[Sdn] IFIP/IEEE 5G Man Workshop @ IM 2017 - Submission deadline December 19th, 2016

Roberto Riggio <roberto.riggio@create-net.org> Tue, 13 December 2016 09:31 UTC

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I apologize if you received multiple copies of this CFP.

IFIP/IEEE 5G Man 2017 Co-located with IEEE/IFIP IM 2017
8th or 12th May, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal

Co-located with IEEE IM 2017, May 8-12, Lisbon, Portugal

Workshop website: http://www.5gman.org/

Accepted paper will be indexed by IEEExplore.


 - Paper registration: December 15th, 2016
 - Paper submission: December 19th, 2016
 - Notification of acceptance: January 30th, 2017
 - Final version of papers due: February 15th, 2017
 - Workshop date: 8th or 12th May, 2017

5G is envisioned as the next generation of mobile networks. Several
are taking place in Asia, America and Europe, such as the MOST (Ministry of
Science & Technology) 5G project in China, the 5G forum formed in South
the “2020 and beyond” Ad Hoc group in Japan, the 5G Infrastructure Public
Private Partnership (5G PPP) in Europe, in addition to several
related activities. The emerging common features/requirements from these
worldwide activities could be summarized as the following: faster data
rates, shorter latency, availability, security, lower costs and power
consumption and high performance in fast mobility situations. Thus, 5G will
the place to deploy many new technologies. In particular, 5G networks are
expected to rely massively on the most recent advances in Software-Defined
Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), hence offering
opportunity to build an open and innovative platform for communications and
novel brand gathering current and future network architectures, technologies
and usage. Besides the need for an innovative 5G network architecture,
effective and advanced network management architectures and techniques are
cornerstones to fulfil these requirements.

The main goal of this workshop is to present state-of-the-art research
and experience reports in the area of management of 5G networks, addressing
topics such as management of SDN and NFV-based networks and services,
in the management of cloud platforms, programmatic languages and
applied to resources and service management, big data and analytics applied


Authors are invited to submit papers that fall into or are related to one or
multiple topic areas listed below:

•  Analytics and big data approaches for managing 5G networks
•  Cognitive and autonomic management & orchestration/choreography
•  Metadata, data and information models and semantics
•  Programming abstractions for 5G networks
•  Policy-based management, including imperative, declarative (intent), and
other paradigms
•  End-to-end mobile software networks architecture
•  Cloud Management, software-defined infrastructure, and NFV
•  Management architecture, building blocks, protocols and APIs for 5G
networks, layers and systems
•  Operating system for networking in 5G Cloud computing and network
virtualization technologies for RAN, backhaul and core
•  NFV architectures for 5G networks
•  Dynamic service placement and management
•  Dynamic Service Function Chaining
•  QoS and QoE new metrics in software-defined 5G networks
•  Recursive mobile network architectures
•  Advances in mobile network management and orchestration
•  Fronthaul and backhaul integration
•  Spectrum sharing
•  Emerging 5G standards
•  Economic drivers for the deployment of 5G Networks technologies
•  Evaluation, testbeds and management
•  Open Source tools for 5G Prototyping
•  Feedback on 5G experimental testbed


Paper submissions must present original, unpublished research or
Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for
elsewhere can be submitted. Each submission must be written in English,
accompanied by a 75 to 200 words abstract that clearly outlines the scope
contributions of the paper. There is a length limitation of 6 pages
title, abstract, all figures, tables, and references) for regular conference
papers, and 4 pages for short papers describing work in progress.
must be in IEEE 2-column style. Self-plagiarized papers will be rejected
without further review. Authors should submit their papers via JEMS:


Papers accepted for 5GMan2017, will be included in the conference
IEEE Xplore, IFIP database and EI Index. IFIP and IEEE reserve the right to
remove any paper from the IFIP database and IEEE Xplore if the paper is not
presented at the workshop. Awards will be presented to the best paper.


Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Labs, France
Roberto Riggio, CREATE-NET, Italy


Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Labs, France
Roberto Riggio, CREATE-NET, Italy
John Strassner, Huawei Technologies, USA
Younghan Kim, Soongsil University, Korea
Christian Esteve Rothenberg, University of Campinas, Brasil

For more information, please visit: http://www.5gman.org

Roberto Riggio, Ph.D.
Future Networks (FuN)
Senior Researcher
Via alla Cascata 56/D - 38123 Povo Trento (Italy)
e-mail: roberto.riggio@create-net.org
Tel: (+39) 0461 312481
Fax: (+39) 0461 421157

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