[Sdn] IEEE NFV-SDN 2016 - Call for Participation
Christian Makaya <chrism.tpc@gmail.com> Fri, 28 October 2016 02:57 UTC
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From: Christian Makaya <chrism.tpc@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2016 22:57:44 -0400
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************Call for Participation -- IEEE NFV-SDN 2016************ IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization & Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN) Palo Alto, California, USA November 7-9, 2016 http://www.ieee-nfvsdn.org IEEE’s Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks Conference (NFV-SDN) brings together individuals and organizations who want to make a difference by applying software technology in networking. Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networks (SDN) enable rapid networks and services innovation for all participants in the ecosystem. Decoupling network functions from the underlying physical infrastructure using virtualization technologies enables Service innovation. SDN allows programmability of the NFV infrastructure to support the deployment of new network functions in a variety of environments including campus & enterprise networks, data centers, telecommunications networks providers, ISPs, cloud providers and over-the-top (OTT) applications & services providers. NFV enables network capacity and functionality to be decoupled, allowing network functions to be dynamically deployed whenever they are required and wherever they can be hosted. The dramatic industry transformation implied by NFV and SDN will not only impact network computing platforms and network architecture, but will also open up new avenues of research. Further, it enables the deployment of new network functions that enable smart cities/homes/cars/businesses, green infrastructures, new types of user interfaces and cyber-physical reality. The 2016 IEEE NFV-SDN conference focuses, in addition to the latest NFV concepts and mechanism, on first operational results on studies related to virtualized networks functions (VNFs) as well as new applications of VNFs, which smartens networks and their usage. Join us in Palo Alto, CA, USA November 7-9, 2016 as we discuss how software technology can transform the business of networking. Advanced discounted registration ends October 17: http://nfvsdn2016.ieee-nfvsdn.org/registration/ NFV SDN’s goal is to impact in positive and meaningful ways the transformation of the network based on software. While NFV SDN provides attendees with opportunities to interact with peers during pre-conference workshops, paper and workshop sessions, for some of the most valuable insights, takeaways and Eureka moments. Conference highlights include: A demo session with practical software implementations demonstrating networking functionality The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Orchestration for Software Defined Infrastructure (O4SDI). The First International Workshop on Security in NFV-SDN (SNS2016) KEYNOTES: • Infrastructure Engineering and Operations for Emerging Markets, Geng Lin, Google • Platform transformation for NFV and SDN, Ilango Ganga and Brian Skerry, Intel PANELS: • What’s the Right Deployment Architecture for NFV? • The Role of NFV and SDN in 5G Network Transformation TUTORIALS: • P4: A Hands-on (1/2 day) • Open Baton – The first comprehensive and standard compliant NFV Framework (1/2 day) • NFV & Data Plane Optimizations – Tools and Tips (full day) Register today to participate in an extensive, vibrant, and innovative technical program with like-minded individuals across the world. Advanced Discount Registration ends October 17: http://nfvsdn2016.ieee-nfvsdn.org/registration/ Regular Registration through November 9, 2016. On-Site Registration Available.
- [Sdn] IEEE NFV-SDN 2016 - Call for Participation Christian Makaya
- [Sdn] IEEE NFV-SDN 2016 - Call for Participation Christian Makaya
- [Sdn] IEEE NFV-SDN 2016 - Call for Participation Christian Makaya