Re: [secdir] SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons-06
Mallikarjun Chadalapaka <> Thu, 04 October 2012 17:34 UTC
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From: Mallikarjun Chadalapaka <>
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Thanks Alexey for the careful review. I will study your comments and respond in a day or two. BTW, I just published a -07 spec two days ago addressing other IESG Last Call comments - the new revision may (or may not) have addressed some of your comments. I'll let you know. Mallikarjun -----Original Message----- From: Alexey Melnikov [] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 6:55 AM To:;; Subject: SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-ietf-storm-iscsi-cons-06 I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the security area directors. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last call comments. This document describes a transport protocol for SCSI that works on top of TCP. Summary Overall this is a very well written document. I also trust that all options were implemented by at least 1 implementation, so the document reflects implementation experience. The Security Considerations section is thorough. iSCSI security partially relies on security provided by IPSec. Unfortunately I do not have the IPSec expertise to determine if all relevant cases were covered, although the text looked plausible. Security considerations for CHAP and SRP authentication mechanisms are discussed in details and seem to be adequate. I've not seen any discussion of KRB5 (mentioned in 12.1) related issues though. I also have other more detailed comments (some of them are security related). They range between minor and nits, although some of them can be reclassified as a bit more important: In Section 2.2: >- SCSI Port Name: A name made up as UTF-8 characters and includes > the iSCSI Name + 'i' or 't' + ISID or Portal Group Tag. The first mention of UTF-8 needs a reference. "UTF-8 characters" should be something like "UTF-8 [UTF-8] encoding of Unicode characters. (There is no such thing as "UTF-8 character") In Section 4.2, 2nd paragraph: > For the remainder of this document, the terms "initiator" and > "target" refer to "iSCSI initiator node" and "iSCSI target node", > respectively (see iSCS) unless otherwise qualified. I didn't find iSCS in the list of acronyms. In Whenever the TaskReporting key (Section 13.23"Task Reporting") is negotiated to ResponseFence or FastAbort for an iSCSI session and the Response Fence behavior is required for a SCSI response message, The last part: how can this be known? the target iSCSI layer MUST perform the actions described in this Section for that session. In Note: - Due to the absence of ACA-related fencing requirements in [RFC3720], initiator implementations SHOULD NOT use ACA on multi-connection iSCSI sessions with targets complying only with [RFC3720]. How can the initiator know whether the target only complies with RFC 3720 or not? Notion of Affected Tasks LOGICAL UNIT RESET: All outstanding tasks from all initiators for the LU identified by the LUN field in the LOGICAL UNIT RESET Request PDU. Are there any access control facilities for this operation? FastAbort Multi-task Abort Semantics Protocol behavior defined in this Section SHOULD be implemented by Why is this a SHOULD (and not a MUST)? What are possible alternatives? all iSCSI implementations complying with this document. Protocol behavior defined in this Section MUST be exhibited by iSCSI implementations on an iSCSI session when they negotiate the TaskReporting (Section 13.23) key to "FastAbort" on that session. The execution of ABORT TASK SET, CLEAR TASK SET, LOGICAL UNIT RESET, TARGET WARM RESET, and TARGET COLD RESET TMF Requests consists of the following sequence of actions in the specified order on the specified party. In Section iSCSI names are composed only of displayable characters. What does "displayable" means here? "ASCII printable"? "Unicode printable"? iSCSI names allow the use of international character sets but are not case sensitive. What does this mean exactly? Do you mean ASCII case sensitivity? Unicode case sensitivity? No whitespace characters are used in iSCSI names. What is "whitespace". U+0020? (ASCII space) Something else? iSCSI Name Encoding The stringprep process is described in [RFC3454]; iSCSI's use of the stringprep process is described in [RFC3722]. Stringprep is a method designed by the Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) working group to translate human-typed strings into a format that can be compared as opaque strings. Strings MUST NOT include punctuation, spacing, diacritical marks, or other characters that could get in the way of readability. This MUST NOT is not well defined. You need to define specific Unicode codepoints or character classes. The stringprep process also converts strings into equivalent strings of lower-case characters. The stringprep process does not need to be implemented if the names are only generated using numeric and lower-case (any character set) alphabetic characters. Lower-case is not well defined, unless you say you mean ASCII or something else. Also, "any character set"? This really doesn't look correct. Once iSCSI names encoded in UTF-8 are "normalized" they may be safely compared byte-for-byte. Nit: I suggest adding "as described in this section" after "normalized" to distinguish this from various forms of Unicode Normalization, etc. In Section To generate names of this type, the person or organization generating the name must own a registered domain name. This domain name does not have to be active, IMHO, the meaning of "active" is not clear here. and does not have to resolve to an address; it just needs to be reserved to prevent others from generating iSCSI names using the same domain name. Every time the document is referring to "hexadecimal" - is the case important or not? In 4.2.9: In situations where IP packets are delivered in order from the network, iSCSI message framing is not an issue and messages are processed one after the other. In the presence of IP packet reordering (i.e., frames being dropped), legacy TCP Nit: What is so "legacy" about these implementations? Please explain or drop "legacy" here. implementations store the "out of order" TCP segments in temporary buffers until the missing TCP segments arrive, upon which the data must be copied to the application buffers. In iSCSI, it is desirable to steer the SCSI data within these out of order TCP segments into the pre-allocated SCSI buffers rather than store them in temporary buffers. This decreases the need for dedicated reassembly buffers as well as the latency and bandwidth related to extra copies. 4.3. iSCSI Session Types The session type is defined during login with key=value parameter in the login command. Using which key? In To enable a SCSI command to be processed while involving a minimum number of messages, the last SCSI Data-in PDU passed for a command may also contain the status if the status indicates termination with no exceptions (no sense or response involved). A forward reference to "sense" would be good here. In 6.1: base64-constant: base64 constant encoded as a string that starts with "0b" or "0B" followed by 1 or more digits or letters or plus or slash or equal. I think you need to include ASCII codes for the above, just to be clear. Also, this is not quite correct, as leading "=" is not valid in base64 encoding, etc. The encoding is done according to [RFC2045] Please reference "Section 4 of [RFC4648]" instead of RFC 2045. RFC 4648 is the most recent RFC for base64 definition. 6.2.1. List negotiations In list negotiation, the originator sends a list of values (which may include "None") in its order of preference. Is "None" a special value that designates an empty list? Or am I misintepreting what it is used for? If an acceptor does not understand any particular value in a list, it MUST ignore it. If an acceptor does not support, does not understand, or is not allowed to use any of the proposed options with a specific originator, it may use the constant "Reject" or terminate the negotiation. The selection of a value not proposed MUST be handled as a protocol error. I suggest inserting "by the initiator" before "as a protocol error". 6.2.2. Simple-value Negotiations Specifically, the two cases in which answers are OPTIONAL are: - The Boolean function is "AND" and the value "No" is received. The outcome of the negotiation is "No". - The Boolean function is "OR" and the value "Yes" is received. The outcome of the negotiation is "Yes". You lost me here, can you provide an example or two? In 6.3: The Login Phase MAY include a SecurityNegotiation stage and a LoginOperationalNegotiation stage and MUST include at least one of them, but the included stage MAY be empty except for the mandatory names. Again, an example (or pointer) here would be useful, as I am not entirely clear what this mean. Security MUST be completely negotiated within the Login Phase. The What is the meaning of the word "Security" in this case? use of underlying IPsec security is specified in Chapter 8 and in [RFC3723]. iSCSI support for security within the protocol only consists of authentication in the Login Phase. In some environments, a target or an initiator is not interested in authenticating its counterpart. It is possible to bypass How? authentication through the Login request and response. In 6.3.1: -Login Response with Login reject. This is an immediate rejection from the target that causes the connection to terminate and the session to terminate if this is the first (or only) connection of a new session. The T bit and the CSG and NSG fields are reserved. What does "reserved" mean in this case? In 6.3.2: It should be noted that the negotiation might also be directed by the target if the initiator does support security, but is not ready to direct the negotiation (propose options). How can this be done? In 6.3.5: Session timeout is an event defined to occur when the last connection state timeout expires and no tasks are waiting for reassignment. This takes the session to the FREE state (N6 transition in the session state diagram). Is the timeout implied or negotiated? In 7.1.4: In the detailed description of the recover classes the mandating terms (MUST, SHOULD, MAY, etc.) indicate normative actions to be executed if the recovery class is supported and used. How is such support shown/negotiated? Recovery Within-command Header digest error, which manifests as a sequence reception timeout or a sequence error - dealt with as specified in Section 7.9, using the option of a recovery R2T. Did you mean 7.9 or 7.8? (Also check elsewhere in the document.) Recovery Within-connection At the initiator, the following cases lend themselves to within- connection recovery: - Requests not acknowledged for a long time. Requests are acknowledged explicitly through ExpCmdSN or implicitly by receiving data and/or status. The initiator MAY retry non- acknowledged commands as specified in Retry an. Sorry, I didn't get what "Retry an" is. In 7.2.2: In reassigning connection allegiance for a command, the targets SHOULD continue the command from its current state. For example, when reassigning read commands, the target SHOULD take advantage of the ExpDataSN field provided by the Task Management function request (which must be set to zero if there was no data transfer) and bring the read command to completion by sending the remaining data and sending (or resending) the status. ExpDataSN acknowledges all data sent up to, but not including, the Data-In PDU and or R2T with DataSN (or R2TSN) equal to ExpDataSN. However, targets may choose to send/receive all unacknowledged data or all of the data on a reassignment of connection allegiance if unable to recover or maintain accurate an state. Nit: Should "an" be dropped? 7.14. Connection Failures iSCSI can keep a session in operation if it is able to keep/establish at least one TCP connection between the initiator and the target in a timely fashion. Targets and/or initiators may recognize a failing connection by either transport level means (TCP), a gap in the command sequence number, a response stream that is not filled for a long time, or by a failing iSCSI NOP (acting as a ping). The latter MAY be used periodically to increase the speed and likelihood of detecting connection failures. Initiators and targets MAY also use the keep-alive option on the TCP connection I think TCP keep-alive option needs a reference here. to enable early link failure detection on otherwise idle links. In 9.2.1: The first mentioning of RADIUS needs an Informative reference. In 9.3.1: - HMAC-SHA1 MUST be implemented [RFC2404]. RFC 2404 seems to define HMAC-SHA-1-96, not HMAC-SHA1. 9.3.2. Confidentiality The NULL encryption algorithm MUST also be implemented. I find it odd that the section talks about how weak DES is and then requires NULL encryption to be supported. What is the reason for this? 9.3.3. Policy, Security Associations, and Cryptographic Key Management - When digital signatures are used to achieve authentication, an IKE negotiator SHOULD use IKE Certificate Request Payload(s) to specify the certificate authority. IKE negotiators SHOULD check the pertinent Certificate Revocation List (CRL) before accepting a PKI certificate for use in IKE authentication procedures. What are the reasons for these requirements being SHOULD level (as opposed to MUST level)? - The following identification type requirements apply to IKEv1. ID_IPV4_ADDR, ID_IPV6_ADDR (if the protocol stack supports IPv6) and ID_FQDN Identification Types MUST be supported; ID_USER_FQDN SHOULD be supported. The IP Subnet, IP Address Range, ID_DER_ASN1_DN, and ID_DER_ASN1_GN Identification Types SHOULD NOT be used. The ID_KEY_ID Identification Type MUST NOT be used. It would be good to know the reason for the last SHOULD NOT and the last MUST NOT. 10.5. Synch and Steering Layer and Performance While a synch and steering layer is optional, Is this section defining "synch and steering layer"? I found the use of this term confusing. an initiator/target that does not have it working against a target/initiator that demands synch and steering may experience performance degradation caused by packet reordering and loss. Providing a synch and steering mechanism is recommended for all high-speed implementations. 10.6.1. Determining the Proper ErrorRecoveryLevel Probability of transport layer "checksum escape". Is this a well known term and if it is, what does it mean? 11.3.1. Flags and Task Attributes (byte 1) bit 3-4 Reserved. Here and everywhere else in the document: what does it mean "reserved"? Do you mean "MUST be set to zero when sent, MUST be ignored when received"? 11.4.4. SNACK Tag For a detailed discussion on R-Data SNACK see SNACK. Is the last "SNACK" supposed to be a proper section reference? SCSI REPORT LUNS and Residual Overflow If the Expected Data Transfer Length (EDTL) in the iSCSI header of the SCSI Command PDU for a REPORT LUNS command is set to at least as large as that ALLOCATION LENGTH, the SCSI layer truncation prevents an iSCSI Residual Overflow from occurring. A SCSI initiator can detect that such truncation has occurred via other information at theS CSI layer. The rest of the Section elaborates s/theS CSI/the SCSI this required behavior. 11.9.2. AsyncVCode AsyncVCode is a vendor specific detail code that is only valid if the AsyncEvent field indicates a vendor specific event. Otherwise, it is reserved. Is there an IANA registry for these? 11.13.8. Login Parameters Keys in Section 12, only need to be supported when the function to which they refer is mandatory to implement. How is this decided? 12.1. AuthMethod Use: During Login - Security Negotiation Senders: Initiator and Target Scope: connection AuthMethod = <list-of-values> The main item of security negotiation is the authentication method (AuthMethod). The authentication methods that can be used (appear in the list- of-values) are either those listed in the following table or are vendor-unique methods: Is there an IANA registry for this? 12.1.2. Secure Remote Password (SRP) For SRP [RFC2945], the initiator MUST use: SRP_U=<U> TargetAuth=Yes /* or TargetAuth=No */ The target MUST answer with a Login reject with the "Authorization Failure" status or reply with: SRP_GROUP=<G1,G2...> SRP_s=<s> How are elements delemited on the wire? 12.1.3. Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) For CHAP [RFC1994], the initiator MUST use: CHAP_A=<A1,A2...> As above: How are elements delemited on the wire? To guarantee interoperability, initiators MUST always offer it as one of the proposed algorithms. "Offer" or "support"? Most Apps protocols describe support, not necessarily requiring that the mandatory-to-implement is enabled in a particular server.
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- Re: [secdir] SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-i… Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
- Re: [secdir] SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-i… Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
- Re: [secdir] Use of StringPrep/Unicode (was Re: S… Black, David
- Re: [secdir] Use of StringPrep/Unicode (was Re: S… Black, David
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- Re: [secdir] SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-i… Alexey Melnikov
- Re: [secdir] SecDir and AppsDir review of draft-i… Mallikarjun Chadalapaka
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