Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-jcardcal-jcal-09
Philipp Kewisch <> Thu, 20 March 2014 22:58 UTC
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Hi Klaas, thank you for your corrections. Here is my feedback: > - Paragraph 3 (converting from iCal to jCal): > > The text looks very much like production rules, why not give ABNF? (Ah wait, now that I have read the full document I see that that appears in Appendix B, I think you should at least point to Appendix B here) The ABNF is considered informative, I was told for jCard that not too much weight should be put into it. Nevertheless, I am happy to mention it if you like. How is this for the introduction to section 3? OLD This section describes how iCalendar data is converted to jCal using a simple mapping between the iCalendar data model and JSON elements. NEW This section describes how iCalendar data is converted to jCal using a simple mapping between the iCalendar data model and JSON elements. Aside from the formal description in this section, an informative ABNF is specified in Appendix B. END > - Paragraph 3.4 and onwards > > It is unclear to me when you write for example "Each individual iCalendar property is represented in jCal by …" whether you really mean to write: "Each individual iCalendar property MUST be represented in jCal by…." > I assume you want to be normative in specifying the format? Thanks, I've changed it (almost) as you suggested. OLD Each individual iCalendar property is represented in jCal by an array with three fixed elements, followed by one or more additional elements, depending on if the property is a multi-value property as described in Section 3.1.2 of [RFC5545]. NEW In jCal, each individual iCalendar property MUST be represented by an array with three fixed elements, followed by one or more additional elements, depending on if the property is a multi-value property as described in Section 3.1.2 of [RFC5545]. END > - Paragraph 9.2 should RFC4627 not be a normative rather than informative reference? Yes, indeed. I've changed this and also updated references to rfc7159. While doing this I noticed that we referenced a regex that was in rfc4627 but no longer in rfc7159. I've made some changes: OLD With this in mind, a parser for JSON data should be used for jCal that is aware of the security implications. For example, the use of JavaScript's eval() function is only allowed using the regular expression in Section 6 of [RFC4627]. A native parser with full awareness of the JSON format should be preferred. NEW With this in mind, a parser for JSON data should be used for jCal that is aware of the security implications. For example, the use of JavaScript's eval() function is considered an unacceptable security risk, as described in [RFC7159], Section 12. A native parser with full awareness of the JSON format should be preferred. END Regards, Philipp
- [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-jcardcal-jca… Klaas Wierenga (kwiereng)
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-jcardcal… Barry Leiba
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-jcardcal… Philipp Kewisch
- Re: [secdir] secdir review of draft-ietf-jcardcal… Klaas Wierenga (kwiereng)