brief discussion with several members of this list with respect to compliance frameworks, which met some resistance.  Still, I think presenting the idea to a larger audience to solicit feedback is a good idea.

>From an automation perspective, it seems that some method of being able to map benchmark-level tests to some higher level policy representation may be warranted.  At the end of the day, we perform assessments to ensure that we are in a secure state – to be compliant with a particular set of policies.

Is there any interest in being able to represent a compliance framework with either a new specification or potentially revitalizing and extending an existing specification (CCI: http://iase.disa.mil/stigs/cci.html) or to simply rely upon any existing commercial efforts, such as UCF (https://www.unifiedcompliance.com)?

Or, is this type of representation simply not needed – there's enough there, the present demand doesn't justify the work, or something else?



Adam W. Montville | Security and Compliance Architect

Direct: 503 276-7661
Mobile: 360 471-7815
