[secdir] Time to recharter CFRG as a working group? Was: Re: [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some crypto drafts
"StJohns, Michael" <msj@nthpermutation.com> Sun, 10 March 2019 22:45 UTC
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From: "StJohns, Michael" <msj@nthpermutation.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 18:45:08 -0400
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To: Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie>
Cc: CFRG <cfrg@irtf.org>, "RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)" <rfc-ise@rfc-editor.org>, secdir <secdir@ietf.org>
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Subject: [secdir] Time to recharter CFRG as a working group? Was: Re: [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some crypto drafts
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I’ve been wondering for a while now whether it’s time to move the CFRG over to the IETF as a working group. Stephen’s comment on routing stuff directly to the CFRG suggests to me that it’s probably time or RSN. In recent years, the CFRG has produced documents that are for lack of a better phrase de facto standards. The rate of document production of the CFRG mimics more closely that of a WG than the other extant RGs AFAICT. As an RG the CFRG isn’t permitted to publish standards track documents, nor is the IESG or the ISE permitted or constrained to require a conflict review on the documents the CFRG does produce. [the latter comment is my understanding of the rules of the research stream - it may be flawed, but the purpose of RGs is supposed to be looking at futures and that by definition shouldn’t be conflicting with the nows]. An alternative might be to charter a crypto standards WG and try to keep the CFRG focused on years out - say how the heck do we deal with the quantum apocalypse? Or keep the math in CFRG and the on the wire specs for using in a WG. Discuss! Mike On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 17:48 Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie> wrote: > > Hiya, > > On 10/03/2019 20:57, Tony Arcieri wrote: > > > > I think there are significant compelling reasons to prefer OCB mode > > over pretty much all other existing modes: > > FWIW, I don't, because we're not dealing with a clean slate. > > In the IETF context, whether or not OCB is a bit better > then currently deployed modes is not an interesting > question. > > One interesting question might be: is OCB so much better > that it could we displace uses of some existing mode with > OCB. That seems unlikely to me for the widely used modes. > > Another interesting question might be: is OCB so much > better that we want to deploy it alongside current modes. > I don't see the overall benefit of that myself. > > So even though I'm happy to accept that OCB has better > properties than e.g. GCM, I don't think it's so much > better that RFCs for it are that useful. > > That said, if the RFC for such a thing said "this is nice > for brand new stuff (although library support will be less > comprehensive) but is not worth the costs associated > with adding it to existing protocols" then I'd be less > against such RFCs being produced. Understandably enough, > that kind of statement doesn't get added to such RFCs;-) > > S. > > PS: In case the ISE is still listening, the above is a > reason why I think having CFRG produce this kind of RFC > (instead of routing 'em via the ISE) would be a better > plan. CFRG could (I think) likely reach better informed > judgements (in the open) as to whether or not some crypto > technique is really worth documenting in an RFC. > > > _______________________________________________ > Cfrg mailing list > Cfrg@irtf.org > https://www.irtf.org/mailman/listinfo/cfrg >
- [secdir] ISE seeks help with some crypto drafts RFC ISE (Adrian Farrel)
- Re: [secdir] ISE seeks help with some crypto draf… Paul Wouters
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Salz, Rich
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… David Wong
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… John Mattsson
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Aaron Zauner
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Aaron Zauner
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Aaron Zauner
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… mcgrew
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Aaron Zauner
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Ted Krovetz
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Paul Wouters
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Watson Ladd
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Paul Wouters
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… S Moonesamy
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Uri Blumenthal
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Ted Krovetz
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Uri Blumenthal
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Tony Arcieri
- [secdir] Time to recharter CFRG as a working grou… StJohns, Michael
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Salz, Rich
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Salz, Rich
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… John Mattsson
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Valery Smyslov
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Mathy Vanhoef
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Michael StJohns
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Richard Barnes
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Salz, Rich
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Michael StJohns
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… denis bider
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Richard Barnes
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Michael StJohns
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Paterson Kenneth
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Paul Wouters
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Uri Blumenthal
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Tony Arcieri
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Paterson Kenneth
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… denis bider
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Watson Ladd
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Melinda Shore
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Uri Blumenthal
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… denis bider
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Melinda Shore
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… mcgrew
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… denis bider
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Watson Ladd
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Paul Wouters
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Michael StJohns
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… mcgrew
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Tero Kivinen
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Peter Gutmann
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… StJohns, Michael
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] Time to recharter CFRG as a w… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] ISE seeks help with some crypto draf… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Eric Rescorla
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… mcgrew
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… mcgrew
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Ted Krovetz
- Re: [secdir] [Cfrg] ISE seeks help with some cryp… Benjamin Kaduk