[secdir] [new-work] WG Review: Babel routing protocol (babel)
The IESG <iesg@ietf.org> Tue, 07 June 2016 17:58 UTC
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The Babel routing protocol (babel) WG in the Routing Area of the IETF is undergoing rechartering. The IESG has not made any determination yet. The following draft charter was submitted, and is provided for informational purposes only. Please send your comments to the IESG mailing list (iesg@ietf.org) by 2016-06-14. Babel routing protocol (babel) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Current status: BOF WG Chairs: Donald Eastlake <d3e3e3@gmail.com> Russ White <russ@riw.us> Assigned Area Director: Alia Atlas <akatlas@gmail.com> Routing Area Directors: Alia Atlas <akatlas@gmail.com> Alvaro Retana <aretana@cisco.com> Deborah Brungard <db3546@att.com> Mailing list: Address: babel@ietf.org To subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/babel Archive: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/babel/ Charter: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-babel/ Babel is a loop-avoiding, distance vector routing protocol with good provisions for dynamically computed link metrics. It is robust even in the presence of link metric oscillations and the failure of transitivity. The core of the Babel protocol and security extensions are described in Experimental Independent Stream RFCs 6126, 7557, and 7298. These RFCs are the basis of three independent, open source implementations. There is some production deployment of these implementations, notably in hybrid networks (networks that include classical, wired parts with meshy radio bits) and in global overlay networks (networks built out of large numbers of tunnels spanning continents). The Working Group will focus on moving the Babel protocol to IETF Proposed Standard with IETF review. This includes clarifying RFC 6126 and integrating RFC 7557 and feedback provided by independent implementations, and resolving comments. It is not a requirement that the Babel protocol produced is backwards compatible with RFC 6126. It is a requirement that Babel support at least one profile that is auto-configuring. Other documents that are relevant to the above work can also be produced. Particular emphasis will be placed on work needed for a Proposed Standard routing protocol, such as ensuring manageability and strong security. Link metric measurement or link metric calculation procedures significantly more complex that those currently in Babel are out of scope. Work Items: - Produce a revision of RFC 6126 suitable for publication as a Proposed Standard -- incorporate in the revision developments since RFC 6126 -- resolve technical issues found -- include in the base specification the extensibility work in RFC 7557 -- support auto-configuration -- consider any important changes based on experience with Babel to date. - Address security needs for BABEL. This may include using the techniques in RFC 7298, or other alternatives. Security may be included in the base spec or the base spec may normatively reference a separate Proposed Standard specification. This is required as part of moving Babel to Proposed Standard. - Address manageability of Babel by producing an informational model for use by other network management such as the Broadband Forum TR-069, and a YANG data module based on that information model. The former supports the case where the Customer-Premise Equipment (CPE) is managed by the Service Provider (SP) as is done today. The latter YANG model supports management of home gateway routers and is consistent with the ongoing effort to use YANG data modules in the Routing Area. This work is required as part of moving Babel to Proposed Standard. - As the Proposed Standard version of Babel is completed, an Applicability Statement should be finalized to guide those potentially interested in deploying Babel. This Applicability Statement may include deployment advice and will be published as an RFC. - Coordinate with other Working Groups, such as the HOMENET WG for likely applicability, the RTGWG and V6OPS WG about Source-Specific Routing to support IPv6 multihoming, the PIM WG for discussion around multicast, and the MANET WG for considerations around wireless. - Liaise as necessary with the Broadband Forum to facilitate use of the Babel management Information Model for TR-069. - The Working Group should document its ongoing implementation experience with Babel, so that new WG participants can understand the state that is driving this work and the experience driving changes. This documentation may be on the Working Group's wiki, in an internet-draft that isn't expected to be published as an RFC, or a combination. - As a secondary focus, the Working Group may work on multicast aspects of Babel. This may include discussion of any potential issues for supporting Babel running with PIM-SM in an auto-configuration profile. It may include exploring Babel carrying separate metrics for multicast. It may include discussion and consultation with the PIM WG about Babel providing the ability to build multicast routing tables. With AD and WG agreement, once an approach is understood, then a milestone may be added for an associated document targeted as Proposed Standard. - As a secondary focus, the Working Group may work on documents defining source specific routing extensions for Babel as a way of handling IPv6 multihoming. Thus, the Working Group will produce a Proposed Standard Babel specification, including or paired with a suitable Proposed Standard specification covering the security mechanism(s) for BABEL. It will also produce a management information and data model for BABEL as a Proposed Standard RFC. An applicability statement will be produced as an Informational RFC. Milestones: Jul 2016 - WG adoption of Babel Applicability draft Jul 2016 - WG adoption of RFC6126bis Oct 2016 - WG adoption of Babel Management (Info Model & YANG Model) draft Jul 2017 - IESG Submission of RFC6126bis and potentially companion security mechanisms draft Jul 2017 - IESG Submission of Babel Management draft Aug 2017 - IESG Submission of Babel Applicability draft _______________________________________________ new-work mailing list new-work@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/new-work