[Scone] Agenda for the Interim, 2024-12-12 16:00 UTC
Qin Wu <bill.wu@huawei.com> Wed, 11 December 2024 01:50 UTC
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From: Qin Wu <bill.wu@huawei.com>
To: scone <scone@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Agenda for the Interim, 2024-12-12 16:00 UTC
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Subject: [Scone] Agenda for the Interim, 2024-12-12 16:00 UTC
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Hi, all: Just kindly reminder, we are approaching the scone interim meeting scheduled in this week, less than 2 days left. Brian and I put together a meeting agenda for the upcoming interim based on feedback received so far. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/agenda-interim-2024-scone-01-scone-01/ For the focus of the discussion, please refer to the work plan we shared earlier: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/scone/LPGxsQLrs8Hjtfh2ckx_huCBCPs/ If anyone would like to lead discussion on establishing experimentation and (pre-)interop, please also let us know. Thanks. -Qin and Brian -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Scone] Agenda for the Interim, 2024-12-12 16:00 UTC "Brian Trammell (IETF)" <ietf@trammell.ch> Fri, 06 December 2024 13:46 UTC Greetings, all, We have a broad agenda for next week's interim meeting, but no specifics as yet. Looking over the documents and the list conversation we've had since Dublin, I see the following topics that could benefit from (virtual) in-person conversation): -> establishing experimentation and (pre-)interop: we'd talked a bit about MASQUE and non-MASQUE approaches as a basis for experimentation. I'm still optimistic that we could pull together a halfway-usable hackathon in BKK, and coming to some shared understanding about the scope for initial cooperative experiments would accelerate that. -> the broad shape of the protocol (drawing from deployability requirements): there are discussions in flight around the frequency of signaling and whether/how the server is involved in signaling, at least. I don't think we can nail down all the requirements in this space just yet, but coming Of course, if other WG participants have specific topics they'd like to lead discussions on beyond these, the chairs are open to agenda suggestions. Thanks, cheers, Brian (chair hat) Also, concerning the scheduling of the interim, we did receive some feedback that the chosen scheduling app (zcal) had a few (many) rough edges, and as the person running the poll I can't say I disagree. We'll try an alternate approach to scheduling the next interim meeting.