Re: [secdir] Secdir review of draft-ietf-lmap-framework-08
Benoit Claise <> Tue, 17 February 2015 18:24 UTC
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Thanks Radia for your review. The authors have posted the v10. I believe it addresses your feedback.!&url2=draft-ietf-lmap-framework-10 I would appreciate if you could double-check. Regards, Benoit > I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's > ongoing > effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. Document > editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last > call comments. > > Summary: It's fine, though I couldn't resist making a few suggestions. > > LMAP is apparently a strained acronym for "Large-scale Measurement of > Access > network Performance", a collection of protocols designed for measuring the > capacity and responsiveness of connectivity provided by broadband ISPs, > though there may have been some feature creep as the protocols are > sufficiently general to be used for other things. This document is a > framework document defining terms and providing an overview of the > intended > deployment model (and intended to be INFORMATIONAL). There are companion > I-Ds specifying individual protocols in more detail. As such, most of the > security considerations would be discussed in those documents, though this > overview document provides an overview of the types of security > considerations to be discussed in those documents. > > The major components of LMAP are a Measurement Agent (MA) usually residing > on customer premises that runs periodic performance tests and reports > results, a Controller usually residing off-customer-premises that > configures > some large collection of Measurement Agents, and a Collector usually > residing off-customer-premises that receives and records reports from the > Measurement Agents. Those reports may contain statistical data concerning > normal operation of the MA's platform as well as the results of specific > tests. It is the Controller to MA and MA to Collector protocols that will > require rigorous security analysis and which are specified in different > documents within LMAP. The protocols whose performance is measured may > also > require a rigorous security analysis, but they are defined outside of > LMAP. > > The security considerations section lists the sorts of issues that > will need > to be dealt with in the other documents. It does not go into how those > issues are addressed; presumably the companion documents do. There is > a much > longer privacy considerations section that enumerates an intimidating > set of > potential privacy abuses that need to be mitigated. > > An important security consideration that I didn't see was dealing with the > case of a corrupted MA that reports falsified information to the > collector. > This might occur in the case where a customer wants it to appear that the > ISP is not meeting its commitments when in fact the ISP is. Whether > this can > be effectively mitigated depends on the platform on which the MA is > deployed, but where the MA is deployed on a customer-controlled > platform it > must be recognized that the data collected is to some degree inherently > untrustworthy. This means, for example, that in such configurations > the data > should not be used as the basis for a customer to get refunds of > subscription fees. > > I saw two questionable aspects of the design (at this level of > abstraction). > > The first has to do with who initiates the Controller to MA > connection. This > spec seems to imply that the connection can be initiated from either > end... > the Controller can initiate a connection to the MA when it wants to update > the MA's configuration and the MA and initiate a connection to the > controller to report errors and log debugging information. This is > problematic for several reasons. Most importantly, in many scenarios > the MA > might move around and therefore be difficult for the Controller to > find; or > it might be behind a NAT or other firewall and might not be capable of > accepting incoming connections (at least not without a lot of additional > effort). If all such connections were initiated by the MA, including a > polling interval configured by the controller, such configuration > issues go > away. > > Alternately, if the Controller initiated all connections, it becomes much > easier to protect the Controller from DoS attacks, since it is generally > much easier to attack a server than a client. But having connections being > initiated from both directions gives the worst of both worlds. > > The second has to do with the MA sending error and log reports to the > Controller. While it makes sense for the MA to report errors that occur in > processing Controller Instructions in the responses to those commands, > errors and logged events that occur asynchronously would seem (to me > anyway) > as more naturally being sent to the Collector, since its job is to harvest > massive amounts of information from lots of MAs. It is likely to be more > highly replicated and load balanced than the Controller, and thus more > capable of handling bursty loads. But this has little to do with security, > and I throw it out only for your consideration. > > Radia
- [secdir] Secdir review of draft-ietf-lmap-framewo… Radia Perlman
- Re: [secdir] Secdir review of draft-ietf-lmap-fra… philip.eardley
- Re: [secdir] Secdir review of draft-ietf-lmap-fra… Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
- Re: [secdir] Secdir review of draft-ietf-lmap-fra… Benoit Claise