[secdir] Finding lunch vs. ordering pizzas for secdir at IETF 78
"Polk, William T." <william.polk@nist.gov> Mon, 26 July 2010 11:02 UTC
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From: "Polk, William T." <william.polk@nist.gov>
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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 07:02:19 -0400
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Folks, Sean and I have been thinking about lunch options for tomorrow's lunch. The lunch process at MECC was pretty slow today (close to 30 minutes total for me to get a burger), and there are not a lot of other options around. I checked the hotel (too slow, too expensive) and the little bar outside in the MECC (only cheese sandwiches). The MECC should be vastly improved tomorrow (see Alexa's message below), but we could also arrange to have some random pizzas delivered. (I have no idea where we would order the pizzas or what types will be available, so this is probably not an option for folks that are particular about their pizzas!) If enough folks contact me by the end of afternoon session III, I will order pizzas and folks can just contribute if they eat the pizza. Everyone would still need to pick up a drink on their own at the MECCcafe; sodas and waters would make this way too complicated. I will follow up with an email to confirm the order OR let everyone know they are on their own at the end of today's sessions. Thanks, Tim Polk ________________________________________ From: 78all-bounces@ietf.org [78all-bounces@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Alexa Morris [amorris@amsl.com] Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 6:27 AM To: 78all@ietf.org Subject: [78all] Lunch at MECC Starting tomorrow, there will be two additional cash registers available to pay for lunch (making a total of five). The registers are being shipped in from another facility. In addition, some of the handheld credit card swipers were not working properly today; these will be repaired by tomorrow. Finally, we will be reconfiguring the space itself in order to create more room to move about as you make your lunch selection. We anticipate that this will make the process much smoother for the rest of the week. Alexa ----------- Alexa Morris / Executive Director / IETF 48377 Fremont Blvd., Suite 117, Fremont, CA 94538 Phone: +1.510.492.4089 / Fax: +1.510.492.4001 Email: amorris@amsl.com Managed by Association Management Solutions (AMS) Forum Management, Meeting and Event Planning www.amsl.com <http://www.amsl.com/> _______________________________________________ 78all mailing list 78all@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/78all
- [secdir] Finding lunch vs. ordering pizzas for se… Polk, William T.