Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tunnel-11
Charles Shen <> Sun, 20 June 2010 03:52 UTC
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Subject: Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tunnel-11
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Hi Yaron, thank you for your careful review. Please see comments inline. On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 3:58 AM, Yaron Sheffer <> wrote: > I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's > ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. > These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the security > area directors. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these > comments just like any other last call comments. > > This draft discusses the problem of NSIS messages (particularly, QoS > reservation flows) being encapsulated into various IP tunneling protocols, > which prevent the correct QoS setup from being performed. The draft proposes > a solution for NSIS tunnel-aware tunnel endpoints, which basically adds an > NSIS signaling flow between the tunnel endpoints, but outside of the tunnel. > > General > > The draft presents the problem, and the solution, reasonably well. > > The draft goes for the "no new security issues" approach. I think this is > incorrect, and in fact a number of security issues should be analyzed and > possibly resolved. In addition, as a complete outsider to NSIS, I have > identified one major unspecified piece, leading me to believe that the draft > has not had enough review. > > Security > > The main security issue is that the draft fails to consider > security-oriented tunnels. IPsec tunnels (and the commonly used > GRE-over-IPsec) provide security services: normally encryption and integrity > protection with ESP, less commonly integrity-protection only with AH, ESP > with null encryption, or the new WESP (RFC 5840). The proposed solution > raises at least three major security issues related to these tunnels: > > 1. A so-called covert channel that results from NSIS flows in the protected > networks directly triggering NSIS protocol exchanges in an unprotected > network (i.e. between the tunnel endpoints). Please see Appendix B.1 of > draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-tunnel-08 for treatment of a similar issue. > With regard to this specific draft, I see the problem as a more generic issue which exists also for other protocols (e.g., RSVP) requiring per-hop processing to interact with IPSec. E.g., RFC4302 mentions that "NOTE: Use of the Router Alert option is potentially incompatible with use of IPsec. Although the option is immutable, its use implies that each router along a packet's path will "process" the packet and consequently might change the packet.". I think that mentioning of this potential incompatibility will be beneficial. But I don't quite see how "limiting the bandwidth of the covert channel" as discussed in Appendix B.1 of draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-tunnel-08 can be applied here. Please correct me if I were wrong. > 2. A more serious interaction in the other direction: unprotected NSIS flows > outside the tunnel interact with NSIS flows in the protected networks and > inside the tunnel, and so, an attacker in the unprotected network can > possibly influence QoS behavior in protected networks. > > 3. A practical result of (2) is that the NSIS protocol stack on the tunnel > endpoint is now exposed to unprotected networks and therefore suddenly > becomes security-critical. > IMHO, if we have a segment of the path which is compromised, the QoS of the rest of the path segments (and the end-to-end QoS) can be easily affected anyway, whether you have a tunnel segment in the path or not. Therefore, it doesn't seem to me as a new threat introduced by this document per se. But it will certainly also be helpful to mention this scenario in the security considerations section. > Non-Security > > The draft defines extra UDP encapsulation in some cases ("the tunnel > entry-point inserts an additional UDP header"), but the format > (specifically, the port number) is not specified. This omission is strange, > because the protocol cannot be implemented in the absence of this > information! > To me this is an intended feature. The mechanism does not require a pre-allocated fixed UDP port, but allows the port to be dynamically chosen and conveyed during the tunnel flow/session binding operations. Thanks Charles
- [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tunnel-… Yaron Sheffer
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Yaron Sheffer
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Charles Shen
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Charles Shen
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Yaron Sheffer
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Yaron Sheffer
- Re: [secdir] SecDir review of draft-ietf-nsis-tun… Charles Shen