[scap_interest] Putting SCAP to work
"Kunz, Andrea A." <AKUNZ@mitre.org> Tue, 14 February 2012 21:06 UTC
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From: "Kunz, Andrea A." <AKUNZ@mitre.org>
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Subject: [scap_interest] Putting SCAP to work
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If this mail group is open to all items related to SCAP, I'd like to put in my two cents for the places where it is currently being used, or at least, where it's ready to be used. If anyone out there has practical experience with or awareness of the HBSS Policy Auditor and how it works with XCCDF Benchmarks and OVAL policy, I would definitely like to engage in some discourse. Andrea
- [scap_interest] Putting SCAP to work Kunz, Andrea A.
- Re: [scap_interest] Putting SCAP to work Kent_Landfield