[secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gss-eap-08
Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu> Wed, 18 July 2012 04:49 UTC
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From: Jeffrey Hutzelman <jhutz@cmu.edu>
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Subject: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gss-eap-08
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I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the security area directors. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last call comments. This document defines a family of GSS-API mechanisms which wrap EAP, allowing applications which use GSS-API or SASL for authentiation to take advantage of EAP mechanisms. It is a core part of the ABFAB architecture, which brings mechanism-agile federated authentication to a wide variety of applications without requiring that a user's preferred (required) authentication mechanism be supported by the services that he wishes to use. I've talked with the authors and others a lot about how ABFAB in general and this mechanism in particular are supposed to work, so I'm already comfortable with the general approach. Thus, this review will be confined to particular protocol specifics and some editorial issues. This protocol combines existing security protocols and frameworks in new ways, and thus invokes all of the security issues surrounding EAP, the GSS-API, the per-message services of RFC4121, the cryptographic framework defined in RFC3961, and the AES enctype defined in RFC3962. It also introduces new considerations related to layering, combination, and involving additional parties in the authentication process. Many of these are incorporated by reference to the relevant documents, while others are discussed directly. Overall, I think this is basically done. However, I did find a couple of things, included in my comments below, which the authors should probably address before the document is published. In particular, I believe there is a potential gap in the MN format (though this may be deliberate), an ambiguity in how import of Kerberos principal names should be handled, and a missing step in key derivation. I also make suggestions related to mechanism names and to integrity protection of the context establishment; these may be things which the authors have already considered or don't feel it is appropriate to pursue at this time. -- Jeff ======================================== Section 3.1 discusses the format of the GSS-API Mechanism Names (MNs) used by the family of mechanisms defined in this document. However, it sort of glosses over the notion that, in GSS-API jargon, "Mechanism Name" means a name of an initiator or acceptor in a mechanism-specific format, and _not_ the name of a mechanism, as one might otherwise assume. I suggest the following change to the first paragraph of this section: OLD: Before discussing how the initiator and acceptor names are validated in the AAA infrastructure, it is necessary to discuss what composes a name for an EAP GSS-API mechanism. GSS-API permits several types of generic names to be imported using GSS_Import_name(). Once a mechanism is chosen, these names are converted into a mechanism name form. This section first discusses the mechanism name form and then discusses what name forms are supported. NEW: Before discussing how the initiator and acceptor names are validated in the AAA infrastructure, it is necessary to discuss what composes a name for an EAP GSS-API mechanism. GSS-API permits several types of generic names to be imported using GSS_Import_name(). Once a mechanism is chosen, these names are converted into a mechanism-specific name form, called a "Mechanism Name". Note that a Mechanism Name is the name of an initiator or acceptor, not the name of a mechanism. This section first discusses the mechanism name form and then discusses what name forms are supported. ---------------------------------------- At the end of section 3.1, you write "Mechanisms MAY support the GSS_KRB5_NT_KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME name form", but not how names of this form should be converted to GSS-EAP MNs. This results in ambiguities and also some potential for unexpected results, including importing invalid names. Some Kerberos principal names will be invalid as EAP-GSS MNs, particularly, those using principal name forms which contain at-signs or realm name forms contianing slashes (the latter are not likely to be a practical problem, but the former might be). Others will be interpreted not as intended, or may not be appropriate transformations (for example, user "instances" with multiple principal name components). To address this, I would recommend the following: 1) Introduce an escaping syntax, such as the use of backslash as in RFC1964 section 2.1.1, to allow representation of name-strings which contain slash and at-sign characters. 2) Admonish implementations which support importing of names of type GSS_KRB5_NT_KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME that when doing so they must process the escaping described in RFC1964 section 2.1.1 and convert to a canonical form in which only slash, backslash, and at-sign are escaped. 3) Warn that direct import of Kerberos principal names may have unintended effects due to differences in name structure, and that this feature, if implemented, should be used carefully (possibly disabled by default). As an alternative to (1), you could continue to simply prohibit names containing slashes and at-signs as parts of name-strings. In this case, implementations which support import of GSS_KRB5_NT_KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME names MUST verify that the imported name is valid and otherwise fail the import. ---------------------------------------- I am a bit confused by section 3.2. You seem to be saying that the representation of names and components of names transported in other protocols is up to the protocol in question, but that the representation when a name is sent as part of this protocol is UTF-8. However, the ABNF in section 3.1 permits only characters up to 0xff. Is it the intent that MNs be treated as UTF-8 strings? If so, it would be better to specify the MN form in two laters, first indicating that it is a UTF-8 string and then using ABNF to define the permitted sequences of Unicode characters. ---------------------------------------- Why define a family of mechanisms parameterized by enctype, instead of defining a single mechanism, specifying a mandatory-to-implement enctype, and negotiating the enctype to be used as part of context establishment? This would also work around a situation with SASL mechanism naming, which is that you are effectively defining an entire family of GSs-API mechs but specifying SASL mechanism names for only one member of that family. This means that either other enctypes cannot be used at all, or else they must forever have non-friendly names encoded as per RFC5801 section 3.1. Alternately, you could register a family of SASL mechansim names, of the form EAP-<enc> and EAP-<enc>-PLUS, where <enc> is a numeric enctype. This is a bit uglier than EAP-AES128[-PLUS], but prevents future interoperability problems due to SASL mechanism name mismatches and at least is reversible, unlike the RFC5801 section 3.1 encoding. ---------------------------------------- In section 5.4, may the acceptor's message include a vendor subtoken? ---------------------------------------- In section 5.5, what is a "protected result indication" ? ---------------------------------------- Is it possible for the Extensions state to involve more than one round trip? ---------------------------------------- In section 5.6.1, initiators should be REQUIRED to send zeros for all flag bits other than GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG, in order to guarantee that these bits are available for future extension. ---------------------------------------- The MIC token described in section 5.6 currently protects only the extension token containing it. Is there any value to protecting the entire context establishment exchange? ---------------------------------------- In section 6, the descriptions of the derivation of the GMSK and CRK seem incomplete. In particular... - What happens if the EAP master session key is not large enough to satisfy the requirements of the GMSK enctype's random-to-key? - What is the CRK enctype? - I think you mean to indicate that the CRK is the result of applying the CRK enctype's random-to-key to the output of the indicated truncate call. A mere string of random bits is not an RFC3961 protocol key. - The definition of L is garbled. I think you mean it is the length of data required by the CRK enctype's random-to-key. ---------------------------------------- It is frequently important to GSS-API initiators that they are talking to the expected acceptor. In the present mechanism, that requires not only verifying the acceptor/NAS's identity with the EAP server (by means of EAP channel bindings), but also verifying that the verified NAS identity agrees with the GSS-API target name provided by the initiating application, if any. This issue is discussed in detail in sections 3.4 and 3.5, but could bear an additional mention in the security considerations. ======================================== I also found a number of editorial issues: Abstract: "... when using the EAP mechanism" should probably be "when using the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)", at which point the second expansion of EAP could be removed. Section 1, graf 6 (page 5): s/prospective/perspective/ Section 1.3, last graf (page 7): The phrase "security association protocols" is used twice, where I believe "secure association protocols" is intended. Section 3.1 ABNF: This attempts to define name-char to match any character except the slash (/) and at-sign (@), which are used to separate name components. However, it incorrectly prohibits uppercase G (decimal 71, hex 0x47) instead of slash (decimal 47, hex 0x2f). Section 3.1, graf 3 (page 10, after ABNF): In "specifications of this mechanism MUST NOT prepare the user-or-service according to these rules", I think you mean "implementations", not "specifications". Section 3.1, bottom of page 10: s/proceeding/preceeding/ Section 3.3, last graf: "canonicalizing it to a mechanism" should be "canonicalizing it to a mechanism name". Section 3.5, graf 4 (bottom of page 13): In "The EAP server MUST assure", s/assure/ensure/. In section 5, the table describing the format of an innerToken shows the first subtoken body as occupying octets 10..10+n, which is a total of n+1 bytes. It should be 10+n-1, and the second subtoken type should be at octets 10+n..10+n+3. Sections 5.5.1, 5.5.2; the subtoken types are missing zeros. Section 5.6; this state is variously called Extension (singular) or Extensions (plural). Section 7.2: The GSS mech parameters registry was indeed created by RFC6542. Also, it might be clearer if the last two entries in the table explicitly referred to "this RFC", so someone doesn't think you mean RFC4121 section 5. Section 7.3: The table should be sorted by type, not defining section. Section 7.4: draft-ietf-radext-radius-extensions is up to -06, and the relevant section is now 10.3, not 9.3. Section 7.5: s/EAP-ES128/EAP-AES128/ Section 10.1: Do you need a normative reference to RFC3962?
- [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gss-ea… Jeffrey Hutzelman
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gs… Sam Hartman
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gs… Jeffrey Hutzelman
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gs… Sam Hartman
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gs… Sean Turner
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-abfab-gs… Sam Hartman