Re: [Seamoby] Defining Paging Area

Pars MUTAF <> Wed, 19 December 2001 14:42 UTC

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Subject: Re: [Seamoby] Defining Paging Area
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James Kempf wrote:

> Kar Ann,
> This is an entirely open question at this point. There is one draft out
> there on the issue (draft-mutaf-dpac-00.txt),
> but this just one approach, others are possible.

I agree that others are possible. We might have a different scheme
in another mobility scenario. I'd like emphasize which scenario our
DPAC is being designed for:

For example,  consider the case where a user moves towards a new
country which is "far far away" from his home town and
"for the first time in his life". This newly visited country might be
"Papua New Guina" for example.

Such big moves are allowed by Mobile IP. Our proposition
guarantees the availability of paging areas to the above user during
his trip. Because paging areas will be already configured using the
samples generated by the inhabitants of Papua. Currently, our
proposition is the "unique" policy (as far as I know) which has this
property. I think this is because there wasn't such a need before
Mobile IP.

But, in another scenario (movements inside a building for
example), one can imagine other policies which might be more
efficient than our proposition (more efficient in terms of paging
area shape, registration rate etc).

One can think of our proposition as a policy mostly suitable for
"public access networks".

From this point of view, it seems like we've monopolized the
term "dynamic paging area configuration" which is in fact
generic. I think we can change the title of our draft if WG
consensus says to do so.

> One of the major advantages of IP paging over strictly L2 paging is the
> ability to do dynamic paging area configuration.

So, if IP paging becomes a real success, this may have a major
influence on the way the L2 engineers and cellular operators think?
I mean, in this case L2 paging areas may disappear in the future?
(the role of L2 being dormant mode support in a given subnet).

What do you think?

(please note that this is just a question, not an argument)

If this is possible, one should think of dynamic paging area
configuration (in its generic sense)  as the key factor in IP paging
protocol design.

Comments? Thanks.


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