[secdir] secdir review of draft-josefsson-rc4-test-vectors-02

Tom Yu <tlyu@MIT.EDU> Wed, 23 February 2011 04:12 UTC

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The Security Considerations section states:

   The RC4 algorithm does not meet the basic criteria required for an
   encryption algorithm, as its output is distinguishable from random.
   The use of RC4 continue to be recommended against; in particular, its
   use in new specifications is discouraged.  This note is intended only
   to aid the interoperability of existing specifications that make use
   of RC4.

I believe this statement is accurate, and have nothing substantial to
add to it.

Comments not directly relevant to security follow.

Section 5 ("Copying conditions") states:

   This document is intended to be considered a Code Component, and is
   thus effectively available under the Simplified BSD license.

I think it would be reasonable to say that Section 2 qualifies as a
Code Component; the case for the other sections being considered as
Code Components is tenuous, in my opinion.

Editorial: In Section 1, "crypto-analysis" should probably be